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Antepartum Chapters

Chapters 9 and 10

biiscial diameter aka intertuberous. smallest measurement, distance between the two iscial tuberosities.size is estimated by knuckles of examiner's fist (as at least 8cm) placed across perineum @ level of tuberosities.
Childbirth education aka perinatal education. began as a consumer movement to humanize the birth experience and promote an active role by women in the birth process
Cleansing breath deep relazed breath,such as a sigh, designed to signal relaxation and provide deep ventilation during labor. (normally signals beginning of a contration and seperates the stimulus of contraction that usually has a responce of alarm and tension)
EDB Expected Date of Birth
EDC Expencted Date of Confinement
EDD Expected Date of Delivery
Gravida Number of Pregnancies REGARDLESS OF OUTCOME
Para Number of births after 20 weeks gestation(viable age by definition) whether live births or stillbirths
GTPAL Gravida, Term (usually 37-40 weeks gestation), Preterm (between 20-36 weeks), Abortion (induced or spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks), Living
Health Maintenance Concept of prevention or early detection of particular health deviations through routine periodic examinations and screening (identification of factors)
health promotion education and counseling activities that help enhance/maintain health and health behaviors
intersinous diameter smallest diameter of the midpelvis or midplane is transverse or interspinous diameter
LMP first day of the last NORMAL menstrual period
Midpelvis 2nd plane of pelvic. The smallest diameter of the midpelvis or midplane is transverse or interspinous diameter
Modified-paced breathing paces that increase at a controlled rate during increased work or stress, respiratory rate increased.. (learned and best practiced during pregnancy for optimal labor)
Multipara a woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in viable fetuses, whether or not the offspring were alive at birth.
Naegele's Rule EDC usually calculated from menstrual history = 1st day of LMP (NORMAL) - 3 months subtracted + 7 days added (adjust the year!)
Obstetrical conjugate Anterior-posterior diameter of the pelvic inlet is the smallest diameter, measured indirectly by the diagonal conjugate.
Paced Breathing Decreases stress and pain and increases relax
Pattern-paced breathing similar to modified-paced breathing but with the addition of a rhythmic pattern
Pelvic inlet 3rd plane of pelvic. The transverse segment being corresponding points on the prim of the true pelvis and anterior-posterior points being the back side of symphysis pubis and sacral promontory
Pelvic outlet 3rd plane of pelvis. This is the plane of greatest compensation
perinatal education began as a consumer movements to humanize the birth experience and promote an active role by women in the birth process
pica pschobehavioral disorder, persistent ingestion of substances having little or no nutritional value or the cravind for nonfood arcticles as food
preconception care consultation with health care professionals before pregnancy - facilitates optimal pregnancy outcomes
pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) pre-eclempsia, characterized by the increase in blood pressure, persistent edema, and protienuria. it is toxemia of pregnancy
primipara woman who experiences only one birth after 20weeks' gestation, or first birth.
how can you help a client overcome barriers to prenatal care teaching and interpretting normal physiological and psychological changes. culture and social concerns can be addressed while maternal and fetal well-being and overall preg. status are monitered simultaneously.
how can you help a client overcome barriers to prenatal care (part 2) approach fears of language/cultural diffrncs if any;allow access 2 good health care. public ed programs involvement help such as march od dimes, education of childbearing family anticipatory guidance related to preg, childbirth, and care for newborn
FPAL full-term, pre-term, abortions,living (children or births)
list diagnostic tests to be done at the first prenatal visit blood work: CBC, Hemoglobin & Hematocrit,RH status, blood type; glucose at 12-24 weeks gestation, pelvic lab tests: pap smear, culture for gonorrhea & clamidia; urinalysis with culture 2 examine glucose, protein, erythrocyes & leukocytes, and bacteria
recommended daily dose for Folic Acis supplementation for women during pregnancy Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, the Department of Health recommends that you take 400 micrograms of folic acid each day while you are trying to conceive, and should continue taking this dose for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Vitamins for pregnany woman Calcium during preg can prevent new mother from losing own bone density,as the fetus uses it 4 bonegrowth.Iron helps both mother&babys blood carry oxygen.A daily vit suppl. is no substitute 4 healthy diet,most wmn need them 2m ensure 2get adequate levels.
Created by: Sarahmarie001
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