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M6 10-10 Nervous

M6 10-10 by Mary K

Central Nervous System includes the... brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System all nerves
ANS Stands for? Autonomic Nervous System
Neurons have 3 MAIN parts they are? Dendrites, Cell body of neuron, and Axon
Axons conduct impulses____from cell body of neuron AWAY
There are three different types of Neurons they are... 1. Sensory (afferent) 2. Motor (efferent) 3. Interneurons
Sensory (afferent) Neuron Conducts impulses to the spinal cord and brain.
Motor (efferent) Neuron Conduct impulses AWAY from brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands.
Interneurons Conduct impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons
Glia (neuralgia) Support cells, bringing the cells of nervous tissue together structurally and functionally.
Three main types of glial cells of the CNS 1. Astrocytes 2. Microglia 3. Oligodendrocytes
Nerve Bundle of peripheral axons
Tract Bundle of central axons
White Matter Tissue comopsed primarily of myelinated axons (nerves or tracts)
Gray Matter Tissue composed primarily of cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers.
Nerve Coverings Fibrous connective tissue
Endoneurium Surrounds individual fibers within a nerve
Perineurium Surrounds a group (fascicle) of nerve fibers.
Reflex Arcs Nerve impulses are conducted from receptors to effectors over neuron pathways or reflex arcs; conduction by a reflex arc results in a reflex (that is, contraction by a muscle or secretion by a gland)
Cranial Nerve #1 is Olfactory - Sense of Smell
Cranial Nerve #2 is Optic - Vision
Cranial Nerve #3 is Oculomotor - Eye Movements
Cranial Nerve #4 is Trochlear - Eye Movements
Cranial Nerve #5 is Trigeminal - Sensations of face, scalp, and teeth; chewing movements.
Cranial Nerve #6 is Abducens - Eye Movements
Cranial Nerve #7 is Facial - Sense of taste, contraction of muscles of facial expression
Cranial Nerve #8 is Vestibulocochlear - Hearing, sense of balance
Cranial Nerve #9 is Glossopharyngeal - Sensations of throat, taste, swallowing movemets, secretion of saliva.
Cranial Nerve #10 is Vagus - Sensations of throat and larynx and of thoracic and abdominal organs; swallowing, voice production, slowing of heartbeat, acceleration of peristalsis.
Cranial Nerve #11 is Accessory - From brain to certain shoulder and neck muscles.
Cranial Nerve #12 is Hypoglossal - Tongue Movements
How many Cranial nerves are there? 12
How many Spinal nerves are there? 31 pairs
Anosmia Complete or partial loss of smell.
Nodes of Ranvier The nerve impulse “jumps” across this gap. This jumping is known as saltatory conduction. Transmits the nerve impulse faster.
Cranial Nerve I is the only CN that arises directly from what? The Brain
CN2-CN12 Arise from what? The Brainstem
Everything that is interpreted in the brain is interpreted in the______. Cortex
Cranial nerves 3,4,6 are responsible for what kind of movement. Eye Movement
True or False? The Cranial Nerve 5 (AKA Trigeminal) is the largest CN. TRUE
The Trigeminal (CN 5) Carries sensation from parts of the __________. Face and Eye
What is Bell's Palsy? Temporary facial paralysis resulting from damage or trauma to one or two of the facial nerves.
The Vagus nerve is a _____ nerve. involves both the somatic and autonomic nervous system.
The LONGEST cranial nerve is the ???? Vagus Nerve
Cranial Nerve 11 is also called the _____. Accesory helps you shrug
The TIP of the tongue helps us taste? SWEET!!
The sides of the tongue are where we taste??? Sour
The entire tongue registers.... SALTY flavors yarrrr
The back of the tongue enables us to taste? BITTER....bitter beer face?
Neurons conduct Impulses and Glia support.....? Neurons
Myelinated nerves are____matter. White
Unmyelinated nerves are ____ matter. Gray
True or False? The nerve impulse must travel the entire length of the axon. True
Synaptic conduction involves 3 parts: Presynaptic neuron. Synaptic cleft. Postsynaptic neuron.
The presynaptic neuron is the.... Transmitting Neuron
Synaptic cleft is the? tiny space between neurons.
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine diffuses and.... the impulse leaps this space.
The postsynaptic neuron is the..... receiving neuron!!
The most numerous type of synapse is the chemical synapse
Two factors influence the rate of conduction of the impulse: The axon’s diameter. The presence (or absence) of a myelin sheath.
Reflex Arc The simplest of nerve pathways. Mediates a reflex action. Neurons do not pass directly into the brain, but synapse in the spinal cord.
Most high-level brain functions take place in the_______. Cerebrum
Its two large hemispheres make up approximately 85 percent of the brain's weight Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex The exterior surface of the cerebrum
It is convoluted, folded, grayish layer of cell bodies known as the gray matter.... Cerebral Cortex
The gray matter covers an underlying mass of fibers called the_______. white matter
Most high-level brain functions take place in the_______. Cerebrum
Its two large hemispheres make up approximately 85 percent of the brain's weight Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex The exterior surface of the cerebrum
It is convoluted, folded, grayish layer of cell bodies known as the gray matter.... Cerebral Cortex
The gray matter covers an underlying mass of fibers called the_______. white matter
Most high-level brain functions take place in the_______. Cerebrum
Its two large hemispheres make up approximately 85 percent of the brain's weight Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex The exterior surface of the cerebrum
It is convoluted, folded, grayish layer of cell bodies known as the gray matter.... Cerebral Cortex
The gray matter covers an underlying mass of fibers called the_______. white matter
Approximately _______ of the cortical surface is hidden in the folds two-thirds
Cerebrum is divided into five lobes: Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital Insula
Frontal Lobe Play a part in: Impulse control. Judgment. Language production. Working memory. Motor function. Sexual behavior. Socialization. Spontaneity. The frontal lobes assist in planning, coordinating, controlling, and executing behavior.
Pareital Lobe Plays important roles in: Integrating sensory information from various parts of the body. Knowledge of numbers and their relations. Manipulation of objects. Portions of the parietal lobe are involved with spatial processing.
Temporal Lobe Sound processing is controlled by the temporal lobes. Center for hearing, taste and smell. Temporal lobe of the dominant hemisphere receives and interprets sounds as words (Auditory receptive aphasia).
Occipital Lobe Functional visual areas.
Insula Process convergent information to produce an emotionally relevant context for sensory experience.
Cerebellum Coordinates body movements. MAIN CENTER FOR MUSCLE CONTROL (SKILLED) Located at the lower back of the brain beneath the occipital lobes, the cerebellum is divided into two lateral (side-by-side) lobes.
All motor activity, from hitting a baseball to fingering a violin, depends on the______? cerebellum.
The Thalamus Two rounded masses of gray tissue lying within the middle of the brain.
FACT: Thalamus The main relay station for incoming sensory signals to the cerebral cortex and for outgoing motor signals.
Control of many of the body's vital drives and activities, such as eating, drinking, temperature regulation, sleep, emotional behavior, and sexual activity. The Hypothalamus
Created by: 670441040
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