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Med Term Mid Term

Medical Terminology

adip/o fat
all/o other
ankyl/o stiff/bent
arthr/o joint
blepahr/o eyelid
cardi/o heart
chondr/o cartilage
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
cost/o rib
crani/o head/skull
cutane/o skin
cycl/o ciliary body
cyst/o bladder
dacry/o tear
dactyl/o finger
derm/o skin
dur/o dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
enter/o small intestines
erythr/o red
fasci/o fascia (fiborous connective tissue binding muscles together)
femor/o femur/thigh bone
gangli/o nerve bundle
gastr/o stomach
-graph instrument used to produce a record
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
heter/o different/other
hom/o the same
irid/o iris
kerat/o horny/cornea
lacrim/o tear
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
lob/o lobe
lumb/o loin/lower back
mening/o meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
my/o muscle
myc/o fungus
myel/o spinal cord/bone marrow
myring/o eardrum
neur/o nerve
onych/o nail
ophthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
pachy/o thick
path/o suffering/disease
phren/o mind
pil/o hair
presby/o old age
retin/o retina
scler/o sclera (the white of the eye)/hard
spondyl/o vertebra
steat/o fat
tars/o ankle
trich/o hair
troph/o nourishment/development
ungu/o nail
xanth/o yellow
xen/o foreign
xer/o dry
a-, an- not
ab- away
ad- toward
anti- against
brady- slow
de- down/away from
dia- through
dys- bad
exo- outside
extra- outside
hyper- over
hypo- under
par- around
peri- around
poly- many
pre- before
pro- before/on behalf of
sym- with/together
syn- with/together
tachy- fast
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-centesis puncture
-clasia breaking
-clasis breaking
-desis binding/fixation
-dynia pain
-ectomy removal
-emia blood condition
-gen generation/cause (as root word)
-graft a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically
-gram written record
-graphy writing procedure
-ia condition
-ic pertaining to
-itis inflammation
-listhesis slip or slide
-logy study of
-lysis loosen/break down
-malacia abnormal softening
-oma tumor
-opia vision condition
-osis condition
-pathy disease
-plasty reconstruction
-porosis porous
-rraphy suture
-sclerosis hardening
-scope instrument used to look
-scopy process of looking
-spasm involuntary contraction
-tomy incision
-tonia muscle tension/nerve tension
-y condition/procedure
AD right ear
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)
AOM acute otitis media
AS left ear
AU both ears
BID twice daily
C&S culture and sensitivity
EMG electromyogram
ENT ear, nose, and throat
Hx history
ID intradermal
MS multiple sclerosis
OA osteoarthritis
Pt patient
ROM range of motion
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
SQ subcutaneous
TID three times daily
VA visual acuity
WB weight bearing
y/o year old
Abrupt all of a sudden
Alopecia baldness
Anorexia an eating disorder characterized by a pt restricting food or refusing to eat
Auscultation to listen
Bulimia an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced purging
Bulla large blister
Cerebral Palsy paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
Cicatrix scar
Combining Vowel o, not used if next portion starts with a vowel
Decubitus Ulcer bedsore
Degrees of burns 1st: only epidermis 2nd: epidermis and dermis 3rd: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer 4th: all layers of skin and also underlying tissues
Dementia loss/decline in mental function
Diagnosis what the health care professional thinks the pt has
Ecchymosis a larger bruise
Eczema from Greek, for “to boil over”; a red, itchy rash that may weep or ooze, then become crusted and scaly
Epilepsy a disease marked by seizures
Exacerbation it is getting worse
Fracture a bone break
Impetigo highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin
Keloid overgrowth of scar tissue
Lethargic a decrease in level of consciousness
Macula small, flat, discolored area (freckle)
Malaise not feeling well
Manic Depression (bipolar disorder) a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitements and depression
Marked it really stands out
Med Term base languages Greek & Latin
Miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
Morbidity the risk for being sick
Mortality the risk for dying
Nevus mole
Noncontributory not related to this specific problem
Palpation to feel
Papule "pimple" small solid mass
Pathogen the organism that causes the problem
Percussion to hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel the resulting vibration
Petechia small bruise
Prefix added to the beginning of a term when needed to further modify the root
Prognosis the chances for things to get better or worse
Prone lying down on belly
