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A&P Eam 1 Review

Dr. Darryl Saas

Plasma Take nutrients and proteins to parts of the body.
Cytoplasm Fills the inside of cells
Interstitial Fluid Fluid found in the spaces around cells. Determines internal environment.
Basement membrane A small mat of fibers that creates space for only small microbes to get through.
Homeostasis Keeping an organism's internal environment constant even when the external environment changes.
Internal Environment Interstitial Fluid most cells live in
External Environment Environment outside of the body
"Itis" Suffix for Inflammation
Innate Immunity Body's first response of the immune system
Microphages Eat debris and microbes "Big Eaters"
NK cells Lymphocytes that kill other cells infected by microbes
Neutrophils Phagocytose and explode to release oxide that kills viruses. Realizes a net of DNA "Little eaters"
Capillary Provides nutrients and Oxygen to cells
Adaptive Immunity Classic immune system: built up immunity as we are exposed to diseases.
Reye's Syndrome Happens when taking aspirin for the flu
Encephalitis Brain inflammation
Meningitis Inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain
Pain Warning that a tissue is damaged and could be damaged further by continued use
Visceral Internal/ deep
Periosteum of Bones Layer around the bones with cells, blood, and nociceptors
Nociceptive receptors only relates pain, and immediately sends signal. Type A pain.
Sensory Signals Go up to the brain
Motor signals Go down from the brain
Ischemia Lack of blood flow
Hypoxia Not enough oxygen
Type A neurons Sharp pain and rapid immediate signal to the rain, triggers reflex, direct damage to nerves.
Idiopathic Unknown cause of pain
Excitoxic Neurons excited (overstimulated) to death
Phantom Pain Feeling pain in a no longer existing limb
NSTAIDS Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Angina Pain that comes before a heart attack
Nitroglycerin Treatment for Angina
Endogenous Naturally occurring pain killers (endorphins)
Exogenous Eternal existing pain killers (acetaminophen)
Placebo Effect idea that believing is seeing
Nocebo Effet If you think it will make you sick, it will.
Action Potential Nerve impulse
Resting Membrane potential Polarized distribution of charges
Action Potential Propagation Depolarization of charges
Nerve-muscle synapse acetylcholine released by an axon
Nerve-nerve synapse acetylcholine, epinephrine, dopamine, GABA, and endorphins released by axon.
Naloxone treatment to opoiod overdose
Central Nervous system Brain and spinal chord
Peripheral Nervous system Connects CNS nerves to peripheral organs, muscles, glands, sensation detectors Etc...
Somatic Nervous System skeletal muscles stimulated
Autonomic Nervous System regulates internal organs. I.E. digestive, circulatory, urinary, reproductive systems. (automatic) divided into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems
Sympathetic Division "Fight or flight" Coordinates expenditure of energy, signals originate to spinal cord (thoracic region) and release epinephrine.
Parasympathetic Division "Rest and Digest" Coordinates restoring energy, signals original to the brainstem, releases acetylcholine
Type C neurons Dull aching pain, slow sending signal.
Created by: Abs_gast05
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