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Pediatrics Ch 17

The Toddler

What is the age of a toddler 1 – 3 years
What is Erikson’s stage for a toddler Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
What are some tasks for the toddler to master Toilet training, self feeding, self dressing, speech development
What must a parent do while allowing the toddler an opportunity for social and physical independence Maintain safety and a positive self and body image
How do toddlers test their power Saying No
What is negativism Toddlers testing their power by saying No
What is ritualism Making compulsive routines of simple tasks
Why do toddlers use ritualism To increase their sense of security
How do toddler’s legs and arms lengthen Through ossification and growth in the epipehyseal areas of the long bones
How much weight does the toddler gain per year 4 to 6 pounds
How much does the toddler weigh by 2 ½ years old Quadruple the birth weight
What is the rate of increase for a toddler’s height 4 inches/year
How might a parent determine how tall their child will become Double the height at 2 years
Does the brain grow more during the toddler years or infancy Toddler years
What is the rate of increase in head circumference during the second year of life 1 inch
What is the rate of increase in head circumference during the first year of life 4 inches
When does a toddler appear to become leaner, and why After 2 years - Chest circumference begins to exceed abdominal circumference
What causes the abdomen to flatten Muscle fibers increase in size and strength
When does myelination of the spinal cord allow for control of anal and urethral sphincters By age 2
When is bowel and bladder control usually complete 2 ½ - 3 years
When do respirations shift from abdominal to thoracic As the child approaches school age
What change does skin undergo during the toddler years Becomes tough as the epidermis and dermis bond more tightly
How do the lymphatic tissues of the adenoids and tonsils change during the toddler years They enlarge
What are common problems related to the Eustachian tubes, and why do they occur Tonsillitis, otitis media, and upper respiratory infections – short, straight Eustachian tubes
When is the eruption of deciduous teeth complete 2 ½ years
What is the average blood pressure of a toddler 90/56 mm Hg
What is the average respiratory rate of a toddler 25 breaths/min
What is the average pulse of a toddler 70 to 110 bpm
How do toddlers assimilate information Through trial, error, and repetition
When is binocular vision established 15 months
What is the visual acuity of a 2 year old 20/40
What are the stages of separation anxiety Protest, despair, detachment
What might cause a toddler to think that all paper bags contain toys Cause and effect – if one does, they all must
What causes toddlers to be able to place a round peg into a round hole The concept of spatial relationships develop
What is object permanence Understanding that something exists even if it is out of sight
What evidence is there that toddlers begin to internalize standards of behavior Saying no-no when reaching for forbidden objects
When is there a recognition of sexual differences By 2 years
Why can flushing the toilet be upsetting to toddlers They feel they are flushing a part of themselves away
What might impair a toddler’s body image and self-esteem Being scolded in a way that makes them feel they are bad rather than their behavior
What is a child’s vocabulary at 3 years 900 words
When does a child begin to say ma-ma and da-da At the end of the 1st year
What causes toddlers to repeat noises/words A happy response
How do children first refer to animals By the sounds they make
What makes the abdomen protrude in the toddler Exaggerated lumbar lordosis
How might a toddler react if an adult sounds threatening Saying No, then saying it louder
What should a parent do if they are concerned about a child’s delayed speech Discuss it with the health care provider during a routine exam
What are the screening signs for autism No pointing or gesturing by 12 months, no single words by 16 months, no spontaneous two word phrases by 24 months, loss of language or social skills
What should be ruled out if the screening signs for autism are noted Lead poisoning, hearing deficits
What common household items might contain lead Vertical window blinds, metal decorative vases
What is the goal of discipline for the toddler To teach, not punish
What should the response be to a toddler that scribbles on the wall Give paper
What is an uncontrolled anger reaction common to toddlers Temper tantrum
What should limit setting include Praise for desired behavior as well as disapproval for undesired behavior
What does a time out period in a safe place accomplish Helps the child develop the ability to tolerate delayed gratification and self regulation
When should a time out begin When the child has settled down
What should the parent do when the child becomes calm during a time out Praise
How long should a time out last 1 minute per year of age
What affects the extent of a child reaction at the time of fear Physical and mental health
What are self consoling behaviors for the toddler Clinging to favorite possessions and repetitive rituals
When are self consoling behaviors most common Bedtime and during separation from parents
What increases the fear of separation in a toddler Stress
What attitude should be shown to toddlers who are afraid Respect and understanding
Who should the toddler seek out during stressful situations The parent
If a toddler does not seek the parent during a stressful situation, what is needed A closer evaluation of the parent-child relationship
When is negativistic behavior predominant During the terrible two’s
What does regular spanking reflect A desperate effort by the parents to gain control over a toddler beginning autonomy and developing negativism
What are some noncorporal techniques of discipline Time out, limit setting, clear communication, frequent rewards/approval for positive behavior
What are the keys to effective discipline Communicating love and respect with a clear message that it is the behavior and not the child that is disapproved of
