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5 rights of delegation Right task, Right circumstance, Right person, Right direction and communication, Right supervision and evaluation
ADL's Activities of Daily Living
Who maintains the NA1 Registry N.C. Health Care Personnel Education and Credentialing
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - improve quality of life in nursing home environment
PASS ; for fire extinguisher use Pull, Aim. Squeeze, Sweep
RACE; in case of fire Remove; Activate; Contain; Extinguish or Evacuate
BEFAST; stroke / CVA Balance; Eyes; Face; Arm; Speech; Time (911)
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident or stroke
Define Hazard Anything in the resident's environment that may cause illness or injury
OBRA requires that room temp be at what range 71 to 81 F
Leading cause of fatal injury or trauma in the elderly pop. is Falls
Extrinsic Risk Factors would include what Environmental hazards ; poor lighting, clutter, wet floor, broken equipment, incorrect fitting articles of clothing
Intrinsic Risk Factors would include what Conditions of the patient; over 65 yrs; medical condition; effects of medicine; age; balance and gait
Define a Medical Emergency A dire situation when a person's health or life is at risk
Three Way process of communication Sender; Receiver; Feedback
What is the 5th vital sign Pain
Define Criminal Law Offenses against the public and society
Define Civil Law Laws that deal with person to person
Assault Act of threatening to touch or attempting to touch a person w/o consent
Battery touching a person w/o consent
False Imprisonment Unlawful restraining or restricting a person's movement
Invasion of Privacy Violation of right to control personal information or the right to be left alone
Abuse Willful infliction of injury; unreasonable confinement; intimidation or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain or mental anguish
Neglect A failure to provide goods and services necessary to avoid physical harm, pain , mental anguish or emotional distress
Negligence Actions that result in injury to another
Signs and Symptoms of Neglect Dehydration , malnutrition, untreated pressure ulcers, poor personal hygiene, unclean conditions , resident report of neglect
Define Objective Data Observations using the senses ; Being able to record data
Define Subjective Data Information collected through communication; what is said; how they feel, not able to scientifically measure
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; protects private information of health
AD+PIE Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implantation, Evaluation ; Must be done in this order and Assessment is always preformed
Nursing Process is METHOD used by nurses to plan and deliver nursing care to the resident; uses AD+PIE
The first step in the Nursing Process Assessment; Collecting Information about a resident
The second step in the Nursing Process Diagnosis; A health problem that nurses can treat using nursing measures
The fourth step in the Nursing Process Implementation ; Nursing measures carried out during resident care
The third step in the Nursing Process Planning; setting of resident goals that are prioritized
The fifth step in the Nursing Process Evaluation; deciding if nursing measures worked or goal was met
The Nursing Care Plan (Care Plan) INDIVIDUALIZED written plan of care, based on nursing process written by nurse
The NA's role in the nursing process is Assist the nurse in collecting information through interactions with the resident
The NA's role when using the Care Plan Assist nurse with collecting Data
TPR & BP Temperature, Pulse, Respiration and Blood Pressure
VS Vital Signs
tid; t.i.d. Three times a day
a.c. Before meals
amb. Ambulate
a.p. ; AP Apical Pulse
bid; b.i.d. Two times a day
c/o Complains of; in care of
CXR Chest X-ray
drsg Dressing
Dx; dx Diagnosis
ETOH Alcohol
FF Forced Fluids
FWB Full Weight Bearing
H/A Headache
HOB Head of Bed
HS; hs At Bedtime; may be set by facility or may be set by pt.
