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Pediatrics. Ch 20

Peer Relationships, Career Plans, Responsibility, and Daydreams of Adolescents

What do peer groups do for adolescents Help them feel they belong and make it possible to experiment with social behaviors
What important role does school assume in the psychological development of the adolescent Provides focus for initiating social interactions
What is a clique Small, exclusive, unisex groups made up of adolescents with similar values, interests, and tastes
What often happens with the dynamics of a clique A close personal relationship develops with a friend of the same sex
What does best friend interaction support Social development by enabling adolescents to experiment with behaviors together and listen and care about each other
What do stable best friend relationships often precede Successful heterosexual relationships later in life
What does an adolescent peer group serve as A mirror for normality and determines where one fits in
What does acceptance by friends do Decreases loneliness and sense of loss many adolescents experience
What, about a group of friends, can cause problems Social norms and pressures exerted
What, in regard to groups of friends, may bring about family confrontations Selection of and allegiance to friends
What may failure to develop social confidence produce Feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem
How can nurses assist the family in regard to adolescent’s peers Supporting and educating them in the dynamics of this age group, Directing them to groups such as peer helpers, and community educational programs
Adolescents must first know themselves to be able to do what Choose a career best suited to them
What determines eligibility for college or preparation for a certain vocation High school curriculum and grades
What should parents do in regards to career plans for the adolescent Observe their interests and encourage them to take advantage of their talents
How should adolescents investigate various career fields Talking to people who are in them
Where can information about potential careers be found Colleges, professional organizations, government, internet
What can a school guidance counselor do to help an adolescent with potential career plans Aptitude test, expose them to a wide variety of careers
Who must make the final decision regarding the career plans of an adolescent The adolescent
What are some positive benefits of adolescent employment Build self esteem, promote responsibility, test new skills, channel energies, provide money, and engage the adolescent in interactions with adults
When is adolescent employment not a positive move When it is forced because of socioeconomic status or it causes a drop out of school
What can provide a sense of independence for the adolescent Driving, walking, riding a bike
How can an adolescent be taught the value of money Allowance, balance a checkbook, savings account, buy their own clothes, buying their own car
When do many boys and girls begin babysitting Age 12 or 13
When do adolescents daydream In their rooms and during class
When is daydreaming considered harmless When it does not interfere with usual active pursuits
What purposes can daydreaming serve Combat loneliness, acting out situations, expressions of feelings
Created by: futurenurse
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