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Unit 1 cancer

A patient who is scheduled for a breast biopsy asks the nurse the difference between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor. Which answer by the nurse is accurate? a. “Benign tumors do not cause damage to other tissues.” b. “Benign tumors are likely to recu C
The nurse is caring for a patient receiving intravesical bladder chemotherapy. The nurse should monitor for which adverse effect? a. Nausea b. Alopecia c. Hematuria D. Xerostomia C
The nurse is caring for a patient who smokes 2 packs/day. Which action by the nurse could help reduce the patient’s risk of lung cancer? a. Teach the patient about the seven warning signs of cancer. b. Plan to monitor the patient’s carcinoembryonic antige D
The nurse should suggest which food choice for a patient scheduled to receive external-beam radiation for abdominal cancer? a. Fruit salad b. Baked chicken c. Creamed broccoli d. Toasted wheat bread B
During a routine health examination, a 40-yr-old patient tells the nurse about a family history of colon cancer. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Schedule a sigmoidoscopy to provide baseline data. b. Obtain more information about the patient’s B
A patient who is diagnosed with cervical cancer classified as Tis, N0, M0 asks the nurse what the letters and numbers mean. Which response by the nurse is accurate? a. “The cancer involves only the cervix.” b. “The cancer cells look like normal cells.” c. A
The nurse teaches a patient who is scheduled for a prostate needle biopsy about the procedure. Which statement by the patient indicates that teaching was effective? a. “The biopsy will remove the cancer in my prostate gland.” b. “The biopsy will determine D
The nurse teaches a postmenopausal patient with stage III breast cancer about the expected outcomes of cancer treatment. Which patient statement indicates that the teaching has been effective? a. “After cancer has not recurred for 5 years, it is considere C
A patient with a large stomach tumor attached to the liver is scheduled for a debulking NURSINGTB.COM procedure. What should the nurse teach the patient about the outcome of this procedure? a. Pain will be relieved by cutting sensory nerves in the stomach B
External-beam radiation is planned for a patient with cervical cancer. What instructions should the nurse give to the patient to prevent complications from the effects of the radiation? a. Test all stools for the presence of blood. b. Maintain a high-resi C
11. A patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is undergoing external radiation therapy tells the nurse, “I am so tired I can hardly get out of bed in the morning.” Which intervention should the nurse add to the plan of care? a. Minimize activity until the tre B
The nurse is caring for a patient with colon cancer who is scheduled for external radiation therapy to the abdomen. Which information obtained by the nurse would indicate a need for patient teaching? a. The patient has a history of dental caries. b. The p B
A patient undergoing external radiation has developed a dry desquamation of the skin in the treatment area. The nurse teaches the patient about the management of the skin reaction. Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates the teaching was effect D
A patient with metastatic colon cancer has severe vomiting after each administration of chemotherapy. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Have the patient eat large meals when nausea is not present. b. Offer dry crackers and carbonated fluids dur C
The nurse administers an IV vesicant chemotherapeutic agent to a patient. Which action is most important for the nurse to take? a. Infuse the medication over a short period of time. b. Stop the infusion if swelling is observed at the site. NURSINGTB.COM c B
A chemotherapy drug that causes alopecia is prescribed for a patient. Which action should the nurse take to support the patient’s self-esteem? a. Suggest that the patient limit social contacts until hair regrowth occurs. b. Encourage the patient to purcha B
A patient who has ovarian cancer is crying and tells the nurse, “My husband rarely visits. He just doesn’t care.” The husband tells the nurse that he does not know what to say to his wife. Which problem is appropriate for the nurse to address in the plan C
A patient receiving head and neck radiation for larynx cancer has ulcerations over the oral mucosa and tongue and thick, ropey saliva. Which instructions should the nurse give to this patient a. Remove food debris from the teeth and oral mucosa with a sti D
A patient has inadequate nutrition due to painful oral ulcers. Which nursing action will be most effective in improving oral intake? a. Offer the patient frequent small snacks between meals. b. Assist the patient to choose favorite foods from the menu. c. C
A widowed mother of 4 school-age children is hospitalized with metastatic ovarian cancer. The patient is crying and tells the nurse that she does not know what will happen to her children when she dies. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? a. B
A patient who has severe pain with terminal pancreatic cancer is being cared for at home by family members. Which finding by the nurse indicates that teaching about pain management has been effective? a. The patient uses the ordered opioid pain medication C
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is used as adjuvant therapy for a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Which information should the nurse include when explaining the purpose of this therapy to the patient? a. IL-2 enhances the body’s immunologic response to A
The home health nurse is caring for a patient who has been receiving interferon therapy for treatment of cancer. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further assessment? a. “I have frequent muscle aches and pains.” b. “I rarely have the ene B
A patient with leukemia is considering whether to have hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Which information should the nurse include in the patient’s teaching plan? a. Donor bone marrow is transplanted through a sternal or hip incision. b. Ho B
