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Chapter 8

The Muscular system

Bursae Small, synovial lined sacs located between some tendons and underlying bones acting as a cushion
Sarcomere Basic contractile unit
Sliding filament theory Muscle contraction mechanism
Prime Mover mainly responsible for producing a given movement
Synergist muscles Help the prime mover produce a given movement
Antagonist muscles oppose the action of a prime mover in a given movement
Eccentric contraction Tension during muscle lengthening
Oxygen debt EPOC or excessive post-exercise consumption
Motor Unit Combination of motor neuron with the muscle fibers it controls
Threshold Stimulus Minimal level of stimulation required to cause a muscle fiber to contract
Isotonic Contraction Produces movement at a joint because the muscle changes length
Walking, Running Produced by isotonic contractions
Myofilaments composed of proteins called Actin and Myosin
Fatigue Muscle fibers are stimulated repeatedly without adequate periods of rest, the strength of the muscle contraction decreases
Concentric Contraction Muscle shortens
Disuse Atrophy A condition cause during prolonged inactivity, muscles usually shrink in mass
Hypertrophy Increase in muscle size
Strength training Muscle hypertrophy can be enhanced by this
Endurance training Also called Aerobic training
Supination and Pronation Hand positions that result from twisting forearm
Mastication Chewing composed of Masseter and the Temporal
Sternocleidomastoid Rotates and flexes head and neck
Trapezius Extends head and neck
Intercostal muscles located between the ribs
Diaphragm Muscle separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities
Hamstring Muscles (3) Muscles are called Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps femoris
Skeletal muscle Also called Striated or voluntary muscle
Thick myofilaments Formed from a protein called myosin
Thin myofilaments Mainly composed of the protein actin
Myoglobin Large protein molecule in the cytoplasm of muscle cells that attracts oxygen and holds it temporarily
Flexion A movement that makes the angle between two bones at their joint smaller
Extension A movement that makes the angle between two bones at their joint larger
Rotation A movement around a longitudinal axis
Triceps Brachii "Boxers muscle"
Abdominal Muscles Rectus abdominis, External oblique, Internal oblique, Transversus abdominis
Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion Foot movements (upward and downward ankle movement)
Hypothermia A body temperature below normal
Created by: ashleecjim
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