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What is included in the skeletal system Bone , cartilage, ligaments , and other connective tissues that stabilize or connect bone
Other name for compact bone Dense or Cortical bone
Other name for spongy bone Cancellous or Trabecular bone
The 2 types of cartilage assoc. with the skeletal syst. Hyaline and Fibrocartilage
Cartilage that attaches the sternum to the ribs is Costal Cartilage and is a Hyaline
Cartilage that covers the ends of some bones is Articular Cartilage and is a Hyaline
Cartilage with in the growth plates is known as Epiphyseal Plates and is a Hyaline
Hyaline cartilage is the model for what skeletal structure Fetal skeletal system and is a Hyaline
Costal , Articular cartilage and Epiphyseal Plates are made of what cartilage Hyaline Cartilage
Where do you find Fibrocartilage Intervertebral discs, knee joint, area between the bones of the pelvis
Cartilage pads of the knee joint are called Menisci
Ligaments attach Bone to Bone
Tendons attach Bone to Muscle
Name of bone in the Upper arm Humerus
Hemopoeisis is Process of Blood cell production , occurs in the Red Bone Marrow
Bone stores what 2 minerals Calcium and Phosphate
Calcium is needed for what processes Muscle contraction , Blood clotting , and the release of Neurotransmitters
4 classification of bones by shape Long , short , flat and irregular
Long bones are found where Upper and lower Limbs to include the toes and fingers and palm of hand
Short bones are found where Carpal , Tarsal. Patella and Sesamoid bones
Flat bones are found where Roof of skull.scapulae.sternum.Ribs, allow for more muscle attachment
Irregular bones are found where Vertebrae, Ossa Coxae,bones of the skull- Ethmoid.Sphenoid. and Sutural
Blood cell production is called what Hemopoiesis
The name of a condition that makes ossification insufficient Osteopenia
2 other names for spongy bone Cancellous and Trabecular bone
What is the role of Thyroid Hormone in bone remodeling Stimulate bone growth by increasing the basal metabolic rate of bone cells
Characteristics of the Periosteum Made of Dense Irregular CT, covers the outer surface of the bone, and helps anchor blood vessels to the surface
Glycocorticoid hormones are released from where Adrenal Cortex
Direction of Appositional Growth Increases the bone Diameter
Zone of Epiphyseal growth RPHCO
The name of the Spongy and Compact bone of the flat bone Lamellar bone , which is also the secondary bone
Hormones that provide epiphyseal plate growth and closure Estogen and testosterone
What hormone does the liver release in response to the growth hormone Somatomedin hormone
Calcitonin is produced in the thyroid gland by what cells Parafollicular cells
2 things that Calcitonin performs Calcium deposits and inhibits osteoclast activity
3 fibrous joints are Gomphosis; Suture; Syndesmosis Joints
The 2 Cartilaginous Joints are Synchondrosis joint-- hyaline; Symphysis joint -- fibrocartilage
What is the Mobility of a Synarthrosis joint Immobile joint . No movement
What is the Mobility of a Amphiarthrosis joint Slightly mobile
What is the Mobility of a Diarthrosis joint Free mobile
Angular motion of Flexion Anterior and Posterior ; Bending ; angle decreases ; bending arm at the elbow
Angular motion of Extension Anterior and Posterior ; opposite of flexion ; angle increases; straightening of the appendage
Angular motion of Hyperextension Pass 180 degrees; bending hand backwards while arm is fully extended anteriorly
Angular motion of Lateral Flexion Bending the trunk on the coronal plane
Angular motion of Abduction Moving body part away from the midline of body part or body as a whole
Angular motion of Adduction Opposite of abduction moving body part towards the midline of body part or body as a whole
Angular motion of Circumduction Proximal end of appendage is still while distal end makes circular motion--use of Flexion ,Abduction, Extension, and Adduction are in continuous sequence
Rotation motion of Pronation Rotating on longitudinal axis ;arm in anatomical position with palm of hand facing Posteriorly
Rotation motion of Supination Rotating on longitudinal axis ;arm in anatomical position with palm of hand facing Anteriorly
Special motion of Depression Moving joint in a inferior direction; opening the mouth
Special motion of Elevation Moving joint in a superior direction ; closing the mouth
Special motion of Dorsiflexion Limited to the ankle; ankle bends to point toes up
Special motion of Plantar Flexion Limited to the ankle ; bending ankle to point toes down
Special motion of Eversion Bending the ankle to point sole of foot laterally or out
Special motion of Inversion Bending the ankle to point sole of foot medially or in
Special motion of Protraction Moving body part anteriorly ; jutting the jaw out
Special motion of Retraction Moving body part posteriorly
Special motion of Opposition Thumb movement towards the distal parts of the fingers
Special motion of Reposition Moving the thumb back from the distal parts of the fingers
Example of where a Syndesmosis joint is Between the Ulna and the Radius ; Fibrous joint ; Dense C.T.
