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Peds 2

Test 2-review

Kawaski disease Multisystem disorder, Vasculities (inflammation of inner lining of arteries & veins)
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Kawaski disease
Leading cause of acquired heart disease in children Kawaski disease
Nursing management involved with Kawaski disease Encourage fluids, Monitior temp & eyes for conjunctivitis
Digoxin is used with caution in those with Low heart rate & hypokalemia
Therapeutic digoxin levels are: 0.8 to 2 ng/mL
Signs of digoxin tox are: Bradycardia, serum level exceeding 2 mcg/L, N/V
Prils do what? Decrease afterload which causes vasodilation that results in lower BP
Side effects of -prils Hypotension, COUGH, renal dysfunction, Angioedema (tough swelling=EM)
Tissue hypoxia results in metabolic acidosis & hyperventilation
Polycythemia Increase in RBCs, Risk for anemia, increased bld viscosity, increase hemorrhage, increased risk for clotting
Hypercyanotic spells "Tet" spells and put knees to chest
Another inventition for Hypercyanotic spells is Morphine
Which of the following increase Pulmonary blood flow ASD, VSD, Atrioventricular canal defect, Patent ductus arteriosus (AV, AP)
L to R means Increased Pulmonary bld flow
Duct between aorta and pulmonary artery doesn't close Patent ductus arteriosus
Closes PDA Indomethacin
Keeps PDA open Prostanglandin E
VSD may enlarge this Right atrium
Most common in Down Syndrome infants Atrioventricular canal defect
Obstruct bld flow from ventricles Coartaction of aorta, aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis
Narrowing of the aorta near ductus arteriosus Coartaction of aorta
Upper extremeties have increased BP, Lower extremeties have decreased BP Coartaction of aorta
Diminished carotid pulse Aortic stenosis
May need to avoid activity Aortic stenosis
Foramen ovale may reopen Pulmonic stenosis
Decreased Pulmonary bld flow Teralogy of Fallot
Tetralogy of Fallot includes VSD, Pulmonic stenosis, overriding aorta, right ventricular hypertrophy (VP-OR)
R to L shunt Tetralogy of Fallot
Created by: ldeaton
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