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Freud's Personality Structure ID, Ego, Superego
Freud's ID Pleasure, principle, reflex action, primary processes
Freud's EGO Problem-solver, reality tester
Freud's Superego Moral component
Freud's Behavioral Theory Behavior is motivated by subconscious thoughts and feelings. The 3 levels of awareness are conscious (tip of iceberg), preconscious (just below the surface), unconscious (deep below the surface)
Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent, Genital
Freud's Oral Stage of Development 0-18 months, rooting & sucking reflex, trust, comfort - substance abuse, eating disorder, schizophrenia
Freud's Anal Stage of Development 18 mo - 3 years, Bladder & bowel control, independence - Destructive personality disorder, OCD, Depression
Freud's Phallic Stage of Development 3-6 years: Discovery of opposite gender, focus on genitals identification with same-sex parent - Sexual Identity Disorders
Freud's Latent Stage of Development 6 years - puberty: Sexual drives calmed. Focus on peer relationships, social/communication skills, self-confidence - Sexual identity disorders
Freud's Genital Stage of Development Puberty - forward: Strong sexual interest in opposite sex balance, concern for others - Social Phobias, Anxiety
Transference refers to unconscious feelings the patient has toward a health care worker that were originally felt in childhood for a significant other
Countertransference refers to unconscious feelings that the health care worker has toward the patient
Compensation overachievement in one area to offset real or perceived deficiencies
Conversion expression of emotional conflict through the development of physical symptoms, usually sensorimotor in nature
Denial failure to acknowledge an unbearable condition. Failure to admit the reality of the situation or how one enables the problem to continue
Displacement ventilation of intense feelings toward persons less threatening than the one who aroused those feelings
Dissociation dealing with emotional conflict by a temporary alteration in consciousness or identity
Fixation immobilization of a portion of the personality resulting from unsuccessful completion of tasks in a developmental stage
Identification modeling actions and opinions of influential others while searching for identity, or aspiring to reach a personal, social, or occupational goal
Intellectualization separation of the emotions of a painful event or situation from the facts involved. Acknowledging the facts but not the emotions
Introjection accepting another person's attitudes, beliefs, and values as one's own
Projection unconscious blaming of unacceptable inclinations or thoughts on an external object
Reaction Formation Acting the opposite of what one thinks or feels
Rationalization excusing own behavior to avoid guilt, responsibility, conflict, anxiety, or loss of self-respect
Regression Moving back to a previous developmental stage to feel safe or have needs met
Repression Excluding emotionally painful or anxiety-provoking thoughts and feelings from conscious awareness
Resistance overt or covert antagonism toward remembering or processing anxiety-producing information
Sublimination substituting a socially acceptable activity for an impulse that is unacceptable
Substitution replacing the desired gratification with one that is more readily available
Suppression conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts and feelings from conscious awareness
Undoing exhibiting acceptable behavior to make up for or negate unacceptable behavior
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