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Final Exam

Questione sAnswer
Describe the students legal action under the RN Work within your scope. Work under the supervision of an RN. Legally responsible for your own actions
What do you if your patient's radial pulse is irregular? Take the apical pulse for 1 minute.
Define Nurse Practice Act. stae law defines the scope of practice in a state, provides regulation of profession by state board of nursing, includes definition for RN/LPN licensure
Define legal scope of practice you can only do the skills you've been taught.
Code of Ethics actions & beliefs approved by a particlular group of people
How can a nurse make sure communication is understood? By asking for feedback, return demonstration
Defense Mechanism. strategies used to protect us from increasing anxiety
Give an example of defense mechanism denial, regression
projection when you have a characteristic but you say the other person has it
denial defense mechanism in which the existance of intolerable conditions is unconsciously rejected
rationalization make excuses or explain why something you did was ok
Describe peripheral away from the center of the body
Describe distal farther than, away from point of attatchment
Biohazard biologic agent or condition that can be harmful to a person's health
culture values, beliefs & practices shared by the majority within a group of people
collaboration working together in a joint intellectual effort
illness disease of body or mind
pyrogen substance that causes fever
crime violation of a public law
stress sum of biologic reactions that take place in response to any adverse stimulus
auscultatory gap period where no sound is heard
List the phases of the Korotkoff Sounds tapping, auscultatory gap, swishing, knocking, muffling, silence
factors that affect the pulse. age, body build & size, blood pressure, drugs, excercise, emotions, blood loss, increased body temperature, pain
Hospice care philosophy of caring for the dying, based on the acceptance of death as a natural part of life, emphasizing the quality of life remaining, focused on symptomatic & comfort care
Explain cultural competence knowing your own self, your values, beliefs,prejudices and attitudes; includes cultural awareness
How would you protect your patient from a fall? toilet often, keep call bell within reach, lock bed wheels, keep bed low, night light, keep area clear of clutter
When is using protective eye wear necessary? whenever there's a chance of coming into contact with body fluid
What is necessary for informed consent to occur? knowledge of risk+benefits, alternatives, who's performing procedure
Why do you use Maslow's Hierarchy? to prioritize the needs of the patient
What is the order of Maslow's Hierarchy? physiological, safety & security, love & belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization
Explain medical asepsis in regards to hand washing. clean your hands 15 seconds at beginning of shift and between patients
Describe 3 major roles of the nurse. caregiver, educator & collaborator
Explain the educational career ladder CNA to LPN to RN to BSN to Master's
What did early nursing education provide women in the USA? work & education provided independence
The 2 entry level positions in nursing are what? lpn & rn
acute illness rapid onset & quickly resolves itself
function of the AMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Care
normal respiration in the adult 12-20
idiopathic unknown cause
What is the normal range for pulse? 60-100
What is the average pulse? 72
List the 11 organ systems circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, urinary, reproductive
Describe anatomical position body standing erect, with the face forward, arms at sides & toes and palms of hands directed forward
Describe superior above, closer to the head
Describe inferior below, toward the feet
What is the most common occupational injury in nursing? lower back pain
stereotyping taking beliefs about a common group of people nd applying them to the individual
What are the groups & measurements of the Food Pyramid Grains 6oz, Veggies 2 1/2 cups, Fruits 2 cups, Oils 6 tsp, dairy 3 cups, Meat & beans 5 1/2 oz
When are standard precautions used? with all patient care
Advanced Directive living will
What is the proper way to use non-sterile gloves? wash hands immediately before and after use
Define DNR Do Not Resuscitate-no cpr or rescue breathing
For patient safety what should always be in reach? call button
What should you always do before entering a patient's room? knock and identify yourself
If there is a fire in a patient's room what should you do first? Rescue the patient
The abdomen has how many quadrants? 4
List the abdomen's quadrants. RUQ, RLQ, LUQ, LLQ
factors that affect patient learning poor vision/hearing, impaired motor skills, illiteracy, patients can be overwhelmed, strength, pain/fatigue, anxiety/distraction
How do you calculate the pulse? take for 1 full minute
fever body temperature over 100.2
What are the stages of death & dying? denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Define dyspnea difficult breathing
Define eupnea normal breathing
What would cause a patient's blood pressure to drop? an increase in pulse, hemmorhage
What would cause a patient's blood pressure to elevate? stress
What do you do before you take a patient's BP? get the correct sizes cuff
homeostasis body's ability to maintain a constant internal environment in a changing external environment
How do you count a patient's respirations? without them knowing
ethnic group found within a race, differentiated by geographic, religious, social/language differences,
belief conviction or opinion that one considers to be true
factors that affect communication Culture, past experiences, emotions & mood, self-concept, attitude, physical problems
Sign of stress Dry mouth,Increased Blood Pressure, Shakiness, Dizziness
Muslim & Jewish, what are the similar dietary restrictions? no pork, meat must be slaughtered & prepared according to their religious law
matriarchal household that is female dominated
etiology study of the cause of a disease; origin
Group of tissues arranged to accomplish a particular function organ
cyanosis bluish discoloration or skin color changes particularly around the mouth & in the nail beds due to lack of oxygen
Factors that affect temperature time of day, environmental temp, age, excercise, hormones, emotional stress, disease, drugs
What is the purpose of teaching? promote wellness & prevent illness
tachycardia fast heartbeat
nonverbal communication communication without words
self-actualization reaching one's full potential
Explain the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy Paul Sees Lucy Sitting Stillphysiological, safety & security, love & belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization
Hypertension high blood pressure higher than 140 over 90
Hypotension low blood pressure less than 90 over 60
List the modes of learning auditory, visual, kinesthetic
List the domains of learning cognitive, affective, psychomotor
3 things that affect health & illness culture, education, socioeconomic status
Hospice care paliative care; focus on comfort not cure
culture values, beliefs & practices shared by the majority within a group of people
incongruence not in agreement
anterior towards the front
ventral towards the front
medial the middle of the body, towards the midline
lateral towards the side of the body, away from midline
standards of a student nurse Professional behavior, communication, assessment, caring, planning & intervention, managing
Explain 4 cultural aspects to consider when caring for a patient from a different culture personal space, eye contact, interpreter, decision maker, touch, age, gestures, appearance
Example of an open-ended questions Tell me about your day
What can personal touch convey? Caring
Active listening? focused on person, concentration on what is being said
2 characteristics of a nurse acceptance & non-judgemental
convalescence recovery after illness and regaining health
Standards of care professional behavior, communication, ADO PIE (Assessment, Diagnosis, Outcomes, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation)
protocol for handwashing before shift and between patients
I & O intake & output
O2 oxygen
NPO nothing by mouth
OOB out of bed
PO orally
PRN as needed
OS/OU left eye/both eyes do not use anymore
tid three times a day
s (with line over it) without
c (with line over it) with
ac before meals
pc after meals
stat immediately
ad lib as desired
bid twice a day
brady- slow
dys bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
hepat- liver
AD toward
eu good, normal
hemi one half
post after
gastr stomach
hypo under below
mono one
peri around
pseudo false
sub under below
therm heat
uni one
-centesis puncture in the cavity
-cele hernia, swelling, sac
-megaly expansion
-ectomy removal of something
hemat blood
sis condition
-lith stone
megaly enlargement
-plasty shape
ology study or science of
oma tumor
-orrhea flow
-pathy disease
-phagia eating
-rrhea, -orrhea discharge, flow
-tomy incision, cutting
-stomy creating an opening
poly- multi, more than one
tachy- fast
homo- same
a- without
epi above, upon
aden- gland
abd abdomen
Created by: drtediaper
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