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Stack #38874

RRC Maintenance - CAD

what is atherosclerosis? build-up of fatty plaque compose primarily of cholesterol
what is preload? ability of myocardium to stretch/expand as LV fills with blood --> venous return to right side of heart
what is afterload? force against which the LV must pump against in order to move blood against the systemic circulation
What factors affect afterload? mitral/aortic valve stenosis; increased SVR (HTN, increased blood volume)
What is contractility? vigour of each contraction generated by the myocardium regardless of preload/afterload factors
What is collateral circulation? development of new blood vessels that re-route blood around blockage or narrowing of artery
What is cardiomyopathy? compensation that occurs early in heart disease --> hypertrophy develops as heart increases its muscle mass and will eventually outgrow it blood supply resulting in ischemia
What is cardiac output? amount of blood passing through the left ventricle in one minute
How atherosclerosis contribute to CAD? creates nodular plaques in tunica intima which become fibrous over time due to complex interaction between platelets and leukocyte; platelets will adhere to surface and generate thrombi...results in turbulent blood flow resulting in more clot/plaque dev.
Stable angina consistent pattern usually triggered by exercise and nitrates will relieve
Unstable angina duration is increased, unpredictable pattern, can be triggered by nothing, required admission for close monitoring due to increased risk of MI
Angina not resolved in 20 mins with 3 treatment of nitro and rest? Myocardial infarction
Classic symptoms of angina chest discomfort radiating down arm, neck, jaw, shoulders, back; feelings of anxiety/dooml; indigestion/epigastric burning; SOB, diaphoresis, numbness or tingling of arms
Female symptoms of angina pain or discomfort with unusual fatigue or SOB with activity, difficulty performing "easy" activities, heaviness in shoulders, jaw, back, neck, teeth, weakness common
diagnostic tests chest x-ray, EKG, serum troponin to r/o MI
risk factors for CAD male gender, dyslipidemia, family hx, decreased HDL levels, smokers on OCP, HTN, DM, PVD, abdominal obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress, increased homocysteine levels
How does smoking increase risk of CAD? vasoconstriction, promotes atherosclerosis and build-up of fatty plaque, causes tachycardia and HTN, results in increased afterload and decreased contractility
Rationale for assess client for bleeding post-administration of thrombolytics? affects coagulation for up to 18 hours therefore client may develop complications r/t bleeding
Rationale for O2 administration with angina/suspected MI? relieves hypoxia, reduces WOB and reduction of cardiac workload
State nursing intervention with rationale if BP is stable in an individual with angina/suspected MI? Raise HOB to decrease preload and increase pulmonary capacity
State nursing intervention with rationale if BP is unstable in an individual with angina/suspected MI? reduces cardiac workload and increases blood flow to vital organs (ie: brain)
Why do we have to make sure an IV is started on someone who is coming in with angina/suspected MI? if patient arrests, a patent IV line is lifeline for medications, once a patient arrest, loss of BP makes it impossible to insert an IV catheter
Why is morphine given for angina/suspected MI if nitroglycerin is ineffective? morphine is a potent vasodilator and will help relieve chest pain
Why can an uncoated ASA tablet be given sublingually if an MI is suspected? because the effect of ASA is required immediately --> helps to decrease further formation of clot
What lifestyle changes are necessary for CAD? weight loss, stop smoking, exercise, reduce stress level, lower fat diet and comply with medication therapy
Why is smoking prohibited on oxygen therapy? oxygen is combustible
diet teaching re: CAD check food labels, increase consumption of complex CHO (fruits/veggies), increase water intake, avoid pre-packaged/processed foods, fats that are solid at room temp should be avoided, low-Na+ diet, if trig increased, avoid ETOH
Why is streptokinase only given once? due to anaphlactic reaction r/t prior exposure, used because it is cheap and works well
Why is low-dose ASA given (81mg)? acts to decrease platelet aggregation preventing further thrombus formation
Why is ASA given enteric-coated? to prevent pin-point hemorrhages in GI tract
Why is important to prevent straining in a client with CAD? straining stimulates the vagus nerve which will decrease HR --> client will fall off of toilet/commode after blacking out from lack of O2 to brain
What is the purpose of statins? decrease LDL levels
What is the purpose of fibrates? increase HDL levels and decrease triglycerides
What is important to teach about antihyperlipidemics? used in addition to diet, weight loss and exercise. Administer at suppertime because fat is consumed most at supper meal and cholesterol is produced at higher concentrations at night
Why are diuretics administered for those with CAD? if heart failure develop from extensive myocardial tissue death
Created by: bella83
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