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Integ disorder final

EPIDERMIS outermost layer of living epithilial cells.
DERMIS true skin; it contains blood, lymph nodes, nerves.
skin functions protection, temp regulation, secretions, sensation, synthesis of vit D, blood reservoir
liver spots LENTIGINES
SENILE PURPURA large purple like bruises
Q's to ask when doing skin assessment ask if they have discomfort, pruritis, lessions, color changes, hair loss, abnormal skin growth, when did it start?; ASK IF THEY WERE EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL OR MAKE UP CHANGE
PHOTOTHERAPY ultraviolet light in combination with photosensitive drugs to promote shedding of the epidermis
PHOTOTHERAPY may be used in the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, and chronic eczema
PHOTOTHERAPY- contraindicated history of herpes simplex infection, skin cancer, cataracts and lupus
EXCEMA atopic dermititis
SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. It usually affects the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, lips, ears, etc
PSORIASIS abnormal proliferation of skin cells. Classic sign: bright red lessions that may be covered with silvery scales
PSORIASIS drug methotrexate (chemo med); tell pt that they are getting blood drawing to make sure they are not toxic. Every 3 months
fungal infection candida cabicans ( fungus under breast fold)
herpex simplex viral infection with itching and burning and progresses to vesicles that rupture and form crusts. When you get it, it is dormant but lways present
herpex simplex can cause shingles later in life
herpes zoster commonly called shingles.
tzanck smear smear to check/diagnose herpes zoster
NECROTIZING FASCIITIS infection of deep fascial structures under the skin. Aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Streptococcus staphylococcus; organisms excrete enzymes that destroy blood vessels that supply affected area
cutaneous Tcell lymphoma is different from squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma
nonmeloma skin cancer is unrelated to sun exposure
melanoma arises from pigment producing cells in the skin. Most serious form of skin cancer. Irregular border and uneven coloration;
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BURN INJURY injury to celll membranes permits excess sodium to enter cell and potassium to escape into the extracellular compartment
sooty sputum: lung issue = respiratory issue 1st thing to do is to get pulse oximeter and oxygen
urine output needs to be more than 20 ml per hour
why do you check capillary refill for eschar finger to make sure there is blood supply/flow
Created by: jekjes
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