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1010 Unit 3


Dialysis the passage of a solute through a membrane. The process of diffusing blood across a semipermeable membrane to remove toxic materials and to maintain F&E and acid-base balance
Trendelenburg position The patient's head is low and the body and legs are on an elevated and inclined plane.
Dysuria Painful or difficult urination
Renal Colic Pain, most commonly felt in the flank, lower abdomen and groin
Autonomic Dysreflexia The state in which a person with a spinal cord injury at T7 or above experiences a life-threatening unihibited sympathetic response of the nervouse system to a noxious stimulus.
80% of UTIs E. coli
80% of stones Calcium
Azotemia Presence of increased amounts of nitrogenous waste products. esp urea
UTI (meds) Sulfonamides, Nitrofurantoin, Fluoroquinolones and Levofloxican
Sulfonamides Trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole
Sulfonamides (def.) Are competitive inhibitors
Trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole (def) Are competitive inhibitors
Nitrofurantoin Furadantin, Macrodantin and Macrobid
Nitrofurantoin (def) Anitbiotic used to treat UTI, damages bacterial DNA
Furadantin Anitbiotic used to treat UTI, damages bacterial DNA
Macrodantin Anitbiotic used to treat UTI, damages bacterial DNA
Macrobid Anitbiotic used to treat UTI, damages bacterial DNA
Fluoroquinolones Ciprofloxican (Cipro)
Fluoroquinolones (def) broad spectrum antibiotic, prevents DNA synthesis
Ciprofloxican (Cipro) (def) broad spectrum antibiotic, prevents DNA synthesis
Levofloxican Levaquin
Levofloxican (def) antibiotic for both Gram +/-, inhibits DNA gyrase
Levaquin (def) antibiotic for both Gram +/-, inhibits DNA gyrase
Thiazide Hydrochlorothizide (Hydrodiuril)
Thiazide (def) Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the distal tubules
Hydrochlorothizide (Hydrodiuril)(def) Inhibits the kidneys ability to retain water
Allopurinal (def) is an enzyme inhibitor used for uric acid stones
1 lbs 500mL
Loop Diuretics Furosemide (Lasix), Edecrin and Bumetanide (Bumex)
Furosemide (Lasix)(def) Inhibits the action in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle
Edecrin (def) Inhibits the action in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle
Bumetanide (Bumex) Inhibits the action in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. Used when the body does not react to Lasix
Spironolactone (Aldactone) inhibits the effect of aldosterone by competing for receptors in the distal convoluted tubule cells.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Measures urea. Increased levels may result from dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, digested blood, or prerenal/renal failure
Serum Creatinine Used to diagnose kidney dysfunction. When 50% or more nephrons are destroyed, serum creatinine levels rise
Routine Urinalysis (UA) Examination of the constituents of a sample to establish baseline. Aids in diagnosis and results of treatments. Provide clean specimen cup. Assess meds, fluid status, and foods.
Urine Culture (Midstream, clean-catch) Performed to identify causative organism of a UTI. Reading or >100K indicate infection. Provide sterile cup. Clean meatus and surrounding area.
Residual Urine (postvoiding residual urine) Measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after voiding. Have patient void and immediatly cath.
Portable Ultrasonic Bladder Scan Obtians info on residual urine.
Creatinine Clearance 24 hr urine to identify renal function. Norm is 85-135/min. Assess meds.
Uroflowmetry Measures the volume of urine per second. Ask the client to increase in fluid intake and refrain from voiding to start with a full bladder. They will urinate into a funnel.
Cystometrogram (CMG) (voiding cystogram) Evaluate bladder capacity and neuromuscular functions of the bladder, urethral pressure and causes of bladder dysfunction. Norm is urge >150mL, Full >300mL. Inform client of how the procedure works.
Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) Allows to visualize the urinary tract for abnormalties. Assess pt understanding, schedule prior to barrium, ask for allergies, signed consent, renal and fluid status, baseline VS.
Retrograde Pyelogram Done to evaluate the structure of the ureters and kidney pelvis. Same care as IVP.
Renal Arteriogram or Angiogram Done to visualize renal blood vessels to detect abnormalties. Assess for allergies and perform pre and post care.
Cystoscopy (cystogram) Direct visualization of bladder and urethral walls. Assess knowledge, signed consent, administer meds. Burning may be present.
Renal Ultrasound noninvasive test to detect renal or periral masses.
CT scan of kidneys Evaluates kidney size, tumors, abscesses. Assess client for allergies and pt must be NPO for 4 hrs.
MRI of the kidneys Visualize the kidneys via radiofrequency waves and changes in the magnetic field. Remove all metal. If metal cannot be removed, test cannot be performed.
Renal Scan Evaluate kidney blood flow, location size and shape. To assess for perfusion and urine production. Pt to drink several glasses of water prior to test. Obtain wt and have client void. Increase intake after test.
Renal Biopsy To obtain tissue to diagnose and monitor kidney disease. Informed consent, NPO, Hemaglobin and hemocrit before test. Monitor VS closely.
Pyuria Pus in the urine. Evidence of renal or bladder disease.
Erythropoietin A cytokine made by the kidneys that stimuoates the proliferation of red blood cells.
Proliferation Rapid and repeated reproduction of new parts as by cell division.
Hydronephrosis Stretching of the renal pelvis as a result of obstruction to urinary flow.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Non progressive, prostate proliferation of normal cells in the normal tissue arrangment.
Glomerulonephritis Lesions involve primarily the glomeruli.
Ototoxicity Hearing loss may be irreversible
Nephrotoxicity Oliguria may lead to kidney damage
High Calcium Foods Beans, Chocolate, Dried fruits, canned/smoked fish (NOT TUNA) flour or milk products
High Oxalate Foods Asparagus, Beer, Colas, Beets, Cabbage, Celery, Chocolate, Fruits, Green Beans, Nuts, teas and tomatoes
Purine-Rich foods Goose, organ meats, sardines/herring, venison, (Mod. Amount: beef, chicken, crab, pork, salmon, veal)
Acidifying foods Cheese, cranberries, eggs, grapes, meat & poultry, plums, prunes, tomatoes, whole grains
Alkalinizing foods Green vegetables, fruit, milk products, rhubarb
Cause for obstruction: Kidney pelvis Calculi, Polycystic kidney disease, infection and scarring
Cause for obstruction: Ureters Calculi, Scarring, Strictures, Pregnancy, Tumors, lymph node enlargement
Cause for obstruction: Bladder Neurogenic bladder, tumors, calculi and other foreign bodies
Cause for obstruciton: Urethra Benign prostatic hypertrophy, Tumors, scarring, strictures and Trauma
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
Pylonephritis Acute inflammation of the renal pelvis. / Chronic infection of kidney
Created by: Mercy Student
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