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T2-Health Assess

HA Worksheet - FI

List 4 skills of assessment in order Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation
Give a reason to use Inspection skill of assessment. Visual, hearing, smell to determine normal/abnormal
Give a reason to use Palpation skill of assessment. To examine all accessible parts of skin, kidneys, etc.
Give a reason to use Percussion skill of assessment. To observe abnormalities with vibrating sound
Give a reason to use Auscultation skill of assessment. To listen to sounds made by body
What sounds are the bell of the stethoscope used to hear? Low pitch sounds by low velocity movement of blood
What sounds are the Diaphragm of the stethoscope used to hear? high pitched sound by high velocity movement of air, blood
In what situations can the vital signs not be delegated to an assistant? Unstable pts, post-op pts
What are the normal VS ranges for avg adults? BP 120/80, RR 60-80, HR 60-80
What are the normal VS ranges for older adults? Higher BP systolic due to descresed elasticity,
Name at least 2 factors that can affect the HR exercise, temp, emotion, drugs, hemmorage
When is an apical pulse absolutely necessary? When you have a auscultory gap in BP, need to take apical pulse for 1 full min
Discuss the ways nicotine and caffeine can affect the BP Narrows the blood vessels, more pressure on walls = increased BP
What defines hypertension? Systolic BP 140 mmHg or greater and Distolic BP of 90 mmHg or greater or taking antihypertensive med
What is orthostatic hypotension? When pt with a normal BP develops light-headedness or dizziness when standing and BP drops
What interventions should you use to maintain your pts safety during orthostatinc hypotension? Take BP supine, sitting, and standing and ask Pt if they feel dizzy or light-headed.
Name 4 of the common mistakes made in taking a BP Ill-fitting cuff (bladder), arm above/below heart level, stethoscope ill-fitting (hearing deficiency or pressed too hard), inflation/deflation notes too high/low
Out of the common mistakes made in taking a BP, what mistakse can cause a false high or low reading? Cuff too big or too small, Cuff wrapped too loosely or unevenly, Arm above/below HR level
Name at least 2 factors that can affect the RR Exercise, Acute Pn, Anxiety, Smotking, Meds, Body position, Neurological injury, Hemoglobin Function
Name 2 diagnoses that may alter pulse oximeter reading accuracy PVD, Hypothermia
List the possible cause and best place to assess for Pallor skin color. Anemia - Look for pallor in the face, mouth, conjuctiva, nail beds
List the possible cause and best place to assess for Jaundice skin color. Liver Disease - Look for Jaundice in the sclera, mucous membranes, skin
List the possible cause and best place to assess for Cyanosis skin color. Lung Disease, cold T - Look for cyanosis in the lips, nail beds, conjunctiva and palsm
When can a TB (PPD) skin test be read? Between 48-72 hrs after test has been performed
What happens if you have a positive TB skin test? Chest X-Ray
Which client may not have a reliable TB skin test? Someone that's immunocompromised
List the expected type of rash or lesions seen with chicken pox (varicella). Generalized pruritic maculopapular rash with vesicles in various stages
List the expected type of rash or lesions seen with Meninococcal Meningitis. Purpura
List the expected type of rash or lesions seen with Thrombocytopenia. Petchiae
Capillary refill < 3 sec indicates adequate ___ blood flow. Arterial
Define Orthopnea related to the Respiratory Assessment. Difficulty breathing
Define Dyspnea related to the Respiratory Assessment. SOB
Define Tachypnea related to the Respiratory Assessment. Fast breathing rate
Define Eupnea related to the Respiratory Assessment. Normal breathing
Where should you listed to the lungs to ensure auscultation of all lobes? Posterior chest, lateral cheast, anterior chest
Discuss the qualities of Rhonchi breath sounds Sonorous wheezing
Where would you hear Rhonchi the most? Heard over trach and bronchi. May be cleared with coughing
Discuss the qualities of Crackles/Rales breath sounds Fine crackles are high pitched fine, short. Moist crackles are lower, more moist sounds.
Where would you hear Crackles/Rales the most? Fine crackles heard during end of inspiration. Moist crackles heard during middle of inspiration.
