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Oral Cavity Problems

Painful single or multiple ulcerations of the oral mucosa that appear as inflammation in the oral mucosa, impairing the protective lining of the mouth Stomatitis
Apthous(Non-infectious) ie. Canker soreHerpes Simplextraumatic ulcers Primary Stomatitis
From infection by opportunitis, viruses, fungus, or bacteria in patients who are immunocompromised ex-candidiasis Secondary Stomatitis
White curd like, from fungus, can scrape off tongue (patients on steroids often have this) Candidiasis
Stomatitis may result from infection, allergy, vitamin deficiency, systemic disease, or irritants
Infectious agents that may cause stomatitis bacteria, viruses
Foods that may cause stomatitis coffee, potatoes, cheese, citrus, fruits, gluten, and nuts
Systemic disease that may cause stoamtitis hiv, chronic renal failure, IBD
most common type of stomatitis Canker sore-primary
Canker sore most common in Females-during menstruation or during pregnancy due to the increased steroid levels of progesterone
Oral Hygiene for a patient with stomatisis Soft bristle toothbrush, avoid commercial mouthwashes, saline rinses
Premalignant-Red,velvety mucosal lesion Erythoplakia
Thick white firmly attached patches that cant be removed by scraping-premalignant Leukoplakia
Number One risk factor for oral tumors Tobacco
Primarily on lips, evolves into characteristic ulcer with raised pearly border, and does not metastize Basal cell carcinoma
Malignant lesions that arise in the blood vessels, painless appears as purple nodule or plaque, hard palate in the mouth most common site Kaposis Sarcoma
Can be used to determine the spread of cancer into the lungs or liver CT Scan
Common nursing dx for Oral Tumors Risk for ineffecitive airway clearance r/t obstructed airway by the tumor, edema, or secretions
Presence of fixed cervical lymph nodes Probable Mestasis
Mestasis to where is common Lymph nodes and mandible
Non-surgical intervention for a pt with oral cancer Radiation-tumor reduction preserve functionChemotherapy-comfort measures, most agents induce N&V up to two days after treatment
Side effect of radiation or chemotherapy Thrombocytopenia=Risk for bleeding
Number one nursing intervention for non-surgical patient Assess respirations
Aspiration precautions place pt in semi fowlers position
oral care for oral cancer chemo toothbrush every 2 hours if tolerated
avoid what with oral cancer? hot spicy foods,hot drinks, tobaccowear dentures that fitsmall,frequent feedings
3 factors that influence the extent of surgery 1. size and location of tumor2. tumor invasion to bone3. presence of mestasis to neck lymph nodes
inflammation of a salivary gland acute sialadenitis
nursing intervention for acute sialadenitis frequent oral hygiene, well hydrated, stimulate secretions by hard candy or sugarless gum
rarest of all oral tumors salivary gland tumors
Treatment for what type of cancer causes inflammation of the salivary gland thyroid cancer
very dry mouth caused by a severe reduction in the flow of saliva within 24 hours after receiving RT to the salivary glands Xerostomia
Nursing intervention for acute sialadenitis hydration-ivfwarm compressmassage of glandsuse of sialagogues-substances that stimulate salivation ie lemon slices, citrus flavored candies
Created by: ashleyrodriguez
Popular Nursing sets




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