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155 quiz 2

cancer a type of abnormal cell growth in which cellular regulation is lost, resulting in new tissues that serve no useful function, are harmful, and can lead to death
1.8 million How many people in US and Canada are diagnosed with cancer every year?
cellular regulation the genetic and physiologic processes that control cellular growth, replication, differentiation, and function to maintain homeostasis
neoplasia any new or continued cell growth not needed for normal development or replacement of dead and damaged tissues
mutations Cancer cells were once normal cells but underwent genetic ______ to no longer look, grow, or function normally.
specific morphology the feature in which each normal cell type has a distinct and recognizable appearance, size, and shape
differentiated function every normal cell has at least one function it performs to contribute to whole-body function
tight adherence normal cells make sticky cell adhesion molecules that protrude from membranes, allowing cells to bind closely and tightly
nonmigratory normal cells do not wander throughout the body
contact inhibition stops further rounds of cell division when the dividing cell is completely surrounded and touched by other cells
apoptosis programmed cell death
benign tumor cells a type of abnormal cell growth in which normals cells grow in the wrong place or at the wrong time as a result of a problem with cellular regulation; moles, uterine fibroid tumors, skin tags
invade Benign tumor cells do not ______
anaplasia cancer cells' loss of the specific appearance of their parent cells
no useful purpose cancer cells serve ____ _______ ______
loose adherence cancer cells do not make cell adhesion molecules and easily break off from the main tumor
migration cancer cells do not bind tightly together and have many enzymes, allowing them to slip through vessels and tissues, spreading from the point of origin
No contact inhibition even when all sides of cancer cells are in continuous contact, they continue to divide
continuous cell division cancer cells do not respond to checkpoint controls of cell division or apoptosis
hypertrophy one cell gets bigger (usually benign)
hyperplasia one cells divides (usually malignant)
carcinogenesis cancer development with changing of a normal cell into a cancer cell
carcinogens substances that change the activity of a cell's genes so the cell becomes a cancer cell
primary tumor original group of cancer cells or tumor caused by carcinogenesis
metastatic tumors cancerous tumor cells that move from the primary location by breaking off from the original group and establishing remote colonies
metastasis the ability of cancer cells to invade and spread into other tissues and organs
type of tissue Cancers are classified according to the ____ ___ _____ from which they arise
grading compares the appearance and activity of the cancer cell with the normal parent tissue from which it arose
staging determines the exact location of the cancer and whether metastasis has occurred
TNM system used to describe the anatomic extent of cancers; tumor, node, metastasis
30% At least ____ of cancers diagnosed in North America are related to tobacco use
prostate most common cancer in men
breast most common cancer in women
lung #1 killer cancer in men & women
77% _____ of all cancers occur in people older than 55
African American men >55 Who has the highest death rate with cancer?
Age singlemost important risk factor for cancer
primary cancer prevention use of strategies to prevent the actual occurrence of cancer
secondary cancer prevention the use of screening strategies to detect cancer early, at a time when cure or control is more likely
Changes in bowel or bladder habits Caution
A sore that does not heal cAution
Unusual bleeding or discharge caUtion
Thickening or lump in the breast cauTion
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing cautIon
Obvious change in wart or mole cautiOn
Nagging cough or hoarseness cautioN
second Cancer-related conditions are the ______ leading cause of death in the United States
quality of life Regardless of the treatment received, cancer has a negative impact on the adult's physical and psychological functioning and _________ ____ ______
cachexia extreme tissue and muscle wasting due to malnourishment
Created by: mpvought
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