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Feeding and Eliminat

ANURIA absence/without urine; volume is less than 100 ml w/in 24 hours
DYSURIA painful/difficulty with urination
FREQUENCY the need to void often
URINE INCONTINENCE inability to prevent passing urine
OLIGURIA less than 400 ml urine within 24 hours
URINARY RETENTION incomplete emptying of the bladder (urine left in the bladder after voiding)
URGENCY strong feeling that urine must be eliminated quickly
NOCTURIA voiding more than twice at night
DIURESIS increased urinary output
NOCTURNAL ENURESIS involuntary discharge of urine after the age of 5 when bladder control should have been established
HESITANCY involuntary delay in initiating urine
POLYURIA large amounts of urine output. (more than 1500 cc per day)
STRESS INCONTINENCE loss of small amounts of urine is lost during situations when intraabdominal pressure rises (sneezing, coughing, laughing, rising from bed or chair)
RESIDUAL URINE urine left in the bladder
MICTURITION voiding or urination
CYSTITIS inflammation of bladder - frequent urgency and burning with bladder infection
LASIX drug to make you urinate
normal ph of urine 5.5 to 7.0 (H+ ions)
normal specific gravity 1.001 to 1.035
what does cloudy urine mean? infection or bacteria
HEMATURIA urine containing blood from somewhere from urinary system
PYURIA pus in urine (bacterial infection in urinary bladder or kidney)
PROTEINURIA protein in urine (stress, infection, strenous exercise or disorder of the kidney)
GLYCOSURIA glucose/sugar in kidney
KETONURIA ketones on urine (ketoacidosis from uncontrolled DM)
URINAL cylindrical container for mails for urine collection
COMMODE chair with container inserted to catch urine or feces; used at bedside as toilet
BEDPAN metal or plastic seat-like device, placed under buttocks while in bed
STRESS urethral sphincter failure
URGE need to void as perceive frequently
REFLEX spontaneous loss of urine when bladder is stretched
FUNCTIONAL inability to recognize the urge to void
OVERFLOW urine leakage
CREDES MANEUVER A method for expressing urine by pressing the hand on the bladder, especially a paralyzed bladder.
KEGEL EXERCISES isometric exercises to strenghten pelvic floor muscles
LEUKOCYTES present in urine if infected
PERISTALSIS rhythmic muscular movement to elementary canal
STEATORRHEA fatty stools
MELENA black tarry stools
STOOL FOR OB (OCCULT BLOOD) if you see bright blood in stool = lower GI Bleed.; if you see very dark or black blood = upper GI bleed, blodd has been digested
2 KINDS OF ENEMAS oil retention and cleansing
OIL RETENTION ENEMA hold for 30 minutes
CLEANSING ENEMA 500 to 1000 cc's
normal protein 20 to 02% protein
method of feeding a blind person clock face method
DYSPHAGIA difficulty swallowing
DYSPHASIA difficulty speaking
XEROSTOMIA dryness of mouth due to reduction of amt of salivary secretion
DYSOSMIA distortion of normal smell perception
DYSGEUSIA normal tastes are interpreted as being unpleasant or completely different from usual taste of food or chemical compound
Created by: jekjes
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