I & O Intake and Output
LOC Level of Consciousness or Level of Care
LE Lower Extremity
MI Myocardial Infarction
NIBP Non-Invasive Blood Pressure monitoring
NKA No Known Allergies
NPO Nothing by Mouth
PCA Patient Controlled Anesthesia
os Mouth
Pt; pt Patient
qam Every morning
qd Every day
qh; qhr Every hour
q2h, q3h Every 2 hours, Every 3 hours
q.o.d Every other day
RF Restrict Fluids
ROM Range of Motion
RR Respiratory Rate
SOB Short of Breath
SP Standard Precautions
S&S; S/S Signs and Symptoms
URI Upper Respiratory Infection
Normal Range of Axillary Temp. 96.6 - 98.6 ; Baseline is 97.6
Febrile Axillary Equal or Greater than 100
Normal Range of Oral and Temporal Temp. 97.6 - 99.6 ; Baseline is 98.6
Febrile Oral or Temporal Temp. Equal or Greater than 101
Normal Range of Rectal Temp. 98.6 - 100.6 ; Baseline is 99.6
Febrile rectal temp. Equal or Greater than 102
Normal Range of Radial Pulse is 60 - 100 BPM
Tachycardia is how many BPM Greater than 100 BPM
Bradycardia is how many BPM Less than 60 BPM
Normal Range of Respiration 12 - 20
Tachypnea would be Greater than 20 per minute
Bradypnea would be Less than 12 per minute
Normal Range of Systolic BP 90 - 119 mmHg
Normal Range of Diastolic BP 60 - 79 mmHg
Elevated SBP would be 120 - 129 mmHg
Hypertension SBP Equal or Greater than 130 mmHg
Normal Range of Oxygen Saturation Rate 95 - 99 %
Normal Range of Blood Glucose 70 - 110 mg/dl
After taking measurements, would do you do before recording data? Wash Hands
NPO Nothing by mouth
Supportive devices are Orthotic devices, wheelchair, cane, walker,; Helps with movement
Assistive Devices are Helps in performing ADL's; Pillows. dishes/flatware, tools for clothing , bath and hygiene items
Restorative care is Care after rehab; To maintain functions and increase independence
Hemiparesis Weakness on one side of the body
Hemiplegia Paralysis on one side of the body
Quadriplegia Paralysis to upper and lower body
Receptive Aphasia Difficulty understanding spoken and written words
Stasis Dermatitis Skin condition of the lower legs/ Ankles from fluid build up under the skin.
Stage 1 pressure injury Redness over bony area
Stage 2 pressure injury Blister , closed or open
Stage 3 pressure injury Tissue loss down to the subcutaneous area
Stage 4 pressure injury Tissue loss down to the Muscle and/or Tendons
Contracture is Muscle or Tendons shorten, freeze, or become inflexible
UAP Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
PROM Passive Range of Motion
POA Power of Attorney
NIDDM Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NNAAP National Nurse Aide Assessment Program
NCBON N.C. Board of Nursing
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
TED / TEDS Thromboembolism Devices; Compression socks
TED Hose / TED hoses Compression socks
RT Respiratory Therapy / Therapist
PT / P.T. Physical Therapist or Therapy
MI Myocardial Infarction
LTC Long Term Care
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HOB Head of Bed
HTN Hypertension
IDDM Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
DHSR Division of Health Services Regulation
DM Diabetes Mellitus
DNR Do Not Resuscitate
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
Prefix Brady Slow
Prefix Tachy Fast ; swift ; rapid
Prefix Dys Painful ; problem; bad
Emesis Vomiting
Penia as a suffix Lack; as in Leukopenia
Phasia Speaking
Plegia as a suffix Paralysis
Pnea as suffix Breathing
SOB Short of Breath
AC/HS Deals with diabetes; AC= Before Meal and HS= At bedtime
POC Plan of Care
Dysphagia is Painful or Problem eating or swallowing
Dysphasia is Problem with speech
6 links in the chain of infection 1. Causative Agent; 2. Reservoir; 3. Portal of Exit; 4. Transportation; 5. Portal of Entrance; 6. Susceptible Host
Define Reservoir People that have infectious organisms that live and grow in or on them and
Carriers are People that house the infectious organisms but show no symptoms or signs
Standard Precautions Aim to prevent the spread of infection; All Fluid, Mucous Membrane and Non Intact skin are treated as Infected
5 essential times to preform hand hygiene 1. Before touching resident; 2. Before performing aseptic procedure; 3. Body fluid exposure; 4. After touching resident; and 6. After touching resident surroundings
Person is contagious of the Norovirus At least 3 days after vomiting and diarrhea have stopped
Does Alcohol sanitizer work against Norovirus No
The 2 levels of infection control are Standard Precautions and Transmission Based Precautions
Transmission Based Precautions are Contact Precautions; Droplet Precautions; and Airborne Precautions
Droplet Precautions Droplets from cough; sneeze; singing; Close proximity
Airborne Precautions Harmful germs that can float in air within moisture or air currents
Contact Precautions Come into contact with, either Direct or Indirect
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs Physiological; Safety and Security; Love and Belonging; Self Esteem; Self Actualization
NNAAP is National Nurses Aide Assessment Program; state test, 5 skills, oral and written test
AIIR is Airborne Infection Isolation Room
Benign Tumor Non cancerous, does not move
Malignant Tumor Cancerous tumor
Metastasis Cancer breaks off and move to other parts of the body
Organism Systems that function together to perform common activity
Cancer risks Female Hormones, Obesity, Environment
Deep Tissue Injury Deep purple; Tissue that is affected will have different consistency, Injury starts at bone area and skin is last to be affected; Necrosis can set in. can occur from shearing.