Psoriasis a skin condition characterized by patches of itchy, red, scaly skin
Schizophrenia a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
Sequelae a problem resulting from a disease or injury
Subluxation partial dislocation of a joint
Suffix ending that gives essential meaning to the term
Supine laying down on back
Tinea a fungal condition often called “­ringworm” due to its circular appearance
Tinnitis ringing of the ears
Unremarkable normal
Vesicle small blister
Word Root ending that gives essential meaning to the term
sphygmomanometer device used to measure BP
Which major vessel is responsible for receiving blood from the upper body and returning it to the heart? superior vena cava
What is the difference between the terms: arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis? arterio=artery; athero=fatty plaque; sclerosis=hardening
What is the difference between the terms: enuresis and incontinence? enuresis=involuntary urination (bedwetting); incontinence= inability to control urination
adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor of a gland
cholelithotripsy crushing of bile (gale) stones
cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder
cystoptosis downward displacement of the bladder
lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph gland (node)
hematuria bloody urination
cholecystogram record of the bile (gall) bladder
thoracentesis puncture of the chest
laryngectomy removal of the larynx
pneumothorax air in the chest
cardiomyotomy incision into the heart muscle
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle
embolectomy surgical removal of an embolus
erythrocyte red blood cell
thyroidotomy incision into the thyroid
Greek for “to pour out” ecchymosis
What is the root of the word venospasm? What does it mean? veno=vein; involuntary contraction of a vein
What is the root of the word hypoparathyroidism? What does it mean? parathyroid; under production of the parathyroid (para=beside)
aden/o gland
balan/o penis
ather/o fatty plaque
adren/o adrenal gland
carcin/o cancer
bronch/o bronchus
abdomin/o abdomen
chole/o bile (gall)
coagul/o coagulation
colon/o colon (large intestine)
colp/o vagina
cyan/o blue
cyt/o cell
dermat/o skin
dips/o thirst
ellipt/o oval-shaped
embol/o embolus (blockage)
episi/o vulva
glomerul/o glomerulus
gluc/o sugar
glucos/o sugar
glyc/o sugar
gonad/o gonads (sex organs)
gyn/o woman
gynec/o woman
hyster/o uterus
jejun/o jejunum
kal/o potassium
lact/o milk
lapra/o abdomen
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
lith/o stone
lymph/o lymph
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
melan/o black
metr/o uterus
nas/o nose
natr/o sodium
nephr/o kidney
norm/o normal
odont/o tooth
olig/o few
oophor/o ovary
peritone/o peritoneum
phag/o eat
pharmac/o drug
pharyng/o pharynx (throat)
phleb/o vein
pneum/o lung
pneumat/o air in lungs
proct/o anus & rectum
psych/o mind
pulmon/o lungs
pyel/o renal pelvis
ren/o kidney
reticul/o reticulum
salping/o fallopian tube
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
splen/o spleen
stomat/o mouth
thorac/o chest
thromb/o clot
tonsill/o tonsils
trache/o trachea (windpipe)
ungu/o nail
ven/o vein
vesic/o bladder
eu- good
pan- all
-cele hernia
-cyte cell
-emesis vomit
-iasis presence of
-ism condition
-logist specialist in. the study of
-megaly enlargement
-penia deficiency
-stenosis narrowing condition
-stomy creation of an opening
-thorax chest
-tomy incision
-tripsy crushing
BS blood sugar
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
FBS fasting blood sugar
IVC Inferior Vena Cava
LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
N&V nausea & vomiting
OS left eye
antibody substance produced by the body in response to an antigen
antigen substance that causes the body to produce antibodies
coronal plane divides body front from back
diabetes mellitus metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia
diabetic ketoacidosis acidity of the blood caused by the presence of ketone bodies produced when the body is unable to burn sugar; thus, it must burn far for energy
occlusion closing or blockage of a passage
reflux the flow of a fluid through a vessel or valve in the body in a direction opposite to normal
sagittal plane divides body left from right
splenectopy displacement of the spleen, sometimes called floating spleen
Ischemic stroke a stroke where blood loss is caused by a blockage
thelarche beginning of breast ­development
thrombolytic drug that breaks down blood clots
thrombus blood clot
transverse plane divides body top from bottom
palat/o palate (rough of mouth)
Hemorrhagic stroke a stroke where blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
Created by: drlake91
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