The nurse teaches a patient with liver cancer about high-protein, high-calorie diet choices. Which snack choice by the patient indicates that the teaching has been effective? Lime sherbet b. Blueberry yogurt c. Fresh strawberries d. Cream cheese bagel B
Lime sherbet b. Blueberry yogurt c. Fresh strawberries d. Cream cheese bagel C
During the teaching session for a patient who has a new diagnosis of acute leukemia, the patient is restless and looks away without making eye contact. The patient asks the nurse to repeat the information about the complications associated with chemothera B
A hospitalized patient who has received chemotherapy for leukemia develops neutropenia. Which observation by the nurse indicates a need for further teaching? a. The patient ambulates around the room. b. The patient’s visitors bring in fresh peaches. C.The B
The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with stage I colon cancer. When assessing the need for psychologic support, which question by the nurse will provide the most information? a. “How long ago were you diagnosed with this cancer?” b. “Do you have a C
The nurse assesses a patient who is receiving interleukin-2. Which finding should the nurse report immediately to the health care provider? a. Generalized muscle aches b. Crackles at the lung bases c. Reports of nausea and anorexia d. Oral temperature of B
The nurse obtains information about a hospitalized patient who is receiving chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Which information about the patient alerts the nurse to discuss a possible change in cancer therapy with the health care provider? a. Frequent D
The nurse reviews the laboratory results of a patient who is receiving chemotherapy. Which laboratory result is most important to report to the health care provider? a. Hematocrit 30% b. Platelets 95,000/μL c. Hemoglobin 10 g/L d. White blood cells (WBC) D
When caring for a patient who is pancytopenic, which action by unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) indicates a need for the nurse to intervene? a. The UAP assists the patient to use dental floss after eating. b. The UAP adds baking soda to the patient’s A
The nurse supervises the care of a patient with a temporary radioactive cervical implant. Which action by unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP), if observed by the nurse, would require an intervention? a. The UAP flushes the toilet once after emptying the B
The nurse receives change-of-shift report on the oncology unit. Which patient should the nurse assess first? a. A 35-yr-old patient who has wet desquamation associated with abdominal radiation b. A 42-yr-old patient who is sobbing after receiving a new di C
Which action should the nurse take when caring for a patient who is receiving chemotherapy and reports problems with concentration? a. Suggest use of a daily planner and encourage adequate sleep. b. Teach the patient to rest the brain by avoiding new acti A
The nurse assesses a patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is receiving an infusion of rituximab (Rituxan). Which assessment finding would require the most rapid action by the nurse? a. Shortness of breath NURSINGTB.COM b. Shivering and chills c. Muscl A
A patient who is being treated for stage IV lung cancer tells the nurse about new-onset back pain. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Give the patient the prescribed PRN opioid. b. Assess for sensation and strength in the legs. c. Notify the hea B
The nurse is caring for a patient with left-sided lung cancer. Which finding would be most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? a. Hematocrit of 32% b. Pain with deep inspiration c. Serum sodium of 126 mEq/L d. Decreased breath s C
An older adult patient who has colorectal cancer is receiving IV fluids at 175 mL/hr in conjunction with the prescribed chemotherapy. Which finding by the nurse is most important to report to the health care provider? a. Patient reports having severe fati D
After change-of-shift report on the oncology unit, which patient should the nurse assess first? a. Patient who has a platelet count of 82,000/μL after chemotherapy. b. Patient who has xerostomia after receiving head and neck radiation. c. Patient who is n C
The nurse at the clinic is interviewing a 64-yr-old woman who is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 125 lb (57 kg). The patient has not seen a health care provider for 20 years. She walks 5 miles most days and has a glass of wine 2 or 3 times a week. Which ACDE
A patient develops neutropenia after receiving chemotherapy. Which information about ways to prevent infection will the nurse include in the teaching plan? (Select all that apply.) a. Cook food thoroughly before eating. b. Choose low fiber, low residue fo ACE
The nurse is presenting a community education program related to cancer prevention. Based on current cancer death rates, the nurse emphasizes what as the most important preventive action for both women and men? a. Smoking cessation b. Routine colonoscopie A
What defect in cellular proliferation is involved in the development of cancer? a. A rate of cell proliferation that is more rapid than that of normal body cells b. Shortened phases of cell life cycles with occasional skipping of G1 or S phases c. Rearran D
What does the presence of carcinoembryonic antigens (CEAs) and α- fetoprotein (AFP) on cell membranes show has happened to the cells? a. They have shifted to more immature metabolic pathways and functions. b. They have spread from areas of original develo A
What factor differentiates a malignant tumor from a benign tumor? a. It causes death. b. It grows at a faster rate. c. It is often encapsulated. d. It invades and metastasizes. D
5. A patient is admitted with acute myelogenous leukemia and a history of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. What is the nurse most likely to find in the patient’s history? a. Work as a radiation chemist b. Epstein-Barr virus diagnosed in vitro c. Intense tanning throug D
