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Fundamentals Ch. 8

Communication & the Nurse-Patient Relationship

active listening mind & senses concentrated & focused on what's being said
aphasia difficulty expressing or understandin language
body language nonverbal communication
What are some forms of nonverbal communication gesture, expression, body posture, intonation, & general appearance
communication when 1 person sends a message & it is received, processed, & indicated that it's been interpreted
confidentiality keeping all information private & not discussing patient info with anyone not involved in the patient's care
congruent in agreement
delegate authorize another person to do something
empathy ability to understand by seeing the situation from another's perspective
feedback responding
incongruent does not agree
input put in information
nonverbal without words
perception recognition & interpretation of sensory stimuli
rapport a relationship of mutual trust or affinity
SBAR situation, background, assessment, trecommendation
shift report verbal communication on the details of a patient's condition & treatment
therapeutic effective/curative
therapeautic communication communication that is focused on the needs of the patient
verbal in words
4 elements necessary for communication sender, message, reciever, feedback
nonverbal communication can convey anxiety, fear, pain
Factors affecting communication culture, past experiences, emotions & moods, attitude, self-concept, physical problems
an example of a past experience level of education
How emotions & moods effect communication anxious: may not hear/interpret correctly, upset: speak louder, depressed: communicate minimally
How attitude effects communication affects how message is recieved
The acceptable distance in American culture in regards to personal space 18 inches to 4 feet
Acceptable distance in American culture in regards to personal space in a social environment 4 feet to 12 feet
Factors for communication breakdown lack of active listening, failure to give feedback of message recieved, wrong assumptions of nonverbal messages
What does active listening require? concentration & focused listening
Body language that conveys aqctive listening leaning forward, nodding slightly, open body posture
4 most common Thearapeutic Communication techniques Silence, Open-ended questions, Restate, Touch (SORT)
Blocks to effective communication Changing subject, Offering false reassurance, Defensive comments, Asking probing questions, Giving advice, Using Cliches, Not listening attentively
difference between empathy & sympathy empathy is understanding, sympathy is sorrow felt for the person
What can nonverbal communication be? gesture, body position, intonation, general appearance
Where does the nurse-patient relationship take place? healthcare setting
Boundaries of the nurse-patient relationship patient's problems, help needed, nurse's professional role
Communication with school age children simple explanations, show how equipment works, allow child to handle equipment, loisent to fear/concerns
Communication with elderly speak slowly, allow more time for processing, face patient so lips can be seen, hearing aid in place and turned on
information needed when phoning physician patient data, chart, allergies, concise statement/reason for calling,
What should you do at the end of the call with physician document call & physician's response
What patient data will physician need during call? vitals, labs, meds, urinary output
What should you do before calling physician make a quick assessment of patient & document in chart
End of shift report needs to contain what info? name, date admitted, diagnosis, tests, teratments, meds, changes in condition, lab values, pain, concerns
What is a good tecnique to use for end of shift reports? SBAR
When delegating, be: clear, concise, include time restraints, get feedback
an essential component of communication feedback
What does therapeutic communication promote? understanding between the sender & reciever
____ must be kept for all communication between the patient & the nurse confidentiality
2 aspects of culture that vary from one culture to another are eye contact & personal space
characteristics of the nursr that facilitatea therapeutic nurse-patient relationship shows empathy, non-judgemental, has desire to help, genuiness, honest, respect, effective communication skills, confidentiality
3 specific actions to increase communication with the aphasic person assume they can understand, give time to answer, give directions with shortphrases & simple terms
4 specific actoins to take when speaking with a hearing impaired patient get the person's attention, be at eye level, speak distinctly, speak slowly with short simple questions
Created by: drtediaper
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