Why should an adult make an effort to be at a toddler’s eye level when talking The adult seems less overwhelming
What should be the characteristics of a toddler’s clothing Simple, easy on and off, loose, protective from sun
Why does a toddler wear shoes Protection
How should a toddler’s shoes fit The shape of the foot, ½ inch longer, ¼ inch wider, secure heels
What shoes should a toddler wear to the doctor The usual shoes
Why should a toddler wear their usual shoes to the doctor It shows how the shoes have been worn and indicates how the child is using the body
When should the toddler be barefoot Whenever it is safe and possible
Why should a toddler be barefoot whenever it is safe and possible It strengthens the foot muscles
How should a toddler’s socks fit Should not flex the toes
What should a toddler be taught to do with socks Pull them free from the toes before putting on shoes
What contributes to posture Nutrition, fresh air, exercise, rest, the posture of other family members
What does a toddler who is happy and allowed gradually increasing independence develop Sense of security
When a toddler slouches, what might it indicate Lack of self confidence and insecurity
What does the nurse assess when instructing parents about toilet training Parent’s expectations, family and cultural preferences, developmental readiness of the child
When does voluntary control of the anal and urethral sphincters begin 18 to 24 months
What are indications of readiness for toilet training Waking up dry, ability to communicate they are wet or need to go, willing to sit on the potty for several minutes, curiosity about bathroom activities
How should a child be placed on a standard toilet Facing the tank or with a bench to support the feet
What should be the characteristics of a potty chair Support the back and arms of the child with feet touching the floor
What type of toilet training is usually attempted first Bowel training
Why might some children become bladder trained during the day They enjoy the sound
What may help a child become bowel trained quickly A pattern of having bowel movements at the same time
What could sitting on the potty for too long without supervision result it Bathroom playtime
When is bladder training begun When the toddler stays dry for 2 hours at a time
When do children typically stop having toilet training accidents 4 years
What reaction should the parents have to toilet training accidents Accepting, matter of fact, change the clothes
What word should toddlers be taught to use to signal the need to use the toilet One that can be recognized by other than the immediate family
How many calories per day do infants need 110 per kilogram
How many calories per day do toddlers need 100 per kilogram
How much milk do toddlers need per day No more than 24 ounces
What dietary deficiency can too few solid foods lead to Iron
What is a common diet related illness in children between 1 and 3 Anemia
What can be noticed about a well nourished toddler Steady proportional gains on height and weight charts, good bone and tooth development
When can meal specific nutritious food be eaten during the toddler years Any time
Why are large servings discouraged for toddlers They can overwhelm the child and/or lead to overeating problems
What is a measurement guide to use for toddler serving size 1 tablespoon of solid food per year of age
Why might a toddler refuse to eat Fatigue, not hungry, manipulate parents
How should a parent handle ritualistic behavior at mealtimes Go along with it as long as it does not become too pronounced
When should a toddler’s attention be allowed to wander from mealtimes When they have eaten a fair amount
What should a toddler in a high chair wear Safety restraint
What kind of food do 2 year olds like Finger foods
What state regulations are licensed day cares subject to Physical layout, number of children per caretaker, education of personnel
What do successful alternate child care arrangements depend on Specific guidelines in selection, frequent visits, communication with staff
Why does toddler day care differ from preschool Short attention span, tendency for parallel play, need for closer supervision
What is the leading cause of death in childhood Accidents
What is the best prevention for accidents in the toddler years Knowledge of age appropriate risks, anticipatory guidance
What normal characteristics of a toddler make them injury prone Curiosity, mobility, negativity
When does car seat use begin With the ride home from the hospital after birth
When is a child large enough for a car safety belt to fit correctly Above 80 pounds, above 57 inches
How are the most serious injuries from a toy box/chest caused Lid falling on a child or being trapped inside
How do toddlers learn to manipulate, understand their environment, socialize, and explore their world Play
What are some preferred toddler toys Pots and pans, water, music, crayons, finger paint, paper
What are the keys to a positive play experience Supervision and maintenance of safety
What kind of thinking is predominant in a toddler Egocentric
What kind of play do toddlers engage in Parallel gradually becoming cooperative
Why does the infant car seat face the rear To prevent the head form falling forward when the car stops suddenly or during an accident
What behavioral characteristics of a toddler can cause traffic and automobile hazards Impulsive, unable to delay gratification, increased mobility, egocentric
What behavioral characteristics of a toddler can cause burns fascination for fire, can reach articles by climbing, pokes fingers in holes and openings, can open doors and drawers, unaware of cause and effect
What behavioral characteristics of a toddler can cause falls likes to explore, can open doors and lean out windows, immature depth perception, changing capabilities, seeming grown up
What behavioral characteristics of a toddler can cause suffocation and choking explores with senses, likes to bite and taste things, eats on the run
Created by: futurenurse
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