Discuss the qualities of Wheezing breath sounds High pitched continuous musical sounds like squeaking.
Where would you hear Wheezing the most? Heard continuously during inspiration, heard over all lung fields
Discuss the qualities of Stridor breath sounds High pitched whistling sound heard on inspiration
Where would you hear Stridor the most? In the upper respiratory tract
Discuss the qualities of Pleural Friction Rub breath sounds Dry, grating quality
Where would you hear Pleural Friction Rub the most? Heard best during inspiration, loudest over lower lateral anterious surface
Define Kyphosis related to a thoracic assessment. Hunchback - exaggeration of posterior curvature
Define Lordosis related to a thoracic assessment. Swayback - increased lumbar curvature
Define Scoliosis related to a thoracic assessment. Lateral curvature of spine
Define Barrel Chest related to a thoracic assessment. Characterizes aging and chronic lung disease
Are Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scholiosis, or Barrel Chest normal? Kyphosis and Barrel chest is normal in aging adults
What is a pulse deficit? Inefficient contraction of heart fails to transmit pulse wave to peripheral pulse site
What causes a pulse deficit? Dysrhythmias
What do the S1 and S2 sounds represent? S1 - lub, low pitched and dull. S2 - dub, higher pitched and shorter sound
What is JVD? Jugular Vein Distention - visible bulging of the jugular vein
How is JVD determined? When sitting, JV distended in pts with right-sided heart failure
What is a bruit? Blowing sound in the carotid artery
What part of the stephoscope is used to listen for a bruit? Bell
Where might you hear a bruit? In the carotid artery
Describe arterial insufficiency Less blood flow to body
Describe venous insufficienty Causes tissue changes, indicating inadequate circulatory flow back
List 4 risk factors for breast cancer Family Hx, Women over 40, Early onset of menarche (before 13), Late age response (after 50)
At what age and how often should a women see a healthcare provider for a breast exam? Age 20-40, every 3 yrs
At what age and how often should a women see a healthcare provider for a mammogram? Over 40, every year
What time of the month should a pre-menopausal female complete a self breast exam (SBE)? Last day of menstrual cycle
What time of the month should a post-menopausal female complete a self breast exam? first day on month
What time of the month should a pregnant female complete a self breast exam? Every month at same time
How does the order of a GI assessment differ from other systems and why? IAPP because you don't want to palpate before listening
How do you determine the diff in hypoactive, normoactive, hyperactive and absent bowel sounds? Listening to bowel sounds. Hypo <5/min, Normoactive 5-35/min, Hyper >35/min. Absent needs to be auscultated for 5 min in all 4 quadrants
At what age and how often should a male perform a self testicular exam? 15 yo and monthly
Name 2 urinary signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Frequency and incontinence
Define the levels of consciousness (LOC) Alert, Lethargic, Obtunded, Stuporous, Semi-comatose, Comatose
What is the Glascow Coma Scale (GCS)? Objective masurement of consciousness on neurological scale
Which cranial nerve controls smell? Olfactory
Which cranial nerve controls Pupil Reaction? Optic
Which cranial nerve controls facial expression? Facial
Which cranial nerve controls hearing and taste? Auditory
Define Romberg's test Testing balance. Ask client to stand with ceet at comfortable distance apart, arms at sides and eyes closed. Expected finding: the client should be able to stand with minimal swaying for at least 5 sec
Define Ataxia Neurological sign and symptom consisting of gross lack of coordination of muscle movements
Define DTR Deep Tendon Reflexes - Using a reflex hammer, assess DTRs bilaterally and compare results for symetry. Grading is done on scale of 0-4.
What level is expected on DTR? Expected = 2+
Define Contracture Shortening of a muscle in response to continued hypertonic stress exerted on that muscle or tendon. Seen in pts with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Define Muscular atrophy A decrease in muscle size due to disuse
Define Aphasia Acquired language disorder in which there is an impairment of any language modality
Define Atelectasis Collapse of alveoli, preventing normal respiratory exchange of O2 and CO2
Created by: mcwilliams05
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