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C Exam 5


What is thermoregulation? balance of heat production and heat loss
What is hyperthermia? core body temperature of greater then 101F
What is hypothermia? Core body temperature is less than 95F
What is defined as a fever? temperature about 100.4F
What is normothermia? core body temperature between 96.8-101.3
What is conduction? heat transfers from the body to another surface to lower temperature Ex. sitting on cold metal chair/table
What is convection? heat transfers from the body by use of air/water currents when it travels across the skin Ex. fan blowing across skin
What is radiation? heat loss without contact with an object. ex. a person with a fever sitting in a cool room
What is evaporation? heat loss through water vapor ex. sweating while exercise
What creates energy/heat? shivering basal metabolic rate immune response Stim SNS
What is responsible for maintaining core body temperature? hypothalamus- stimulates heat loss or heat production
What modes of body temperature measurement are heavily effected by environment? Axillary, Tympanic, Temporal
What is considered a core body temperature? Esophageal, urinary bladder, rectal, pulmonary artery
What can effect a bladder temperature measurment? decreased urine output
What kinds of patients would need to notify their provider if there temperature elevates or is low? pts on chemo infants under 2 months
How long should a pt not eat or drink before taking an oral temp? 20-30 minutes
What would consider a baby a newborn? less than 28 days old
When does shivering start for a baby? 6 months
Who can't have NSAIDs? babies under 6 months
What can increase body temperature in adolescents? hormonal changes increase body temperature
What can low temperature indicate in older adults? sepsis
What can indicate a thermoregulation problem in older adults? behavioral or mental changes
What is a fever considered? controlled increase in temperature, hyperthermia
What is heat related illness considered? uncontrolled increase in body temperature
What happens to the body during hyperthermia? Vasodilation, increased metabolic rate, prespiration
What are some symptoms of heat exhaustion? Pale Nausea Dizziness Fainting Vomiting Elevated Temp
What are some symptoms of heat stroke? Loss of consciousness No sweat Coma Delirium Seizures Temp above 106
Who is at risk for hyperthermia? compromised immune system Newborns Older adults Being out in sun for sports work etc
What are some interventions for hyperthermia? Cooled environment Promote rest Antipyretics Cool fluids Ice packs Cooling blanket Remove excess clothes/blankets
What medications are considered antipyretics? acetaminophen and ibuprofen
What are some diagnostic testing for hyperthermia? Infection(CBC culture imaging) Electrolyte imbalances Kidney function (BUN creatinine) Blood glucose (hypoglycemia)
What is induced hypothermia? code cool to help decrease body metabolic rate and need for oxygen to promote healing
What happens when the body temperature falls below 82.4? cell death
What happens to our body during hypothermia? Vasoconstriction Slowed metabolic rate Decreased demand for oxygen Increase muscle activity (shivering) Cardiac irritability
What causes infarction and necrosis in frost bite? vasoconstriction
What are the signs of frost bite? numbness itching prickling red, cyanotic, white skin color stiffness burning pain as hypothermia improves edema blisters
What are risk factors for hypothermia? Older adults (less SQ tissue) Immersion in cold water(body loses heat faster in water) lack of shelter/clothing/heat Newborns(immature thermoregulation) large surface burns
What are some interventions for hypothermia? remove wet clothing warm environment limbs close to body heated oxygen warmed fluids heat packs head covering(esp newborns) cardiac monitoring
How should you rewarm someone? slowly, it can be painful pain medication should be part of the rewarming process
What are some interventions for frostbite? rapid rewarming in circulation pool for 20-30 mins analgesics and NSAIDs during rewarming process DO NOT rub or massage Bedrest with affected extremities elevated
What are some diagnostic tests for hypothermia? CBC cultures imaging Rhabdomyolysis (CK) Cardiac function (EKG, cardiac enzymes)
Created by: cberna00
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