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Peds Grow&Dev Ch 9

Wongs Chapter 9, 11, 14,17

Newborn screenings: congenital hypothyroidism causes mental retardation if not TX early
Phenylketonuria (PKU) do newborn screening b/c serious mental retardation if not caught early
PKU is a problem of metabolism caused by a missing enzyme which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine
Phenylketonuria (inherited disorder) builds to toxic levels without the enzyme
PKU symptoms are seizures and skin rash
Restrict phenylalanine in diet; Eliminate: beans,meat,high protein foods, dairy foods, & nutrasweet or equal,
Galactosemia is a rare liver problem from deficiency of hepatic enzyme
The problem is with converting galactose into glucose
FTT-failure to thrive may be: 3 organic, nonorganic or idiopathic
Organic FTT is a physical reason
Non-organic FTT is a social issue, lack of nutrition
Idiapathic FTT is an unknown cause
Child with FTT may have growth failure below 5%, developmental delays, apathy, poor hygeine-neglect, withdrawn behavior, feeding disorders (rumination), lack of fear of strangers, avoid eye contact, wide-eyed gaze, still or flaccid, minimal smilling
rumination is when they make themselves throwup
Factors associated w/FTT are: poverty, health and childbearing beliefs, lack of knowledge, stress, feeding resistance and low breast milk supply
Parents as risk for FTT are those with: isolation or social criticism, not good support system, poor education, retarded, depressed, immature or lack of commitment to chile
Nursing care of FTT Correct Nutrition: try to feed in quiet place, face to face with persistence;
More feeding guidelines routines SB structured, no grazing, regular times, 3 meals & snacks; Use hi calorie foods, monitor weight,
Colic looks like belly hurts
Cause of colic unknown but may be mom stressed, gas, lactose problem, diet-formula not working, smoking in home, etc...
SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome die in sleep, cause unknown, more in boys,more in winter, putting to sleep on back helps
ALTE isApparent Life Threatening Event kid stops breathing but survives; may go home with apnea monitor; Monitor-must teach CPR to family
SIDS higher risk if smoking in home or premie
Parasite-Giardiasis is a protozia causes diarrhea
Parasite-Enterobiasis is/see itching pin worms/if itching put scotch tape on hiney and may see them
Nursing care parasites wash bedding, Tx w/meds as ordered; Teach handwashing
Poisons - 1st to do is check ABC's call 911
Poisons - if LOC (loss of consciousness) call 911-may stop breathing
Type poisons try to figure out what it is
Poisons-Nur interventions gastric decontamination, syrup of ipecac, gastric levage (in ER), activated charcoal (binds with), antidotes
Lead Poisoning causes renal, hematologic-anemia, & neurological-seizure problems
Lead is able to cross the blood brain barrrier which is not well formed in kids
Sources of lead are old paint on old houses, soil of those houses being contaminated, plumbing, pottery and polluted environment
Lead SS -acute are N/V, constipation, anorexia, pain
Lead poisoning actions get rid of source,
Lead testing there is a finger prik available
Enuresis is bedwetting, incontinence of urine,
Enuresis - ____ & ___ do not work rewards and punishment
Enuresis causes - may be familial
Enuresis NUR care: bladder training, limiting nitetime fluids, waking child to go, set alarms, Medicationsk
Medications for enuresis: 3 are Trofanil, Ditropan, DDAVP
Encopresis poop in pants
Encopresis is not common, may be a play for attention
Nur care for encopresis diet-if constipated; family therapy if for attention,
Sports injuries use protective eqpt,do for fun not just WinWin
Obesity assessment: get weight, BMI, ? diet and activity level
Created by: RN
Popular Nursing sets




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