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365 Exam 2

365 CH Upper GI

nausea feeling of discomfort in the epigastrium with a conscious desire to vomit
vomiting forceful ejection of partially digested food and secretions from the upper GI tract
vomiting action closure of the glottis, contraction of the diaphragm, closure of the pylorus, relaxation of the stomach, contraction of abdominal muscles
sympathetic response to vomiting tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis
parasympathetic response to vomiting relaxation of lower stomach, increase gastric motility, increase salivation
manifestations of nausea and vomiting anorexia, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, plasma loss, metabolic alkalosis, weight loss
metabolic alkalosis in nausea and vomiting occurs due to loss of hydrochloric acid and stomach acid; respiratory will try and compensate
assess emesis partially digested food can indicate obstruction or delayed emptying; hematemesis
antiemetic common for post op ondansetron; zofran; serotonin blocker
promethazine IV or injection blocks dopamine receptors that trigger nausea and vomiting; is not given subcutaneously
extravasation leaking can cause damage to tissues
metoclompramide (reglan) inhibits action of dopamine; increase gastric motility and emptying
acute care of nausea and vomiting NPO, Iv fluids, NGT suction, aspiration precautions
GERD reflux of acid into the esophagus; causes esophageal irritation leads to metaplasia of cells
GERD manifestations heartburn (pyrosis), dyspepsia (pain in upper abdomen), regurgitation, respiratory symptoms
long term consequences of GERD possible esophageal cancer, adult asthma, dental caries
lifestyle changes for GERD excess weight puts more pressure pushing on the stomach; pregnant women; eat 4 - 6 small meals, do not eat before bed
foods that worsen GERD chocolate, alcohol, fatty and fried foods, caffeine, carbonation
proton pump inhibitors decrease acid, allow cells to repair; PRAZOLE
histamine receptor blockers block the H2 receptor of acid producing parietal cells; IDINE
antacids used for GERD, combination with prokinetic drugs
fundoplication fundus of stomach is wrapped around esophagus
LINX reflux management system magnets are used to strengthen the LES, cannot have an MRI
hiatal hernia part of the stomach herniates into the esophagus through the diaphragm
sliding hiatal hernia can slide through the diaphragm and back down
rolling hiatal hernia paraesophageal; popped up through diaphragm and stays; pouch could burst and cut off circulation (MED EMERG)
hiatal hernia symptoms fullness, breathlessness after eating
hiatal hernia complications esophagitis, hemorrhage from erosion, stenosis of esophagus, strangulated hernia
gastritis inflammation of the gastric mucosa; eventual thinning and atrophy leads to loss of intrinsic factor
intrinsic factor B12 absorption, deficiency leads to pernicious anemia
gastritis diagnosis history of alcohol use, CBC indicates anemia
manifestations of gastritis anorexia, nausea and vomiting, epigastric tenderness, full feeling
antibiotics for H pylori gastritis amoxicilin
peptic ulcer disease erosion of the GI mucosa by gastric acids
acute peptic ulcer superficial erosion, short duration
chronic peptic ulcer disease long duration, erodes to muscular wall, occurs intermittently
stress ulcers after acute medical crisis or trauma, patient is NPO, after burns and head injury; cause bleeding
gastric peptic ulcer epigastric pain occurs 1 - 2 hours after a meal, burning or gaseous, food worsens
duodenal peptic ulcer mid epigastric pain 2 - 5 hours after a meal, burning or cramping like, well nourished, food relieves; excess acid
gastric sampling endoscope, diagnosis for peptic ulcer
urea breath testing confirms H pylori in peptic ulcer disease
EGD diagnosis testing for peptic ulcer
hemorrhage peptic ulcer complication drop in H&H; increase HR, decrease BP, blood in aspirate, flush NGT with saline to prevent obstruction
perforation peptic ulcer complication ulcer has opened, gastric contents leak into cavity; sudden, severe pain, rigid abdomen, shallow, fast respirations, absent bowel sounds
perforation treatment stop spillage, vital signs every 15 minutes, NGT for gastric decompression; replace lost volume with LR or PRBCs, ECG monitor
gastric outlet obstruction peptic ulcer complication results from edema, pylorospasm or scar tissue formations, pain worsens when stomach is full; constipation dehydration and anorexia, abdominal distension
GI bleeding bleeding from the upper GI tract due to erosive gastritis, PUD, esophageal varices
coffee ground emesis blood in the GI tract lower, slower bleed; blood has been sitting in the stomach long enough for acid to change its color
melena blood in GI tract black in color, blood has gone through digestive tract, in the stool
bright red blood per rectum GI bleed above stomach, high in GI tract
diagnostic of GI bleed endoscopy within 24 hours; can cauterize to stop the bleed
angiography place a catheter in femoral artery to gastric or mesenteric artery until bleeding is discovered
BUN diagnostic for GI bleed increased with protein breakdown with significant bleeding
Created by: ahommel
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