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Taylor Ch. 9

Key terms

Abduction mov't away from center/median line of the body
Adduction mov't toward center/median line of body
Arthroplasty surgical formation or reformation of joint
Compartment syndrome occurs when there is increased -tissue pressure w/in limited space; -leads to compromises in circulation of involved tissue
contracture permanent shortening/tightening of muscle due to spasm or paralysis
contusion -injury -skin not broken; a bruise
deep-vein thrombosis -blood clot -in blood vessel -originating in large leg veins
extension -return mov't from flexion -joint angle increased
fracture -break in continuity of bone
goniometer -apparatus -measure joint mov't & angles
Homan's sign -pain in calf when toe is passively dorsiflexed -can be early sign in venous thrombosis of deep veins of calf
hyperextension extreme or abnormal extension
orthostatic hypotension -abnormal drop in BP -occurs when changing from supine to standing position
peripheral vascular disease -pathologic conditions of vascular system -characterized by reduced blood flow thru peripheral blood vessels
pronation -act of lying face downward -act of turning hand so palm faces downward or backward
rotation -process of turning an axis -twisting or revolving
shearing force -force created by interplay of gravity and friction on the skin and underlying tissues -shear causes tissue layers to slide over one another and blood vessels to stretch and twist and disrupts the microcirculation of skin and subcutaneous tissue
supination turning palm or foot upward
thrombophlebitis -blood clot -accompanies vein inflammation
thrombosis formation or development of blood clot
venous stasis decrease in blood flow in venous system related to dysfunctional valves or inactivity of the muscles of the affected extremity
Created by: michellengo2
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