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Urine Specimen

What equipment is needed to collect an infant urine specimen Bottle, Collector, Cotton balls, Gloves, Labels
What condition must an infant’s skin be to collect a urine specimen Clean and perfectly dry
What should not be used when collecting an infant urine specimen, and why Powder, Lotion soaps, and Oils – they interfere with the ability of the adhesive to stick
Where does application of a urine collection device begin on an infant on the tiny area of skin between the anus and genitalia = perineum
What keeps feces from contaminating a infant’s urine specimen during collection A narrow bridge on the adhesive patch
If left in the collection device, how is an infant’s urine specimen transported Inside of another plastic bag
How can a cotton ball used to collect a urine specimen from a small infant it can be placed at the opening of the collector and when the infant voids into the cotton ball a small amount of urine can be retrieved by aspirating the cotton ball with a syringe
What is documented after collecting a urine specimen from an infant the amount collected and time sent to lab
Who usually has a urine specimen Newly admitted patients
What principles are followed regarding urine specimen collection Clean container, Clear label and appropriate lab slip, Frequent checks, Document in nurse’s notes and I&O, Explained to child, Sent to lab
What can affect the protein, pH, and specific gravity measurements of a urine specimen Chemicals in diapers
Why should a urine specimen not be collected from a diaper Can yield inaccurate protein, pH, and specific gravity measurements
How are clean-catch specimens obtained from children Cleansing with an antiseptic - Rinsing, and drying of the perineum to prevent contamination from the antiseptic – Catching midstream urine in sterile container
What may be requested to determine the rate of urine production and measure the excretion of specific chemicals 24 hour urine specimen
What may a 24 hour urine specimen to requested for To determine the rate of urine production and measure the excretion of specific chemicals
What is albumin Protein
What can be tested for albumin Urine
How is an albumin test performed The ends of reagent strips are dipped into urine and the color is compared with a chart
How much albumin should be urine Little or none
How much urine should be excreted on days 1 & 2 1 – 2 ounces/30 – 60 ml
How much urine should be excreted on days 3 – 10 3 – 10 ounces/100 – 300 ml
How much urine should be excreted from 10 days – 2 months 9 – 15 ounces/250 – 450 ml
How much urine should be excreted from 2 months to 1 year 14 – 17 ounces/400 – 500 ml
How much urine should be excreted from 1 to 3 years 17 – 20 ounces/500 – 600 ml
How much urine should be excreted from 3 to 5 years 20 – 24 ounces/600 – 700 ml
How much urine should be excreted from 5 to 8 years 22 – 34 ounces/650 – 1000ml
How much urine should be excreted from 8 to 14 years 27 – 47 ounces/800 – 1400ml
Created by: futurenurse
Popular Nursing sets




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