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White Ch 37 Muscskel

Amputation removal of all or part of an extremity
Arthroplasty Replacement of both articular surfaces within a joint capsule
Bruxism teeth grinding during sleep
Closed Reduction Repair of a fracture done without surgical intervention
Contracture Permanent shortening of a muscle
Crepitus Grating or crackling sensation or sound
Diarthrosis Freely movable joint
Dislocation Injury in which the articular surfaces or a joint are no longer in contact
Fracture Break in the continuity of a bone
Heberden's Nodes Enlargement and characteristic hypertrophic spurs in the terminal interphalangeal finger joints
Kyphosis Increased roundness of the thoracic spinal curve
Locomotor Pertaining to movement or the ability to move
Lordosis Exaggeration of the curvature of the lumbar spine
Open Reduction Surgical procedure that enables the surgeon to reduce (repair) a fracture under direct visualization
Orthopedics Branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of the disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Osteoporosis Increase in the porosity of bone
Parathesia Abnormal sensation such as numbness or tingling
Phantom Limb Pain Sensation of pain, soreness, and stiffness in an amputated limb
Scoliosis Lateral curvature of the spine
Sprain Injury to ligaments surrounding a joint caused by a sudden twist, wrench, or fall
Strain Injury to a muscle or tendon due to overuse or overstretching
Subluxation Partial separation of an articular surface
Synarthrosis Immovable Joint
Toph i Subcutaneous nodules of sodium urate crystals
Windowing Cutting a hole in a plaster cast to relieve pressure on the skin or a bony area and to permit visualization of the underlying body part
Fascia a band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle
Tendons tough connective tissue that joins skeletal muscles to bones
ligaments fibrous tissue that connects bones to provide stability to joints
Greenstick A fracture in which the bone is partially bent and partially broken; occurs in children
Closed Fracture A break in the bone without penetration of the skin suface
Open Fracture compound fracture; broken bone with an open wound
Impacted Fracture fracture in which one broken end is wedged into the other broken end
Sprial Fracture Fracture which twists around the bone, may occur from a twisting force
Comminuted Fracture the bone is splintered, crushed, or broken into pieces, and smaller bone fragments lie between the two main fragments. This is the most difficult fracture to treat.
Complications of a Fracture Infection, fat embolism syndrome, and compartment syndrome
Fat Embolism Syndrome Associated with fractures of long bonesor crushing injuries. An embolus usually occurs within 24-72 hours but may occur up to a week after injury. Respiratory disorder caused by fat globules being freed from bone marrow and tissue that has been damaged
Rhabdomyolysis crushing injuries - myoglobin, creatine kinase escape from injured muscle - rapid breakdown of muscle tissue - cause renal tubular obstruction
Compartment Syndrome May lead to permanent injury, Is caused by pressure in an injured muscle from edema, either from confining fascia, or confining casts. Treatment consists of relieving pressure by removing cast or performing fasciotomy
Fasciotomy Making an incision into the fibrous membrane covering a muscle, usually to relive pressure from an injured or swollen muscle.
Skeletal Traction form of directly applying traction to a client's bones by surgically inserting metal pins or wires into the bones
Skin Traction non-surgical method of providing necessary pull for shorter periods, Buck's traction..frequently used to temporarily immobilize a part or stabilize a fracture
Manual Traction The process of applying tension to straighten and realign a fractured limb before splinting. Also called tension.
Steps of Bone Repair 1. formation of a hematoma. 2. formation of a fibrocartilagenous callus. 3. formation of a bony callus. and 4. remodeling of the fracture.
Rheumatoid Arthritis autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, with recurring inflammation involving the synovium or lining of the joints
Bursitis inflammation of the bursa, the connective tissue structure surrounding a joint caused by arthritis, infection, injury, or excessive or traumatic exercise or effort. Sx are severe pain particularly with movement
Osteomyelitis an inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection)
Osteoarthritis Degenerative Joint Disease, considered a "wear and tear" disease and is characterized by slow and steady progressive breakdown of cartilage. Begins during middle age, Has Heberden's Nodes
Temporomandibular Joint Disease/Disorder TMJ collection of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint and/or the muscles of mastication. Causes: trauma, stress, teeth clenching, bruxism, an joint diseases such as RA or osteoarthritis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Painful inflammatory condition affects the carpal portion of the median nerve Often associated with repetitive actions Can be by trauma or hereditary inflammation of tendons around the nerve, disrupting hand function and resulting in numbness and pain
Gout Metabolic disease of ineffective purine metabolism resulting in deposits of needlelike crystals of uric acid in connective tissue, joint spaces, or both. Tophi is a symptom
Lyme Disease an infection caused by a bacteria carried by deer ticks and transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick; symptoms vary but may include a rash at the site of the bite and flulike symptoms such as fever, headache, joint pain, and fatigue
Amphiarthrosis condition characterized by slightly movable joints such as the vertebrae
Created by: 509860307
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