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chap 27 vocab

acrocyanosis peripheral cyanosis; the blue discoloration of the hands and feet in most infants at birth that may persist for 7-10 days
autolysis self-dissolution or self-digestion in tissues or cells by enzymes in the cells
circumcision surgical procedure in which a part of the foreskin is removed, leaving the glans penis uncovered
colostrum breast fluid that may be excreted from the second trimester of pregnancy onward but is most evident in the first 2 or 3 days after birth and before the onset of true lactation. This thin yellowish fluid is rich in proteins and calories and antibodies
cryptorchidism failure of testes to descend into the scrotum
diaphoresis the secretion of sweat, especially the profuse secreation of sweat
diuresis secretion and passage of large amounts of urine
engorgement process of swelling of the breast tissue brought about by an increase in blood and lymph supply to the breast; occurs around 48 hrs postpartum and usually reaches a peak between the third and fifth days
fontanelle broad area or soft spot consisting of a strong bond of connective tissue between an infants cranial bones
gynecomastia development of abnormally large mammary glands in a male that sometimes may secrete milk. When observed in a newborn it is in response to maternal hormones; may be noted in either sex of the newborn
harlequin sign rare color change of no pathologic significance occuringbetween the longitudinal halves of the newborns body; when the infant is placed on one side the dependent half is noticeably pinker than the superior half
homans sign early sign of thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the calf in which there are complaints of pain when the leg is in extension and the foot is dorsiflexed
involution reduction in size of the uterus after delivery and return to its normal size
lactation fucntion of secreting mild from the breasts for the nourishment of an infant or breastfeeding child
lanugo downy find hair characteristic of the fetus between 20 weeks gestation and birth
meconium first stools of the infant; viscid, dark greenish brown, almost black; sterile; odorless
Created by: aDORKable05
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