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Chapter 4

Medical terminology chapter 4

Encephal/o entire brain
Gli/o glue
Narc/o stupor or sleep
Phor/o carry or bear
Schiz/o split
Stere/o three-dimensional or solid
Tax/o order or coordination
cata- down
-asthenia weakness
-paresis slight paralysis
diencephalon area deep within the brain that contains the thalamus and hypothalamus and is the link between the cerebral hemispheres and the brain-stem; responsible for directing sensory information to the cortex
meninges three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, consisting of the dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid mater
autonomic nervous system (ANS) nerves that carry involuntary impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and various glands
hypochondriasis a preoccupation with thoughts of disease and concern that one is suffering from a serious condition that persists despite medical reassurance to the contrary
dyslexia a developmental disability characterized by difficulty understanding written or spoken words, sentences, or paragraphs that affects reading, spelling, and self-expression
intellectual disability a condition of below average intelligence or mental ability and lack of skills necessary for day-to-day activities; there are varying degrees ranging from mild to profound.
anorexia nervosa a severe disturbance in eating behavior caused by abnormal perceptions about one's body weight, as evidenced by an overwhelming fear of becoming fat that results in a refusal to eat and body weight well below normal
bulimia nervosa an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by efforts to limit digestion through induced vomiting, use of laxatives, or excessive exercise.
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) electrical shock applied to the brain to induce convulsions; used to treat patients with severe depression.
hypochondriasis a preoccupation with thoughts of disease and concern that one is suffering from a serious condition that persists despite medical reassurance to the contrary
sedative a drug that has a calming effect and quiets nervousness
ADHD attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
hemiparesis partial paralysis of the right or left half of the body
convulsion to pull together; type of seizure that causes a series of sudden, involuntary contractions of muscles
syncope fainting
tactile stimulation evoking a response by touching
paresthesia abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling without objective cause
astereognosis inability to judge the form of an object by touch (e.g., a coin from a key)
atopognosis inability to locate a sensation properly, such as inability to locate a point touched on the body
Created by: rhoque2
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