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micro 3 cont.

mirobiology health

Non acid fast, non sporulating, and noncapsulated bacilli L. pneumophilia
Non fermentative Oxidase and Catalase Positive L. pneumophilia
Cooling towers, air conditioning units, hottubs/spas, plumbing fixtures L. pneumophilia
L. pneumophilia The ability to survive and multiply in freeliving protozoa
Two Diseases,Legionnaires’Disease-Pontiac fever comes from L. pneumophilia
Legionairres’ Disease mortality rate 30% if not treated Symptoms depend on person- asymptomatic/life threat
More like influenza, no pneumonia, 0%mortality Pontiac Fever
Isolation using special media Urine detect antigen detection Pontiac Fever
Pontiac Fever Survive and multiply in Macrophages(especially bronchoalvealor macrophages
Cysteine and iron/35C and CO2 Buffered Charcoal Yeast Agar Pontiac Fever
Treatment is Erythromycin Clinical response within 48 hrs Pontiac Fever
Zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution 6 species Brucella
Most isolates grow of Brucella grow on bloodand chocolate agar,small,nonmotile.aerobes Brucella
Catalase and Oxidase positive,Non sacchrolyticsurvive intracellularly in the RES system Brucella
Normal flora in urinary and gastrointestinaltracts of goats, pigs, cows, and dogs General char. of Brucella
brucella Ingestion of contaminated dairy
Serology for Brucella “Gold Standard” Febrile agglutinins
GramNegative,pleomorphic,coccobacilli,nonmotile,Catalase Positive Pasteurella
Most are Oxidase Positive and FermentGlucose,weak acid on TSI slant Pasteurella
the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal of mammals/birds Pasteurella
Most common species isolated from humans Pasteurella multocida
Pasteurella multocida Grows on SBA and CHOC– Not on MAC
Oxidase and Catalase- Positive Indole Positive Pasteurella multocida
Oral cavity of cats and dogs,Causative agents of several,Cattle, sheep, goats, poultry etc Pasteurella multocida
Pasteurella multocida Grey/Green, convex, nonhemolytic– “Mushroom” Odor
Urogenital flora,can cause Endocarditis, Bacteremia, Mixed flora wound infections Hacek Organism
Hacek Organism Most are slow growing 48-72 hrs, requires CO2 to grow
Leading cause of endocarditis within the Haemophilus sp. Hemophilus aphrophilus
Catalase and Oxidase negative,Acid produced from glucose/lactose fermentation Hemophilus aphrophilus
Endocarditis, Bacteremia, Wound infections, and Dental infections Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Grows poorly on Blood and Chocolate- Catalase Positive and Oxidase negative
Normal flora of nose, mouth, and throat, may be present in the gastrointestinal tract Cardiobacterium hominis
Pleomorphic, fastidious, gram negative bacillus Associated with endocarditis Cardiobacterium hominis
Oxidase and Indole Positive Catalase and Nitrate Negative Cardiobacterium hominis
Normal flora of oral and bowel cavities in the body Eikenella corrodens
Fastidious gram negative coccobacilli has a strong bleach-like odor Eikenella corrodens
Oxidase positive and Nitrate positive Nonmotile Eikenella corrodens
Normal flora of human upper respiratory tract and genitourinary tract Kingella spp
Kingella spp Plump Gram Negative Rods
Kingella spp Oxidase Positive and Catalase Negative ±Ferment Glucose
Transmission: handling animals or animalcarcasses,Highly contagious and invasive Francisella tularensis
Cystine and Iron,Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar,choc.agar Francisella tularensis
Francisella tularensis Faint staining, Gram negative coccobacilliSmall, greenish, drop like colonies
Haemophilus sp Most members are non pathogenic oropportunistic pathogens
normal flora of the upper respiratory tractSusceptible to temperature change Haemophilus sp
Tiny Gram Negative Coccobacilli,Non-MotileFacultative Anaerobes Haemophilus sp
derived from Greek for “Bloodlover” Haemophilus
X factor- what is it made of– V Factor- what is it made of X---hemin, hematinV---nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
Major clinical pathogen,Normal flora of the upper respiratory tract Haemophilus influenzae
Vaccine- single biggest impact on pediatricsin the last 20 years Haemophilus influenzae
Polysaccharide capsule (7 serogroupsexist)What type most common Capsule Type B is the most clinicallysignificant/virulent
Non-encapsulated strains Adherance: ability to adhere to mucosalsurfaces
Non-encapsulated StrainsClinical Disease Causes localized infections
Requires 3-5% CO2Satellites around S. aureus on SBA Non-encapsulated Strains
Haemophilus aegyptius Conjucivitis “Pink Eye”Brazilian Purpuric Fever
Requires X/V GrowsinChoc,chemical Differentiation require Haemophilus aegyptius
4 hour identification of over 30 taxaincluding Neisseria, Moraxella,Haemophilus, Remel Rapid NH ID
Not normal flora STDGenital tract pathogen, Haemophilus ducreyi
4-14 days after incubation from the time ofinfection,Painful lesion, no edema Haemophilus ducreyi
Localized endemic outbreaks occur in isolatedSTD and prostitution populations Chancroid is rare in the United States
Does not need V factor– Fastidious will not satellite on BAP Chancroid
Gram negative coccobacillus- “Schoolof Fish” pattern Chancroid
Created by: hintonworld
Popular Nursing sets




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