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Test 2:

chapters 27,46,18,20,34,8,26,37,38

aerobic bacteria bacteria that require oxygen to live and grow
anaerobic bacteria bacteria that can live without oxygen
antibody immunoglobin produced by the body in response to a specific antigen
antigen foreign material capable of inducing a specific immune response
antimicrobial antibacterial agent that kills bacteria or suppresses their growth
asepsis absence of disease-producing microorganisms;using methods to prevent infection
bacteria the most significant and most commonly observed infection-causing agents
disinfection process used to destroy microorganisms;destroys all pathogenic organisms except spores
endogenous infection in which the causative organism comes from microbial life the person himself or herself harbors
exogenous infection in which the causative organism is acquired form outside the host
fungi plant-like organisms that can cause infection (yeast and molds)
healthcare-associated infection nonsocomial;an infection that was not present on admision to the hospital and develops during the course of treatment for other conditions
host animal or person on or within which microorganisms live
iatrogenic infection that occurs as a results of a treatment of diagnostic procedure
infection disease state resulting from pathogens in or on the body
isolation protective procedure designed to prevent the transmision of specific microorganisms;also called protective aseptic techniques or barrier techniques
medical asespsis practices designed to reduce the number and transfer of pathogens;clean technique
nosocomial somethin originating or taking place in the hospital;hospital acquired infections
pathogens disease-producing microorganism
reservoir natural habitat for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms
standard precautions CDC precautions used in the care of all patients regardless of their diagnosis or possible infection status;this category combines universal and body substance precautions
sterilization the process by which all mircroorganisms, including spores, are destroyed
surgical asepsis practices that render and keep objects and areas free from microorganisms;sterile technique
transmission-based precautions CDC precautions used in patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens that can be transmitted by airborne, droplet, or contact routes;used in addition to standard precautions
vector nonhuman carriers, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and lice, that transmit organisms from one host to another
virulence ability to produce disease
virus smallest of all microorganisms; can be seen only by using an elctron microscope
Acid substance containing a hydrogen ion that can be liberated or released
acidosis condition characterized by a proportionate excess of hydrogen ions in the ECF, in which the pH falls below 735
actice transport movement of ions or molecules across cell membranes, usualy against a pressure gradient and with the expenditure of metabolic energy
agglutinin an antibody that causes a clumping of specific antigens
alkalosis condition, characterized by a proportionate lack of hydrogen ions in the ECF concentration, in which the pH exceeds 745
anions ion that carries a negative electric charge
antibody immunoglobin produced by the body in response to a specific antigen
antigen foreign material capable of inducing a specidic immune response
autologous transfusion occurs when a patient donates his or her own blood for transfusion
base substance that can accept of trap a hydrogen ion; synonym for alkali
buffer substance that prevents body fluid from becoming overly acid or alkali
cation ion that carries a positive electric charge
colloid osmotic pressure pressure exerted by plasma proteins on permeable membranes in the body; synonym for oncotic pressure
crossmatching act of determining the compatibility of two blood specimens
diffusion tendecy of solutes to move freely throughout a solvent from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is established
edema accumulation of fluid in extracellular spaces
electrolytes substance capable of breaking into ions and developing an electric charge when dissolved in solution
filtration passage of a fluid through a permeable membrance whose spaces do not allow certain solutes to pass; passage is from an area of higer pressure to one of lower pressure
hydrostatic pressure force exerted by a fluid against the container wall
hypertonic having a greater concentration that the solution with which it is being compared
hypervolemia excess of plasma
hypotonic having a lesser concentration that the solution with which it is being compared
hypovolemia deficiency of blood plasma
ion atom or molecule carrying an exectric chage in solution
isotonic having about the same concentration as the solution with which it is being compared
osmolarity concentration of particles in a solution, or a solution's pulling power
osmosis passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from an area of lesser concentration to an area of greater concentration until equilibrium is established
pH expression of hydrogen ion concentration and resulting acifity of a substance
solutes substance dissolved in a solution
solvents liquid holding a substance in solution
typing determining a person's blood type
accommodation alteration of existing thoought processes to manage more complex information;process by which intellectual acts are changed to handle increasingly complex information
assimilation proccess of integrating new experiences into existing schemata; process by which a person interprets information to fit the current level of congnition
cognitive development learning that occurs as a result of internal organization of an event, which forms a mental plan and serves as a base for further schemata as one grows and develops(Piaget's theory of cognitive development)
development increase in the complexity of function and progression to skill advancement
developmental tasks successful achievement of psychomotor, psychosocial, or cognitive skills at certain periods in life; failure to obtain the developmental task can leada to unhappiness and difficulty with later tasks
faith spiritual dimensions of a persons life regardless of religious affiliation; confident belief in somehting for which there is no proof or material evidence
genomics the study of the structure and interactions of all genes in the human body, including the interactions with each other as well as the environment
growth an increase in body size or changes in body cell structure, function, and complexity
moral development influence of cultural effects on ones perceptions of justice in interpersonal relationships
Created by: elbelmor
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