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Pediatrics. Ch22.

Drug Interactions

What is phototoxicity Skin reactions when exposed to the sun
What is it called when medications cause skin reaction when the patient is exposed to the sun phototoxicity
Which drugs are dispensed in dark bottles Those that decompose when exposed to the air or light
How are drugs that decompose when exposed to the air or light dispensed In dark bottles
Which drugs should not be purchased in economy sizes Those that decompose when exposed to air or light
What type of drug interactions should be watched for Drug/Drug, Drug/Food, Drug Environment
What drugs interact with antacids Digoxin, NSAIDs, Steroids, Tetracycline, Theophylline
What drugs interact with barbiturates Influenza vaccine, Oral contraceptives, Steroids, Theophylline
What drugs interact with bleomycin Oxygen
What drugs interact with erythromycin
Phenytoin, Theophylline
What drugs interact with Isoniazid Antacid, Phenytoin, Valproate
What drugs interact with Phenytoin Alcohol, Antacid, Contraceptives, Steroids, Digoxin, Folic acid, Isoniazid, Theophylline, Tricyclic antidepressants, Valproate
When combined with steroids, digoxin, NSAIDs, or Tetracycline, what interaction do antacids have Decreased absorption
What causes decreased absorption when combined with antacids Digoxin, Isoniazid, NSAIDs, Tetracycline, Steroids
What causes increased toxicity when combined with antacids Theophylline
What causes increased toxicity when combined with theophylline Antacids
When combined with barbiturates, which drug has a decreased effectiveness Oral contraceptives, Steroids, Theophylline
When combined with barbiturates, which drug causes barbiturate toxicity Influenza vaccine
When combined with oxygen, what causes increased lung toxicity Bleomycin
What combines with bleomycin to cause increased lung toxicity Oxygen
What drug, combined with erythromycin, has a decreased effect Phenytoin
What drugs decrease the Phenytoin effect Antacid, Erythromycin, Folic acid
What drug, when combined with erythromycin, has an increased toxicity Theophylline
What drug causes theophylline toxicity when combined Erythromycin
What drugs cause Phenytoin toxicity Isoniazid, Tricyclic antidepressants, Valproate
What drugs combine to cause hepatic and CNS toxicity Isoniazid & Valproate
What drug combines with Phenytoin to cause acute toxicity Alcohol
What drug combines with alcohol to cause acute toxicity Phenytoin
What drugs cause a decreased protection of oral contraceptives Barbituates, Phenytoin
What drugs decrease the effectiveness of steroids Phenytoin, Barbituates
What drug decreases the digoxin effect Phenytoin
What drug combines with Phenytoin to decrease the effect of both medications Theophylline
What drug combines with Theophylline to decrease the effect of both medications Phenytoin
What drug interacts with air Vitamin C
How does vitamin C interact with air It decomposes
What drugs interact with sun imipramine = Chlorothiazide/Diuril, Griseofulvin, Phenothiazines, Tetracyclines, Trofanil
What drugs interact with any food to cause a decreased absorption rate Aminoglycosides, Gentamicin, Penicillin, Tetracycline
What drug interacts with high protein and low carb foods to decrease the drugs’ active time in the body Theophylline
How does theophylline react with high protein and low carb foods Decreases the drug’s active time in the body
What foods decrease theophylline’s active time in the body High protein, Low carb
What interacts with MAO inhibitors Tyramine containing foods
What do tyramine containing foods interact with MAO inhibitors
What are examples of tyramine containing foods Yogurt, Processed meats, Beer
What is the interaction of tyramine containing foods and MAO inhibitors Possible hypertensive crisis
What foods decrease the absorption of iron Starch, egg yolks
What foods counteract the effect of antihypertensive drugs Licorice
What decreases the absorption of B12 Vitamin C
Created by: futurenurse
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