TKR Total Knee Replacement
CHF Congestive Heart Failure; One or Both sides of the heart does not pump efficiently
CAD Coronary Artery Disease; coronary arteries become blocked
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease; Poor circulation to Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet from fatty deposits
Gastritis Inflammation of the Stomach Lining
GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Ulcerative Colitis Chronic Inflammation of the Colon
CKD Chronic Kidney Disease
Hematuria Blood in Urine
Micturition Urination or Voiding
S/S of Renal Calculi Nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, along with pain
Cystitis Bladder Infection
Daily average output of urine is 1000 mL to 1500mL / 1L - 1.5L
S/S Hypoglycemia Weakness, Shakiness, Sweating, Confusion, Hunger, H/A
S/S Hyperglycemia Weakness, Frequent Urination, Flushed Face, Dry Skin, Thirst / Dry Mouth, Low BP
Fowlers Position Reclined sitting position at 45 to 60 degrees
High Fowlers Position Sitting position at 60 to 90 degrees
Supine position Lying on back and being flat or level
Sims position Lying on Left side, with the right leg bent at the knee, usually for preforming rectal procedures.
Prone position Lying on Abdomen
Lateral position Lying on Left or Right side
ABC of body mechanics Alignment, Base of support, Coordination
Term for Breathing substances into the lungs that do not belong there, can cause pneumonia or death Aspiration
Special diets are also called what Therapeutic or Modified diets
The suffix Stomy means A surgical opening of a body part / region; Gastrostomy
The suffix Tomy means A incision made; Tracheotomy
Restraints are ordered by who Doctor
Restraint pt. needs to be checked on at what time intervals Every 15 minutes
Restraints need to be removed at what time intervals and for what Every 2 hours for a minimum of 15 minutes, to attend to basic needs
Term used for blaming others Projection
Term used for making false reasons for a situation Rationalization
Term used for transferring feelings for one person onto another person Displacement
Term used for focusing on assisting pt. to find meaning in day to day life. Activity- Base Care
Term used for a state of confusion that is reversible and has a sudden onset Delirium
The 7 stages of Alzheimer's 1. No memory problems 2. Minor memory problems 3. Difficult planning 4.Inability to manage finances 5. Significant confusion 6. Incontinence 7. Final stage near death
Term used for sudden and temporary pain that can last up to 6 months Acute pain Duration
Term used for pain that last more than 6 months Chronic pain Duration
Chronic pain can slow down the body and cause what to happen to BP Lowers BP and heart rate
Term used for a lack of blood supply to area of tissue and can cause pain Ischemia ; Can have Ischemic Pain
5 stages of Grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
DOCUMENT THAT OUTLINES the medical care in case pt. can not make decisions Living Will
Signed Document that the pt. APPOINTS SOMEONE ELSE to make medical decisions if pt. can not. Durable Health Care Power Of Attorney
Term used for changing in skin color ( pale/blue) when death is near; usually in the extremities Mottling
A Living Will and Durable Health Care POA are considered what Advance Directives
2 Acts that allows people to refuse or accept treatment and Advance Directives Patient Self-Determination Act and OBRA
Term for inflammation of the Bladder from an infection Cystitis
Term for Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) that affects the weight bearing joints Osteoarthritis
Term for Systemic crippling auto immune disease causing stiff, painful, swollen joints Rheumatoid Arthritis
Term for the spongy type of bone that breaks easily Osteoporosis
Term for Inappropriate laughing, crying , or expression of anger Emotional Lability
Term for disease that causes poor circulation to the legs, feet, arms, and hands from fatty deposits in the blood vessels PVD; Peripheral Vascular Disease
Term for difficult in breathing Dyspnea
