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N126-U3-II COPD #3

Dobrisky-COPD/Respiratory Meds

In what order should inhalers be given? adrenergics, anticholinergics, corticosteroids
albuterol, metaproterenol and salmeterol are all examples of what type of respiratory med? beta2 adrenergic agonist
albuterol and metaproterenol are short or long acting? short acting
short acting beta2 adrenergic agonists are given in doses 2 puffs every 4-6 hours
long acting b2 adrenergic agonists are given in doses 2 puffs every 12 hours
name the long acting b2? salmeterol
name the two most common short acting b2 adrenergic agonists? albuterol & metaproterenol
what are the nonselective b2 adrenergic agonists? epi a&b, ephedrine a&b
when taken with maois or more of their kind, b2 adrenergic agonists effect is increased and can result in what? hypertensive crisis
what medication is recommended for this type of hypertensive crisis? beta blockers
what should be assessed before administration of beta2? lungs, pulse, sputum and BP-before & at peak
if a patient has received their inhaler(s) and has an acute attack of coughing and wheezing what might they be experiencing? paradoxical bronchospasm
how do you treat paradoxical bronchospasm? other bronchodilator and/or corticosteroids
what type of respiratory meds can cause cp, htn, angina, palpitation, arrhythmias, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia? beta2 adrenergic agonists
MAOIs should be avoided in patients taking which type of respiratory inhaler: salmeterol or Spiriva? salmeterol
paradoxical bronchospasm can be caused by what type of respiratory drugs? beta2 adrenergic agonists and anticholinergics
which anticholinergic, atrovent or spiriva, may cause nasal congestion, palpitations and/or anxiety? atrovent
which type of anticholinergic should be avoided in the pt with bph or glaucoma? atrovent
which respiratory medication has been proven to improve baseline lung function with extended therapy? atrovent
which anticholinergic has a once daily dosing? spiriva
decadron is a corticosteroid
flovent is a corticosteroid
azmacort is a corticosteroid
salmeterol is a beta2 adrenergic agonist
metaproterenol is a beta2 adrenergic agonist
vanceril is a corticosteroid
cutivate is a corticosteroid
anticholinergics block what parasympathetic neurotransmitter? ACh
anticholinergics have what affect on secretions and constriction? decrease
which is more rapid, anticholinergics or beta2 adrenergic agonists? beta2 adrenergic agonist
when switching from oral to inhalation in corticosteroids what should be avoided? rapid change
adrenal failure can occur when changing doses of corticosteroids in this way oral to inhalation too quickly
which type of repiratory medication may cause pharyngeal irritation, coughing, dry mouth corticosteroids
which type of respiratory med may cause fatal dysrhythmias if outside of the therapeutic range? methylxanthines
name two methylxanthines aminophylline & theophylline
transiet hyperglycemia is an adverse side effect of which type of respiratory drug? methylxanthines
hyperglycemia is an adverse side effect of which type of resp drug? beta2 adrenergic agonist
hypokalemia may be caused by this type of respiratory drug beta2 adrenergic agonist
which type of respiratory drug should be avoided if a patient is taking allopurinol, cimetidine, oral contraceptives? methylxanthine
what affect would having the flu vaccine have on methylxanthine? it would increase the blood level making it toxic
what is the therapeutic range for methylxanthine? 10-20 mcg/ml
a patient who has peptic ulcers or has hyperthyroidism should avoid which type of respiratory drug? methylxanthine
which type of respiratory drug has the most incompatibilities with other iv meds? methyxanthine
what are the routes of administration for methylxanthines? oral/iv/rectal
which type of respiratory drug may be administered rectally? methylxanthine
which respiratory drugs may cause ventricular dysrhythmias, theophylline or decadron? theophylline
methylxanthine opens airways in copd patients by increase what level? cAMP
st johns wart and smoking will cause what type of change in the blood level of methylxanthine? lower blood level, toxic
which type of respiratory medication when given in large doses improves blood flow to the kidneys? methylxanthines
methylxanthine may result in what type of tachycardia? sinus
which type of respiratory med is almost always prescribed in moderate-severe disease corticosteroid
alpha-adrenergics are associated with blood vessels
beta1 adrenergics are associated with heart
beta2 adrenergics are associated with smooth muscles
Created by: Lori Dobrisky
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