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NachAttack Diabetes

Diabetes Terms

Diabetes Mellitus a metabolic disorder of the pancreas, affects carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism
Metabolic syndrome cluster of physiologic alterations that includes obesity, HTN, elevated tryglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, blood glucode levels and low hi density lipoprotein.
Pre-Diabetes condition characterized by impaired fasting glucose(level of 100-125mg/dl after overnight fast), impaired glucose tolerance (140-199 after 2 hr GTT) or both
hyperglycemia elevated blood glucose level
lipolysis breakdown of fat resulting in the accumulation of fatty acids.
Ketones metabolic biproducts of fat metabolism .ketoacidosis
insulin restistance decreased sensitivity to insulin at the tissue level
glycosuria glucose in the urine
renal Threshold ability to reabsorb glucose and return it to the bloodstream
polyuria excessive urine production
polydipsia excessive thirst
eating alot/really hungry
Kussmaul Respirations deep, fast labored breathing
tight glucose control maintaining near-normal blood glucose levels by taking short acting insulin throughout the day and intermediate acting insulin at bedtime.
glycemic index how fast a carbohydrate food is likely to raise blood sugar levels
insulin independence client's own naturally produced insulin will regulate blood glucose within constantly normal levels
lipoatrophy breakdown of subcutaneous fat at the site of repeated injections
lipohypertrophy buildup of subcutaneous fat at the site of repeated injections
Rule of 15 The rule of giving 15 grams of rapidly absorbing carbohydrates if hypoglycemia develop
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome acute complication of diabetes which is characterized with hyperglycemia without ketosis.
hypoglycemia a low blood glucose level
Neuropath a general term that refers to pathologic changes in the nerves.
diabetic retinopathy pathologic changes to the retina that are experiencienced by persons with diabetes
Created by: NachAttack
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