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GI midterm

4 functions of digestive system ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination
Absorption process by which the end products of digestion move across the walls of the digestive tract into the blood for distribution throughout the body
4 layers of digestive tract mucosa, submucosa, muscle layer, serosa
Mucosa innermost layer of the digestive tract and is composed of mucous membrane. Glands secrets mucus, digestive enzymes and hormones.
Submucosa thick layer of loose connective tissue lies next to mucosa. It contains blood vessels, nerves, glands, and lymphatic vessels.
Muscle layer third layer. Two layers of smooth muscles are a inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layers. Responsible for several types of movements in the digestive tract.
Serosa the outermost lining of the digestive tract. It extends to the peritoneal membranes
Peristalsis a rhythmic alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles. It pushes the food through the digestive tract from one segment to the next
PHARYNX or throat. It is involved in swallowing (deglutition)
3 parts of pharyx nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
ESOPHAGUS the “food tube”. It carries the food from the pharynx to the stomach. Approximately 10 inches.
2 esophageal spinchters Pharyngoesophageal & Gastroesophageal sphincter
Pharyngoesophageal sphincter located at the top of the esophagus
Gastroesophageal sphincter or lower esophageal sphincter(LES) ; a thickening at the base of the esophagus
STOMACH a pouchlike organ that lies in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm
5 important digestive functions secretion of gastric (stomach) juice; Secretion of gastric hormones & intrinsic factor; Regulation of the rate @ w/c partially digested food is delivered to sml intestine; Digestion of food; Absorption of small quantities of water and dissolved substances
Regions of the Stomach fundus (top), body (middle) and pylorus (bottom)
Pyloric sphincter located at the end of the pyloric canal and helps regulate the rate of which gastric contents are delivered to the small intestine.
Rugae accordion like folds. It allows the stomach to expand.
Chyme a thick, pastelike mixture is a creation of the stomach that churns and mixes the food with gastric juice
Glands of the stomach mucus cells, chief cells, and parietal cells
chief cells secretes digestive enzymes
parietal cells secretees hcl acid
mucus cells it secretes mucus
When the stomach is not working right ulcer, hiatal hernia, nasogastric tube, gastric resection, pyloric stenosis, gastric hyperactivity
Nasogastric tube to empty the stomach to prevent from vomiting
Gastric resection require a surgical procedure to remove the stomach.
Pyloric stenosis during infancy – projectile vomiting immediately after feeding.
SMALL INTESTINE about 20 feet long. Located in the central and lower abdominal cavity and is held in place by the mesentery; concerned primarily with chemical digestion and the absorption of food
3 parts of small intestine duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Duodenum 1st segment. Means 12. Receives secretions from stomach, liver and gallbladder. Most digestion and absorption occurs here
Ileocecal valve prevents the reflux of contents from the cecum back into the ileum
Peyer’s patches lining of the ileum contains numerous patches of lymphoid tissue
villi Functions of small intestine: forms circular folds with fingerlike projections
LARGE INTESTINE about 5 feet long and extends from ileocecal valve to the anus
parts of large intestine cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal, anus
Appendix attached to cecum. A wormlike structure that contains lymphocytes and is a source of immune cells
Functions of large intestine Absorption of water and certain electrolytes; 2) Synthesis of certain vitamins by intestinal bacteria; 3) Temporary storage site of waste; 4) Elimination of waste from body.
liver functions Synthesis of bile salts and secretion of bile; 2) Synthesis of plasma proteins; storage; detoxification; excretion; metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; phagocytosis
Hepatic bile ducts where bile exists
Bile greenish yellow secretion produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder
Biliary tree ducts that connect the liver, gallbladder and duodenum
Common bile duct carries bile from both the hepatic ducts (liver) and cystic ducts (gallbladder) to the duodenum.
Hepatopancreatic sphincter encircles the base of the ampulla where it enters the duodenum.
Hepatopancreatic ampulla after the common bile duct
GALLBLADER a pear shaped sac attached to the underside of the liver
Cholecystokinin (CCK) fat in the duodenum stimulates to release this hormone. It enters the bloodstream and circulates back to the gallbladder where it cause the smooth muscle of the gallbladder to contract
PANCREAS accessory organ of digestion located just below the stomach. The head of the pancreas rests in the curve of the duodenum and the tail lies near the spleen in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity
PANCREAS secretes an alkaline juice rich in bicarbonate where it neutralizes the highly acidic chime coming from the stomach into the duodenum.
When accessory digestive organs are not working right: Jaundice; Bleeding; Portal hypertension and hemorrhage; Portal hypertension and ascites; Pancreatitis
Jaundice if common bile duct is blocked with stones
Bleeding since bile is necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, it causes diminished absorption of vitamin K.
Amylases breaks the polysaccharide into disaccharides
Proteases digests proteins
Lipases digests fats
UPPER GI TRACT STUDY (BARIUM SWALLOW) an examination of the upper gi tract under fluoroscopy after the client drinks barium sulfate. NPO after midight before the day of the test
LOWER GI TRACT STUDY (BARIUM ENEMA) a flouroscopic and radiographic examination of the large intestine is performed afer rectal instillation of barium sulfate. May be done with or without air
GASTRIC ANALYSIS requires passage of a nasogastric tube into the stomach to aspirate gastric contents for the analysis of acidity (PH), appearance, volume
UPPER GI ENDOSCOPY following sedation, an endoscope is passed down the esophagus to view the gastric wall, sphincters and duodenum. Tissue specimens can be obtained
FIBEROPTIC COLONOSCOPY study in which a lining of the large intestine is visually examined; biopsies and polypectomies can be performed
LIVER BIOPSY a needle is inserted through the abdominal wall to the liver to obtain a tissue sample for biopsy and microscopic examination
STOOL SPECIMENS black for blood that is in the stomach (higher portion);red for blood that is in the intestine (lower portion)
abdominal assessment inspect, auscultate, percuss and palpate
PT (prothrombin time) if elevated, prolonged bleeding time. Longer it takes for blood to clot
LIVER large, reddish-brown organ located at the mid and right upper abdominal cavity. It lies immediately below the diaphragm. The largest gland of the body. Has 2 main lobes: larger right main lobe and a smaller left lobe separated by a ligament.
capsule liver is surrounded by this fibrous membrane
Created by: jekjes
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