Term for when one can not completely void bladder Retention
Term for kidney / bladder stones Calculi
Type of DM that is lifelong; Pancreas does not produce insulin or produce too little insulin Type 1 DM
Type of DM that starts around age 35; Pancreas produces insulin, but is not used well to control sugar uptake Type 2 DM
Term for when the bladder drops down into the vaginal canal Cystocele
Term for when the rectum shifts down towards the vaginal canal Rectocele
Term for when a pelvic organ drops into the vaginal canal Prolapse
Term for when the uterus shifts down towards the vaginal canal Uterine Prolapse
Term for the defense mechanism to going back to past behavior Regression
Term for the defense mechanism when blaming others Projection
Term for the defense mechanism when transferring feelings about one person to another Displacement
Term for the defense mechanism when blocking painful events Repression
Term for the defense mechanism for false reason for situation Rationalization
AKA Above knee amputation
ant. Anterior
AROM Active Range of Motion
BKA Below knee amputation
BM Bowel Movement
BR Bedrest
BRP Bathroom Privileges
c with
CHD Coronary Heart Disease
CRF Chronic Renal Failure
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis
FH Family History
fld Fluid
f/u ; F/U Follow up
fx Fracture
Hx History
inc incontinent
LUQ Left Upper Quadrant
OOB Out Of Bed
O.D. Right Eye
O.S. Left Eye
O.U. Both Eyes
pc / p.c. After meals
per os By Mouth
p.r.n. / prn When Neccesary
qhs Every night at bedtime
qid / q.i.d. Four times a day
THR Total Hip Replacement
W/A ; WA While Awake
WNL Within Normal Limits
q Every
HOH Hard of Hearing
HS At Bedtime
loss of urine caused by cognitive, physical, or environment reasons Functional incontinence
– loss of urine due to bladder overflow or distention Overflow incontinence
– loss of urine with sneezing or coughing Stress incontinence
– involuntary loss of urine from a sudden urge to void Urge incontinence
CKD can be prevented from advancing into further stages by controlling diabetes, maintain healthy blood pressure, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight
Major cause for HTN is Atherosclerosis
CMS Center for Medicare Services
CMS defines 2 types of pressure injury outcomes Unavoidable and Avoidable
Term for Inflammation of the mouth is Stomatitis
Another name for Pressure Ulcers Decubitus Ulcers
Process of pt. diets are Ordered by a doctor and planned by a dietician
Term for nutrients that enter through the GI tract, either orally or with a NG tube Enteral Nutrients
Term for nutrients that enter through the Veins Parenteral Nutrients
6 Nutrients are Water, Fats, Carbs, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals
1 oz. equals how many mL 30 mL
Term for when food is gradually reintroduced to a pt. Advanced Diet
OBRA requires food to be o Appetizing, smells and looks good o Varied in color and texture o Served at the correct temperature o Served promptly o Prepared to meet individual needs
OBRA also requires food to be • Other foods are offered if food serve is refused • Each person receives at least 3 meals a day, with the offer of a bedtime snack • Assistive devices and utensils provided as needed
Clear Liquids Post-operative, acute illness, infection, nausea/vomiting, prepare for GI procedures
Full Liquids Next step after clear liquids, fever, nausea/ vomiting, resident unable to chew/swallow/digest solid foods
Mechanical Soft Next step after full liquids, fever, nausea/ vomiting, resident unable to chew/swallow/digest solid food
Restraints – Risks Aspiration, skin issues, fx, death from strangulation, constipation, inc. , dehydration, uti., edema, nerve damage, mental issues, depression, pneumonia.
Restraints should have how much room o Should allow 1 finger between
Term for the defense mechanism of pretending a problem does not exist Denial –
Term for the defense mechanism of making up for a situation in some other way Compensation –
Created by: scones and joe
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