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N126-U3-I. MI/CHF#10

Dobrisky-CHF and pulmonary edema

Heart failure is defined as when the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to adequately perfuse tissues
Heart failure can be the result of what conditions CAD, MI, HTN, COPD, hyperthyroidism, substance abuse, heart valve disease
HTN can result in CHF due to what condition cardiomegaly
Hyperthyroidism and other metabolic alterations can lead to CHF as a result of an increase in what CO
Substance abuse can lead to CHF by causing what cardiomyopathy and/or MI
Acute Heart Failure is the most common reason for hospital admission in what age group elderly
Acute heart failure occurs rapidly with the onset of severe signs and symptoms of failure
Acute heart failure requires immediate treatment or it will lead to cardiogenic shock
Chronic failure can be treated with what oral drugs, diet, exercise
MI will lead to what sided CHF left sided
Left sided heart failure presents with what types of S/S respiratory
Right sided heart failure presents with what types of S/S volume overload
Fatigue, dyspnea, orthopnea, chest pain, anxiety and paroxysmal nocturanl dyspnea are all s/s of which type of failure left sided
Tachycardia is considered a compensatory mechanism for which type of heart failre left sided
Heart failure is classified from 1-4, 4 being final stage
What type of sputum can be expected from a pt with Left sided heart failure pink or white, frothy sputum
Describe cheyne-stokes respiration slow to rapid then slow again and then stops momentarily
Patients with left sided heart failure can be expected to where oxygen when > at night and sometimes during the day
Define orthopnea SOB when lying flat
Depended edema is associated with which type of heart failure right sided
Define cachexia muscle wasting in arms and legs
a pt with left sided heart failure may experience what type of changes in their BP hypertension followed by hypotension and shock
distended jugular veins are associated with what type of heart failure right sided
Which sided heart failure is considered to be a volume problem right sided
peripheral edema, ascites and JVD are all s/s of which type of heart failure right sided
Decreased bowel signs are associated with which side right sided
A BNP result of >100 is a classic sign of what condition CHF
What type of tests are done to determine the size of the heart and valve and chamber size CXR & cardiac echo
Nuclear ventriculography is used to visualize what perfusion through the heart
Angiography is also called cardiac catheterization
Cardiac enzymes, serum chemistry, liver enzymes, thyroid and CBC are all ordered to rule out what MI
What activity level is best to promote diuresis for these patients bedrest
if a patient has pulmonary edema what angle should the HOB be placed in 90 degrees
Cardioversion for A Fib may include what two methods defibrillation and/or meds
What dietary changes are expected to be ordered in a CHF pt fluid restrictions, low Na
a low sodium diet will help decrease the workload on the heart by promoting what diuresis
A CHF patient should be encouraged to eat what types of meals frequent, small meals with adequate protein
Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, digoxin and aldosterone antagonists are all used in the treatment of heart failure
What med will be administered to reduce fluid overload or preload diuretics
When administering diuretics, patients in diastolic failure, should be watched cautiously for what possible complication extreme hypotension
diastolic failure is a filling problem
systolic failure is a output problem
diastolic filling
systolic output
Losartin (Cozaar) preserves myocardium by preventing what scar tissue
Furosemide (Lasix) when given IV push, should be given at what rate per min 1ml/min
What vital sign should be monitored while administering Lasix BP
what two types of diuretics may be compbined for greater diuresis loop & thiazide
***Enalapril (Vasotec) is in what class of diuretics ACE inhibitors
What class of drug is essential for treating heart failure ACE inhibitors
Enalapril (Vasotec) elevates what in the blood K+
what effect does Enalapril have on preoad & afterload and how reduces both by vasodilating
what three complications should be monitored for with Enalapril hyperkalemia, hypotension, fluid depletion
Losartin (Cozaar) is in what class of drug diuretic, angiotensin receptor blocker
beta blockers relieve CHF by slowing heart rate and allowing for complete filling
Carvedilol (Coreg) and Metoprolol (Lopressor) are in what class of drug antidiuretic, beta blockers
Beta blockers should be held if the systolic bp & hr are sbp <90 and hr <60
Coreg or Lopressor are almost always given before what cardiac procedure cardiac catheterization
Calcium channel blockers should not be given to patients with what type of ventricular dysfunction severe left ventricular dysfunction
Norvasc is a calcium channel blocker
Digitalis is usually given if the pt has had no response to other drugs or they are in Afib
Hypokalemia has what effect on dig toxicity enhances dig toxicity
The first sign of dig toxicity is considered to be anorexia
yellow green halos around lights and confusion are both s/s of dig toxicity
What effect does dig have on the HR slows the heart rate
Negative chronotropic effect of dig is slows the heart rate
Negative dromotropic effect of dig is slows conduction velocity
beta blockers and calcium channel blockers when used with dig may enhance what effect of dig bradycardia
When administering aldosterone antagonists monitor for hyperkalemia
Nitrates and morphine decrease preload by dilating veins, causing venous pooling
To relieve dynea, elevate HOB 45
To relieve pulmonary edema elevate HOB 90
differentiate between inotropic, chronotropic and dromotropic inotropic-contraction; chronotropic-rate; dromotropic-electrical
Created by: Lori Dobrisky
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