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Sub-Saharan Africa

Human evolution long-term biological maturation of the human species
Rift valley the trough or trench that forms when a thinning strip of the Earth’s crust sinks between two parallel faults (surface fractures)
Continental drift the slow movement of continents controlled by the processes associated with plate tectonics
State formation rhe creation of a state, exemplifying traditions of human territoriality that go back thousands of years
Indirect rule British colonial practice that kept indigenous power structures in place, co-opting individual rulers, and who's purpose was to minimize armed conflict while also maximize profits
Land tenure the way people own, occupy, and use land
Land alienation one society or culture group taking land from another
Green revolution the successful late 20th century development of higher-yield, fast-growing varieties of rice and other cereals in certain developing countries
Agribusiness the agricultural operations of large, often multinational, corporations
Medical Geography the study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a spatial perspective
Endemic refers to a disease in a host population that affects many people in a kind of equilibrium without causing rapid and widespread deaths
Epidemic a local or regional outbreak of a disease
Pandemic an outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide
Multilingualism a society marked by a mosaic of local languages
Formal economy the part of a national economy that is registered with government agencies and complies with laws and regulations, especially taxation
Informal economy the part of a national economy that is not registered with the government, and for which reliable statistics are rarely available
Apartheid apartness; a term for South Africa’s pre-1994 policies of racial separation, a system that produced highly segregated socio-geographical patterns
Exclave a bounded (non-island) piece of territory that is part of a particular state but lies separated from it by the territory of another state
Sharia Law strict Islamic law
Boko Haram the violent, jihadist, terrorist organization that is based in northeastern Nigeria.
Xenophobia extreme dislike and fear of foreigners, sometimes fueled by populist politicians
Created by: Charlotte101
Popular Geography sets




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