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Cazodracs Cards 1

Charlie C's Cards 1

a, an without
ad to, toward
ante before, infront of
anti against
auto self
brady slow
circum around
contra opposed, against
co with
dys difficult, painful
ex without, away from
extra outside of
hemat(o) blood
hemi half
hydro water
hyper higher, more
hypo lower, less
intra within
inter between
multi many
myo muscle
para beside, two parts of a pair
peri around
poly much, many
post after
pre before
pyo pus
quadra four
retro behind
semi half
sub under
supra above, over
super above, excess
tachy fast
trans across, through
un against
uni one
ultra excess
algia pain
cele tumor, swelling
centesis surgical puncture
cide killing, destructive
desis surgical fixation
ectomy surgical removal
emia blood
glycem sugar, glycerol or similar substance
ia condition (abnormal state)
ic pertaining to, relating to
ism condition, theory
itis inflamation of
lithiasis presence of stone
lysis disintegration, breaking down of cells
megaly enlargement
meter instrument to record data
oscopy look into with an instrument
otomy to incise
oma tumor
orrhapy repair of a disease, condition
osis disease, condition
ostomy to form an opening
pathy disease
penia lack, deficiency
pexy suspension, fixation of
phagia swallow
philia affinity for
plasty reconstruction, plastic surgery repair
pnea breathing, respiration
rrhea excessive discharge
scope instrument for visual examination
tomy cutting into
uria urine
adno gland
append appendix
arthro joint
cardi heart
chole related to bile
cholecyst gallbladder
col colon
crani(o) skull
cyte cell
cyst related to sac, cyst, bladder
derma skin
duodeno duodenum
emia blood condition
enter(o) intestine
gast stomach
glyc sugar
gluc sweetness, glucose
hem, hema, hemat indicating blood
hepato liver
hystero uterus
jejuno jejunum
lith stone
mast breast
meter measuring instrument
myo muscle
nephro kidney
neuro nerve
noct night
olig small, scant
oophor ovary
opthalmo eye
os opening, orifice
oste bone
periton peritoneum
plegia paralysis, stroke
pneumo lung
rhino nose
sclera(o) hard
therm(o) heat
thorac(o) chest
uro urine, urinary tract, urination
ven vein
osteoma bone tumor
tachycardia fast heart rate
hematuria blood in urine
arthrotomy joint surgery (incision)
cystocele bladder tumor or swelling
supraclavicular above collarbone
subtotal gastrectomy partial stomach removal
intraperitoneal within the peritoneum
myocarditis inflamation of heart muscle
polyuria frequent urination
lobectomy brain incision
pyuria pus in urine
pyothorax pus in chest
neurolysis nerve breakdown
myalgia muscle pain
enterostomy surgigal opening of intestine
anuria inability to urinate
quadraplegia paralyzed in four extremities
supraopthalmic above the area of the eyes
transhepatic through the liver
enlarged heart cardiomegaly
bladder infection cystitis
bone tumor osteoma
inflammation of the nose rhinitis
removal of the uterus oophorectomy
removal of gallbladder cholecystectomy
presence of stones in gallbladder cholecystolitharsis
half paralyzed hemiplegia
incision into a joint arthrocentesis
incision into stomach for drainage gastrocentesis
looking into bronchus with a scope bronchoscopy
formation or opening in colon colostomy
looking into the bladder with an instrument cystoscopy
removal of appendix appendectomy
surgical fixation of a joint arthrodesis
incision into a kidney nephronotomy
plastic repair of the nose rhinoplasty
repair of hernia herniorrapy
painful urination dysuria
slow pulse, heart rate bradycardia
dyspnea difficulty breathing
bilateral both sides
arthroscopy visual examination of a joint
suprapubic above pubic area
bradycardia slow heart beat
hepatomegaly enlarged liver
hyperglycemia elevated blood sugar
hepatitis inflamed liver
spleenectomy removal of spleen
rhinoplasty reconstruction of nose
cystoscopy visual exam of bladder
cyctitis inflammation of bladder
nocturia night time urination
biology study of living things
ostomy incision to make an opening
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
leukocyte white blood cell
thoracentesis surgical opening of the chest
opthamology study of the eyes
gastritis inflammation of the stomach
pneum lungs
phleb blood
adren glands
al related to
angio heart
arteri arteries
di twice, double, two
bio related to life
cholecyst gallbladder
latero side
pneum lungs
IM intramuscular
ID intradermal
subcut subcutaneous
IV intravenous
mg or mgm milligrams
Gm gram
ml milliliter
gtt drop
Meq milliequivalent
tsp teaspoon
TO telephone order
PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
PMH Past Medical History
Ht Height
neg negative
IS incentive spirometry
DSD dry sterile dressing
adm admission
H/O history of
H&P history and physical
Hx history
Created by: cazodrac
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