Which mutated tumor suppressor gene is most likely to contribute to many types of cancer, including bladder, breast, colorectal, and lung? a. p53 b. APC c. BRCA1 d. BRCA2 A
Cancer cells go through stages of development. What accurately describes the stage of promotion (select all that apply)? a. Obesity is an example of a promoting factor. b. The stage is characterized by increased growth rate and metastasis. c. Withdrawal o ACD
A patient was told she has carcinoma in situ, and the student nurse wonders what that is. How should the nurse explain this to the student nurse? a. Evasion of the immune system by cancer cells b. Lesion with histologic features of cancer except invasion B
Which word identifies a mutation of protooncogenes? a. Oncogenes b. Retrogenes c. Oncofetal antigens d. Tumor angiogenesis factor A
What is the name of a tumor from the embryonal mesoderm tissue of origin found in the anatomic site of the meninges that has malignant behavior? a. Meningitis b. Meningioma c. Meningocele d. Meningeal sarcoma D
A patient’s breast tumor originates from embryonal ectoderm. It has moderate dysplasia and moderately differentiated cells. It is a small tumor with minimal lymph node involvement and no metastases. What is the best description of this tumor? a. Sarcoma, C
The nurse is counseling a group of people over the age of 50 years with average risk for cancer about screening tests for cancer. Which screening recommendation should be done to screen for colorectal cancer? a. Barium enema every year b. Colonoscopy ever B
A small lesion is found in a patient’s lung when an x-ray is done for cervical spine pain. What is the definitive method of determining if the lesion is malignant? a. Lung scan b. Tissue biopsy c. Oncofetal antigens in the blood d. CT or positron emission B
A patient with a genetic mutation of BRCA1 and a family history of breast cancer is admitted to the surgical unit where she is scheduled that day for a bilateral simple mastectomy. What is the reason for this procedure? a. Prevent breast cancer b. Diagno A
Which condition would be most likely to be cured with chemotherapy as a treatment measure? a. Neuroblastoma b. Small cell lung cancer c. Small tumor of the bone d. Large hepatocellular carcinoma A
Which classification of chemotherapy drugs is cell cycle phase– nonspecific, breaks the DNA helix that interferes with DNA replication, and crosses the blood–brain barrier? a. Nitrosoureas b. Antimetabolites c. Mitotic inhibitors d. Antitumor antibiotics A
The nurse uses many precautions during IV administration of vesicant chemotherapy agents primarily to prevent a. septicemia. b. extravasation. c. catheter occlusion. d. anaphylactic shock. B
For which type of malignancy should the nurse expect the use of the intravesical route of regional chemotherapy delivery? a. Bladder b. Leukemia c. Osteogenic sarcoma d. Metastasis to the brain A
Which delivery system would be used to deliver regional chemotherapy for metastasis from a primary colorectal cancer? a. Intrathecal b. Intraarterial c. Intravenous d. Intraperitoneal D
21. When teaching the patient with cancer about chemotherapy, which approach should the nurse take? a. Avoid telling the patient about side effects of the drugs to prevent anticipatory anxiety. b. Assure the patient that side effects from chemotherapy are C
22. Which normal tissues manifest early, acute responses to pelvic radiation therapy? a. Spleen and liver b. Kidney and nervous tissue c. Bone marrow and gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa d. Hollow organs, such as the stomach and bladder C
23. The patient is learning about skin care related to the external radiation that he is receiving. Which instructions should the nurse include in this teaching? a. Keep the area shaved of hair. b. Keep the area covered if it is sore. c. Dry the skin thor D
24. Priority Decision: When a patient is undergoing brachytherapy, what is it important for the nurse to be aware of when caring for this patient? a. The patient will undergo simulation to identify and mark the field of treatment. b. The patient is a sour B
25. Patient-Centered Care: To prevent the debilitating cycle of fatigue- depression-fatigue in patients receiving radiation therapy, what should the nurse encourage the patient to do? a. Implement a walking program. b. Ignore the fatigue as much as possib A
26. When the patient asks about the late effects of chemotherapy and high-dose radiation, what areas of teaching should the nurse plan to include when describing these effects? a. Third space syndrome b. Secondary malignancies c. Chronic nausea and vomiti B
27. What describes a primary use of immunotherapy in cancer treatment? a. Protects normal, rapidly reproducing cells of the GI system from damage during chemotherapy b. Prevents the fatigue associated with chemotherapy and high-dose radiation as seen with C
28. Priority Decision: While caring for a patient who is at the nadir of chemotherapy, the nurse establishes the highest priority for nursing actions related to a. diarrhea. b. grieving. c. risk for infection. d. nutritional intake. C
29. An allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant is considered as treatment for a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia. What information should the nurse include when teaching the patient about this procedure? a. There is no risk for graft-versus- D
30. Priority Decision: During initial chemotherapy, a patient with leukemia develops hyperkalemia and hyperuricemia. The nurse recognizes these symptoms as an oncologic emergency and anticipates that the priority treatment will be to a. increase urine out A
31. Priority Decision: The patient with advanced cancer is having difficulty controlling her pain. She says she is afraid she will become addicted to the opioids. What is the first thing the nurse should do for this patient? a. Administer a nonsteroidal a D
32. Which factors will help a patient in coping positively with having cancer (select all that apply)? a. Feeling of control b. Strong support system c. Internalization of feelings d. Possibility of cure or control e. Easier adaptability of a young person ABDE
Created by: Destinynichimp
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