The 2 knee joint Articulations Patellofermoral joint and the Tibiofemoral joint
Name of joint where articulation of bones is by Hyaline cartilage Synchondrosis joint
Bones that are held together by Connective Tissue are Fibrous joints
Bones that are held together by Cartilage are Cartilaginous joints
Bones that are held together by Articulating Capsule Synovial joints
Trochlea Groove or Notch usually by the condyle
Joint that holds the teeth in Gomphosis joint
ACL and PCL Anterior cruciate ligament and the Posterior cruciate ligament
Ligaments that form an 'X' deep in the knee Cruciate ligaments
Term for when suture joints fully fuse Synostoses
Position of the Acromion Lateral process of the Scapula
Superior part of the shoulder ; is the Acromion of the Scapula and the Clavicle together Acromioclavicular joint
The 3 joints of the shoulder Acromioclavicular, Sternoclavicular, Glenohumeral joints
The Coracoclavicular ligament attaches what The Clavicle to the Coracoid process of the Scapula
Name of the joint that is a Saddle joint that articulates between the Manubrium of the Sternum and the end of the Clavicle Sternoclavicular joint
Name of the joint that is a Plane joint between the Acromion of the Scapula and the Clavicle Acromioclavicular joint
The Coracoid Process of the Scapula is connected to the Clavicle by what ligament Coracoclavicular ligament
Name the joint that is a Ball and Socket joint with the interaction of the Humerus with the Glenoid cavity of the Scapula Glenohumeral joint
Ligament associated with the Glenohumeral joint ; goes from the coracoid process of the scapula to the Acromion of the Acromioclavicular joint Coracoacromial Ligament
Ligament in the Shoulder that goes from the Coracoid process of the Scapula to the Humeral Head Coracohumeral Ligament
3 thickening ligaments that are of the anterior portion of the articular capsule of the shoulder Glenohumeral Ligaments
Muscles that are associated with the Rotator Cuff that hold the Head of the Humerus into the Glenoid cavity Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor muscles
What are the 2 Articulations of the Knee Tibiofemoral joint and the Patellofemoral joint
Unhappy Triad is what Injury to the Tibial Collateral ligament , Medial Meniscus and the Anterior Cruciate ligament (ACL)
Ligament that attaches the Femur to the Tibia and prevents the Hyperabduction of the lower leg Tibial Collateral Ligament or the Medial Collateral Ligament
Ligament that attaches the Femur to the Fibula on the lateral side of the knee. prevents the Hyperadduction of the lower leg Fibular Collateral Ligament or the Lateral Collateral Ligament
Ligament that is connected to the Medial Meniscus along with the tibia Tibial collateral ligament
Purpose of the ACL and PCL Limit the anterior and posterior movement of the lower leg
Position of attachment of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Attached Posterior of the Femur and Anterior of the Tibia
Position of attachment of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Attached Anterior to the Femur and Posterior of the Tibia
Posterior Cruciate Ligament prevents the lower leg from doing what Keeps it from Hyperflexion and keeps the tibia in line with the femur
Anterior Cruciate Ligament prevents the lower leg from doing what Keeps it from Hyperextension
What type of joint are the Ribs number 2 thru 7 Synovial Joints
Name of the facial bones 2 nasal , 2 inferior conchae, 2 palatine, 2 maxilla, 2 zygomatic, 2 lacrimal, 1 mandible, and 1 vomer bones
Name of the cranial bones Frontal , Parietal, Temporal, Occipital, Sphenoid , and Ethmoid
Name of the 4 suture of skull Coronal, Sagittal, Lambdoid, and Squamous
Name of small bones in the suture Suture Bones
Location of the Mastoid Process On the temporal bone just posterior of the Styloid process
Location of the Styloid Process Inferior of the External Acoustic Meatus, small sharp bone
Name of the Fossa on the Zygomatic Process that is part of the jaw joint Mandibular Fossa
Posterosuperior region of the Ramus of the Mandible that articulates with the Mandibular Fossa to create jaw joint Mandibular Condyle of the Mandible
Process at the anterosupererior region of the Ramus of the mandible Coronoid Process
Area on the Ramus region of the mandible that is between the Condyle and the Coronoid Mandibular Notch
