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N120 ch 45

Test and interventions

Series of radiographs of the lower esophagus, stomach, and duodenum using barium sulfate as the contrast medium. Upper GI Series
What conditions can a Upper GI series detect Detects any abnormal conditions of the upper GI tract Tumors,Ulcerative lesion
What nursing interventions must be done before an Upper GI Test can be performed NPO after MN,Avoid smoking after MN,Encourage fluids,MOM (Milk of magnesia)
This is done by aspirating the contents of the stomach to determin the amount of acid being produced by the parietal cells of the stomanch. Gastric Analysis
What are some nursign interventions done before performing a gastric analysis -NPO after MN-No anticholinergic medications 24 hours before the test-No smoking
How soon must you refrigerate gastric samples after performing a astric analysis? 4 hours
What Nursing interventions must be performed before a EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) NPO after MN,Signed consent,Versed (Midazolam)
What nursing interventions must be performed after an EGD Test NPO until gag reflex return,Bedrest for sedated clients,Monitor for signs of perforation,Sore throat relief
This is an Examination of the upper GI tract under fluoroscopy after the client drinks barium sulfate. Barium Swallow
This instrument is able to examine tumors varices, polyps, presence of H. Pylori, strictures and obstructions. Also can remove polyps, coagualte sources of GI Bleed, also can dilate narrow passages through the esophagus. EGD
After a EGD procedure how long does it normally take before gag reflexes return. 2 to 4 hours
For patients that are bleeding from the GI may occur and surgery is being considered. What new product is used instead of a Barium swallow? Gastrografin
What post nursing interventions are done after completion of barium test Increase oral intake, Monitor stools, MOM
This is an acid-perfusion test, in attempt to reproduce the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux Bernstein test
True of False: When performing a Bernstein test, the nurse must sedate the patient False
Nursing interventions for the Bernstein test includes: NPO for 8 hours prior Medication withheld,Avoid sedation
This test is done to detect hidden blood in the stool. AKA Hema test or Guaiac Hemocult
What nursing interventions are done before the collection of stools for hemoccult blood? Don glovesDiet free of red meats for 24 to 48 hours,Keep specimen free of Urine,Toliet paper
This test Requires the use of a flexible scope to examine the rectum and sigmoid colon. Also can detect many and provide diagnoses of many lower bowel disorders. AKA known as Lower GI Endoscopy Sigmoidoscopy
Nursing interventions before performing a Sigmoidoscopy includes: Administer enemas,Monitor:Rectal bleeding Perforation, Peritonitis
This is a Series of radiographs of the colon used to demonstrate the presence and location of polyps, tumors ad diverticula. Barium enema
What nursing interventions are performed before a Barium Enema? Low residue diet, Clear diet, NPO after MN,Cleansing enema
What nursing interventions are done for a post procedure for a Barium Enema? Increase oral intake,Mild laxative,Monitor stools,Notify MD if NO BM in 2 days
This is a Fiberoptic endoscopy study in which the lining of the large intestine is visually examined. Colonoscopy
Nursing interventions of a colonoscopy includes: Cleansing of the colon,Clear diet 1-3 days before the test,Medication withheld,NPO after MN
Post procedure for a colonoscopy includes: Bedrest, Educating client on bleeding, Monitor for perforation and peritonitis
This medication an IV seadative is usually administered before a colonoscopy test Midazolam
What bacteria are mostly found in the stools? E. Coli
This is a Group of radiographic studies performed on the abdomen of clients who have suspected bowel obstruction, paralytic ileus, perforated viscus, or abdominal abscess.This radiographic study is used to detect air fluid levels with the intestines Flat plate
These are Erosive process that results from the action of bacteria on carbohydrates in the mouth, which produces acids that dissolve tooth enamel. Dental plaque and caries
This is an Infection caused by a species of Candida, usually Candida albicans.AKA as Thrush or Moniliasis Candidiasis
Some causes of candidiasis includes: Leukemia, DM, Alcoholism, Chemo/Radiation therapy
A patient enters the hospital with signs and symptoms of Small white patches on the mucous membrane of the mouth, Thick white discharge from the vagina. She is suspected of having what disease Candidiasis
Medical management of candidiasis includes: Nystatin, ½ strength hydrogen peroxide/saline mouthwash, Ketoconazole oral tabs
When performing a Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, on which side is the patient positiioned? Left side
When performing a sigmoidoscopy in which position is the patient positioned? Left side with right leg bent placed anteriorly
When performing a colonoscop the patient is placed on which side? Left side with knees drawn up to chest
These are Malignant lesions on the lips, oral cavity, tongue, or the pharynx Carcinoma of the oral cavity
Tumors of the salivary gland occurs primarily in what gland in the mouth? Parotid gland
Cancer of the lips are also known as Epithelioma
A white firmly attached patch on the mouth or tongue and may appear on the lips and buccal muccosa Leukoplakia
True or False: Malignant lesions of the mouth are usually asymptomatic True
Some symptoms of oral cancer may include: Difficulty: chewing, swallowing, speaking, edema or loss of feeling around the mouth and facial pain
Objective data of Oral cancer includes: Leukoplakia,Unusual bleeding in the mouth,Blood tinged sputum,Lump/Edema of neck,Hoarseness
Test performed to detect oral cancer includes: Indirect larygnoscopy, Excisional biopsy
Stage I carcioma of the mouth includes Radiation or surgery
Stage II carcioma of the mouth includes Radiation and Surgery
Stage III carcioma of the mouth includes Palliative
Some nursing interventions for Carcioman includes: Holistic approach,Smoking cessation,Tracheostomy, Prevention of sun exposure and wind
This is a backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. GERD
Some causes of GERD includes Obesity, Impaired LES functioning, pregnancy or lifestyle
Some signs and symptoms of GERD includes: Pyrosis (Heart burn), Dyspepsia, Regurgitation, Hypersalivation and Pain and difficulty swallowing.
Some diagnostic test used to detect GERD includes: 24 hour PH monitoring (Known as the gold standard test),Esophageal motility, Bernstein tests, Barium swallow, Endoscopy
Some medical management for patients with GERD includes: Lifestyle modifications,Diet,Antacids/acid-blocking medications,Fundoplication (Surgery used to stregthen sphincter)
Nursing Interventions for patients with GERD Eat low fat, high fiber diet, avoid eating and drinking 2 hours before meals,avoid antiholinergics, elevate HOB bed 6-8 inches
Created by: smensah
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