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Millionaire 2

Ch 4-8

The observed differences in skin color reflect the levels of ________ production. Melanin
NOT a proper base paring in DNA: A to G
The major bone breaking cell (demolition team): Osteoclast
The epidermis contains: Melanocytes
Nails grow from the nail: Matrix
Epidermal cells synthesize this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. D
The deepest sub-layer of the epidermis whose cells are alive and actively mitotic: Stratum basale
Ribs that totally do not connect to any part of the sternum, surrounding cartilage, or other ribs, are called ________. floating ribs
Risk factor(s) for osteoporosis: All of the above
The atlas (C1 vertebra) is classified as a ________ vertebra. cervical
True about the hypodermis: composed of adipose and connective tissue
The appendicular skeleton contains ________ bones. 126
The modified ends of a long bone that are often covered with cartilage: Epiphysis
Injections made under the skin are called; subcutaneous injections
The thickest layer of skin: Dermis
The matrix of bone mainly contains the protein _____ and the mineral _____. Collagen; calcium
The sternum is a type of _____ bone. Flat
Major function of nails: Protect fingers and toes
The function of Nervous tissue is primarily contraction and movement. False
Term that describes an epithelium with only one layer: Simple
The dermis contains: Blood vessels
The number one way to prevent the spread of disease is ___. handwashing
L5 is a type of _____ bone: Irregular
NOT a major tissue type: Adipose
NOT a major function of skin: Gas exchange membrane for blood oxygenation
Helps complete the shape of enzymes for their full function: Cofactor
Hairs grow from the hair: Matrix
Epithelium that appears to have many layers, but actually does not: Pseudostratified columnar
The observed differences in skin color reflect the levels of ________ production. melanin
The part of hair that is implanted in the skin. Hair root
Which of the following is the most diverse tissue type? connective
Chemical reaction that forms peptide bonds between amino acids by the removal of water to make a protein: Dehydration synthesis
True about the hypodermis: composed of adipose and connective tissue
Major function of bones: All of the above
The method of heat loss that serves as the primary method, in which infrared heat rays escape radiation
Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light can increase melanocyte production.
Out of all bones, long bones are the most flexible. False
Endochondral bones often start off as (during fetal development): Hyaline cartilage models
Protein synthesis occurs on small organelles/large enzymes called: Ribosomes
The most superficial layer of skin: Epidermis
The major bone building cell (immature): Osteoblast
Functions of the skin include; regulating body temperature
Collagen is responsible for firmness, this is why people often get collagen injections to increase firmness and decrease the appearance of wrinkles. True
Nucleotide that can be found in RNA, but not in DNA: Uracil
The bones that form the palms of the hands and your knuckles are the metacarpals
An example of a synarthrosis joint would be the ball and socket. False
A burn that destroys only the superficial cells of the epidermis, such as a mild sunburn, is classified as 1 degree
During the process of ________, an existing tissue (cartilage) is replaced with bone. ossification
Tissues are one level of organization more complex than: Cells
The femur is a type of _____ bone. Long
The adult human body is composed of 202 bones. False
As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface they keratinize (die off)
Flattened cells on the surface of an epithelial tissue are characteristic of ________ epithelia. squamous
Stimulates melanocytes to make more melanin: UV radiation
The major bone building cell (immature): Osteoblast
The skin is also called the ___ membrane. cutaneous
The sternum is a type of _____ bone. Flat
Epidermal cells synthesize this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. D
The outer layer of bone (around the bone) that serves as an anchoring point for skeletal muscle: Periosteum
Cylinder shaped shaft of a long bone: Diaphysis
The epidermis contains: Melanocytes
Red marrow makes _____, but yellow marrow mainly stores _____. Blood cells; fat
The modified ends of a long bone that are often covered with cartilage: Epiphysis
Skin is protected by a thick, oily substance called ___. sebum
The bones that form the palms of the hands and your knuckles are the metacarpals
Risk factor(s) for osteoporosis: All of the above
Cylinder shaped shaft of a long bone: Diaphysis
Out of the four types of bones long bones are the most flexible. False
The number one way to prevent the spread of disease is ___. handwashing
Part of the enzyme that is specifically shaped to bind to a certain substrate: Active site
Which of the following is a function of epithelial tissues? protect internal and external surfaces
The major bone breaking cell (demolition team): Osteoclast
The bones of the wrist form the ________. carpals
The most superficial sub-layer of the epidermis whose cells are dead and ready to be shed to the environment: Stratum corneum
Membranes are found in which of the following tissue type? (Choose all that apply) epithelial
Chemical reaction that breaks down carbohydrates into monosaccharides using water: Hydrolysis
Tissue that is specialized for movement and contraction is ________ tissue. muscle
L5 is a type of _____ bone: irregular
An example of a synarthrosis joint would be the ball and socket. False
A joint (articulation) is where two bones meet. True
The shaft of a long bone is called the ________. diaphysis
Which of the following is a type of connective tissue? bone tissue
Ribs 1-7 are connected directly to the sternum by separate cartilaginous extensions are called ________ ribs. true
The bones of the limbs (arms and legs) are classified as long bones
Created by: Frazierlindy
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