Bones that make up the Orbital socket Frontal , Zygomatic, Maxilla, Lacrimal, Sphenoid, Palatine, and the Ethmoid
Passage ways through the orbital socket
Parts of the Ethmoid Bone Perpendicular Plate, Crista Galli, and the Cribriform Plate
Location of the Lacrimal Bone to the Ethmoid Bone Anteriorly
True Ribs are which ones Ribs numbered 1 - 7; 7 total
False Ribs are which ones Ribs numbered 8 - 12; 5 total
Floating Ribs are which ones Ribs numbered 11 & 12; 2 total
4 curvature regions of the vertebral column Cervical , Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral Curvatures
Vertebrae by number and region 7 cervical , 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccyx ; for a total of 33
Bursa are filled with what and preform what action Filled with Synovial fluid and serve as protection from overlying tendons, muscles , skin, ligaments
Elongated Bursae are called what Tendon Sheaths , commonly located in the ankle , wrist, hand , foot
Location of the Ischium in relation to the Pubic Bone Inferior and posterior
Foramen at hip at the pubic and ischium Obturator Foramen
3 Ligaments of the elbow Radial collateral ligament, Ulnar collateral ligament, Anular ligament
Radius Bone location With arm in anatomical position the Radius is Lateral
Lateral side of the Elbow consist of The Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus, the Radial Collateral Ligament or the Lateral Collateral Ligament, Radius Bone
Medial side of the Elbow consist of Ulnar Collateral Ligament or the Medial Collateral Ligament, the Medial Epicondyle, the Ulna Bone,
Location and action of the Anular Ligament Surround the neck of the Radius bone, and Binds the proximal end of the Radius to the Ulna, thus holding the head of the radius in place.
2 articulations of the Elbow Humeroulnar joint and the Humeroradial joint
Location of the Ischiofemoral Ligament From the Femur at the Greater Trochanter of Femur to the Ischium at posterior side
Location of the Pubofemoral Ligament From the Femur at the Greater Trochanter of Femur to the Pubic bone at the Anterior side
Location of the Greater and Lesser Trochanter of Femur The rounded projection on the Femur just Lateral of the Femur Neck. Rounded Projection is called a Tubercle
The Meniscus is made up of what Fibrocartilage
The articular capsule of the Knee does not cover the Anterior region of the knee , What does? The Quadricep Femoris Muscle Tendon does with the Patella embedded within it.
Potts fracture is associated with what bone Is a fracture at the distal end of the Fibula
Colles fracture is associated with what bone Is a fracture at the distal end of the Radius
Somatomedin is produced in the liver by what hormone Growth Hormone; Helps to elongate bones
Active vitamin D or Calcitriol increases calcium absorption in what Organ The small intestine
What hormone in the Kidneys increases the resorption of calcium from urine Parathyroid Hormone
Calcidiol is converted to what in the Kidneys Calcitriol
The 2 hormones that work together to increase calcium levels in the blood Parathyroid and Calcitriol
What is Calcitriols effect on the calcium levels in the blood Increases it, By increasing the osteoclast activity; produced from Calcidiol in the kidneys
Where is the Parathyroid hormone produced ; PTH Parathyroid Gland
What is Parathyroid Hormones effect on the calcium levels in the blood Increases it. By increasing the osteoclast activity and decreasing osteoblast activity
What is Calcitonin Hormones effect on the calcium levels in the blood Decreases it. inhibits osteoclast activity and inhibits the resorption of calcium in the kidneys
What produces Calcitonin and where is it produced Parafollicular cells of the Thyroid Glad are responsible for the production of the Calcitonin
How does Calcitriol increase calcium in the blood By helping the small intestine absorb calcium with the help from Parathyroid Hormone and preventing the loss of calcium in the kidneys
Parathyroid hormone in the kidney how Preventing the loss of calcium or resorbing the calcium
Parathyroid Glad is very important for calcium regulation It sends PTH to the bone , kidney, and gut to regulate or increase calcium levels ; works together with calcitriol in kidneys & gut
Created by: scones and joe
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