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NURS337 Exam 1

Respiratory Conditions

newborn airway narrow and more easily occluded
infants up to 4 months obligatory nose breathers, lack reflex to breath through mouth; suffocation is problem because of blockage to nose
newborn cough nonproductive because of little mucus production; lack cleansing function, more susceptible to infection
newborn sense of smell highly developed, mucous membranes highly vascular
infant respiratory rate 35 - 55, faster and more irregular
children under age 6 abdominal breathers
children under 8 epiglottis more susceptible to swelling
cystic fibrosis inherited autosomal recessive causes thick mucus that affects respiratory, gastrointestinal, exocrine and reproductive systems
cystic fibrosis dysfunctional protein moves chloride through cell walls, water doesn't get into the cells leading to sticky mucus in various organs
cystic fibrosis general prolonged jaundice
cf gi steatorrhea, malnutrition and growth failure despite adequate caloric intake, deficiencies in fat soluble vitamins, meconium ileus, abdomen distention
cf respiratory crackles, wheezes, diminished breath sounds, productive cough, tachypnea, hypoxia, secretions lead to obstruction
cf integumentary salty tasting tears and skin, thing and underweight, barrel chest, listless and lethargic, digital clubbing
cf exocrine high concentrations of sodium and chloride in sweat; 2 year delay to secondary sex characteristics, thickened mucus at cervix leads to barrier to sperm, 95% males are sterile
cystic fibrosis diagnosis signs and symptoms, absence of pancreatic enzymes, increased electrolyte concentration, meconium ileus; chest x ray - patchy atelectasis and obstructive emphysema, sweat chloride
cystic fibrosis nursing care ensure respiratory function, enhance nutrition, promote growth and independence; control infection, maximize aeration
airway clearance medicated aerosol therapy, chest physiotherapy, antibiotics and suctioning
rhino sinusitis inflammation and accumulation of secretions leading to congestion and infection; facial pain, headache and fever
rhino sinusitis symptoms cough worsened at night, low grade fever, ear pressure, postnasal drip, hyposmia
rhino care antibiotics, saline irrigation spray, humidification
pharyngitis sore throat, inflammation of the mucosa of the pharynx; abrupt fever, difficulty swallowing, headache; inflamed and enlarged pharynx and tonsils
pharyngitis care if bacterial antibiotics, hydration and acetaminophen
tonsilitis inflammation of the tonsils; protect respiratory and alimentary tract; surgically repaired - concerned for bleeding, keep away from sharp foods, straws, vigorous toothbrushing, do not cough
croup, RSV viral illness of upper airway; swelling and erythema of trachea and vocal cords
croup symptoms seal bark cough, mild to moderate dyspnea, tachypnea, steeple sign on x ray, low grade fever, respiratory rate less than 50, inspiratory stridor, purulent sputum
croup care corticosteroids, humidified air
acute epiglotitis medical emergency, rapidly progressing obstruction
acute epiglotitis symptoms high fever, sore throat, dyspnea, tripod position, drooling and protruding tongue, dysphagia, dysphonia,; thick and muffled voice, decreased respiratory effort
acute epiglotitis diagnosis blood culture, soft tissue imaging, radiograph
acute epiglotitis prevention Hib vaccine
acute epiglotitis treatment antibiotics, steroids, cool mist, NPO
bronchitis symptoms dry hacking cough becoming more purulent over time, rhinorrhea, nasopharyngeal infection, coarse breath sounds, low substernal discomfort, rhonchi and rales
bronchitis care provide oxygenation, ensure airway is open, antipyretics, analgesics, humidity, cough suppressants
bronchiolitis and RSV cold like symptoms, respiratory distress with wheezy breathing and cyanosis, rales and prolonged expiratory phase, low to moderate fever, decreased appetite
bronchiolitis and RSV hospitalization severe in infants, head bobbing, nasal flaring, retractions, tachypnea greater than 60
bronchiolitis treatment supportive symptom care, oxygen therapy (hi flow nasal cannula), suction; maintain hydration, fever control
bronchiolitis prevention synagis (premature neonates), vaccine
pneumonia lower respiratory infection of pulmonary parenchyma; fever, dyspnea, tachypnea, crackles and cough diagnosed through chest x ray and sputum culture
pneumonia treatment adequate hydration, oxygen, chest physiotherapy, antibiotics
foreign body aspiration symptoms hoarseness, cough and wheeze, dyspnea
foreign body aspiration treatment laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, antibiotics
pertussis whooping cough, bordatella spread droplet and highly contagious
pertussis symptoms severe persistent cough can cause hypoxic spells and vomiting, inspiratory whoop
pertussis diagnosis nasal swab, unvaccinated, symptoms
pertussis prevention DTap vaccine
influenza symptoms abrupt fever, facial flushing, chills, headache, myalgia and malaise, sore throat, photophobia
influenza treatment supportive care, tamiflu - weight side effects, rest and hydration
allergic rhinitis inflamed nasal membranes in nose and eyes; mouth breathing, itchiness, watery rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, allergic shiners - dark periorbital swelling, fatigue, sneezing
allergic rhinitis treatment antihistamines, corticosteroid sprays, decongestants, leukotriene inhibitors, avoid allergic triggers
asthma inflammation and edema of the bronchial mucosa and production and retention of thick pulmonary secretions leading to airway obstruction
status asthmaticus medical emergency, exacerbation or attack
asthma symptoms recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, tachypnea, retractions and nasal flaring, listlessness, gray or blue lips
asthma diagnosis pulmonary function test
asthma management bronchodilator SABA - albuterol, administered nebulizer
asthma corticosteroid oral - prednisone or IV - solumedrol, inhaled - flovent
asthma anticholinergic atrovent, effective with albuterol
COVID 19 symptoms N/V/D, anosmia, ageusia, muscle and body aches, cough and SOB
Created by: ahommel
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