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TT2 Pulmon Embol

TT2 NHCC Pulmonary Embolism

What is the number 1 most common complication in hospitalized clients? Pulmonary Embolism
How many patients die within the first hour of a Pulmonary Embolism? 80 – 90%
What is the definition of a Pulmonary Embolism? blockage of pulmonary artery by thrombus, fat / air emboli & tumor mass
What are the 3 types of emboli? Fat – bone marrowfat - Air – 10 cc+ to block major pulmonary artery - Tumor tissue
When does death occur with an pulmonary embolism? when the emboli blocks main pulmonary artery occluded
What is the most common pulmonary embolism? Thrombus from deep vein thrombosis in leg – blood clot
Where is the most common spot for DVT? iliofemoral
Besides the leg where else can DVT form? in pelvic veins and right side of heart
How is an emboli dislodged? usually dislodged suddenly – moving / jarring, Valsalva’s maneuver, change in blood flow
What are causes of pulmonary embolism? Thrombophlebitis, Venostasis, Flat or long bones fractures, prolong bedrest, hypocoagulability, obesity, abd. Surgery
What position should the HOB be in for pulmonary embolism? 90 degrees
What IV hydration should be used? 1000 cc lactase ringer or dextrose water
What are some nursing interventions for a pulmonary embolism? oxygen, raise HOB, Bed rest – catheterize, no moving – watch I & O, IV hydration
What are the Thrombolytics used for a pulmonary embolism? TPA (tissue prominogin activator), urokinase, streptokinase
How should heparin be administered? bolus then to continuous drip
What intervention should be done if the patient is gasping? use non-re-breather mask – give 100% O2
What are Vena cava filters used for? like a net or strainer – pick up clots and dissolve them
What's another name for Vena cava filters ? birds nest”
What should be monitored for a pulmonary embolism? vitals, oximetry, lab test results, sputum color (pinkish)
A very high risk Surgery for a pulmonary embolism that not many surgeons will do? Embolectomy
Created by: 2007Nurse
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