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Chapter 4

chapter 4.

Membrane transport has 2 main categories Active and Passive
Describe Active membrane transport Needs to use energy and the solute is being moved up its concentration gradient
Describe Passive membrane transport Does not require energy and uses kinetic energy for molecules to move down its concentration gradient
The 2 Passive processes of passive membrane transport Osmosis and Diffusion
The 2 types of Diffusion Simple diffusion and Facilitated diffusion
The 2 types of Facilitated diffusion Channel Mediated and Carrier Mediated
The 2 Active Processes of Active membrane transport Active transport and Vesicle transport
The 2 types of Active transport Primary active transport and Secondary active transport
The 2 types of Secondary active transport Symport- two substances moving in the same direction Antiport - two substances moving in the opposite direction
The 2 types of Vesicle transport Endocytosis and Exocytosis
The 3 types of Endocytosis Phagocytosis, Pinocytosis, Receptor mediated endocytosis
Characteristics of molecules that can move by simple diffusion Small and Non Polar, like 02,C02, small fatty acids,ethanol and urea
Characteristics of molecules that move by facilitated diffusion Small charge ions and polar molecules, must use channel or carrier transport proteins
Exchange Pumps transport _____ Na+ ions OUT while transporting ____ K+ inons IN to the cell 3 Na+ out while 2 K+ come IN
Peripheral Proteins characteristics Can float about the plasma membrane, can serve as enzymes and are attached loosely to cell membrane
Functions of the Smooth ER Metabolize carbohydrates, Make lipids, Detox Alcohol and transport and store Lipids
Plasma Membrane is made up of what 3 Lipids Phospholipid , Cholesterol, Glycolipids
Chromosomes become visible at what point During Mitosis
Chromatin is Composed of a finely filamented mass of DNA and Protein
Nucleosome are DNA double helix wound around a cluster of Histones
What types of RNA are produced during transcription tRNA, mRNA, rRNA
Function of the Promoter during transcription Serves as the starting point of a gene, and is the part that the RNA Polymerase will recognize
What is required for translation Ribosome , tRNA, mRNA and Amino Acid
When water is pushing on the surface, it exerts what pressure Hydrostatic Pressure
When water exerts pressure as it moves across a semi permeable membrane , that pressure is called what Osmotic Pressure
Glycocalyx Communicates to other cells by contact , is on the plasma membrane
Cytoskeletons 3 filaments Microfilament, Microtubules. and Intermediate Filament
What items are needed for transcription Ribonucleotides, RNA polymerase, and DNA
2 ways cells die Chemical / Mechanical issues or Apoptosis
Microtubules are composed of what protein Tubulin
Microfilaments are composed of what protein Actin
Desmosome junctions are reinforced by what Intermediate Filaments
3 Parts of the cytoplasm Cytosol, Inclusions, and the Organelles
Bound Ribosomes are involved in what actions Make proteins to serve as enzymes for Lysosomes , Make Intergal proteins for plasma membrane, Make proteins for export
Who is in the Endomembrane System Both Endoplasmic Reticulums. Golgi, Lysosomes, Periosomes,Vesicles, Plasma Membrane and the Nuclear Envelope
Types of Channel Mediated Diffusion Leak and Gated diffusion, both are specific to one type of ion
A steeper gradient makes what happen to Osmotic Pressure Osmotic Pressure becomes greater
Characteristics of Carrier Mediated Needs a substance to bind to it , the protein then changes shape in order to move the molecule down its concentrated gradient
Characteristics of the Channel Linked Receptor Gated channel that needs a Ligand to bind to it, in order to open the gate and let ions pass
Enzymatic Receptor Is with Direct influence with the enzyme kinase and phosphate
G Receptor Is Not in Direct influence with the phosphate action
Nucleotides are made up of Phosphate , a 5 carbon Sugar either a Ribose or Deoxyribose, and 1 of the 4 Nitrogenous bases (U,G,A,C) or(T,G,A,C)
DNA complimentary pairs are T = A and C = G
RNA complimentary pair to DNA U = A and C= G
Nucleic acids are "NA"'s DNA, RNA , tRNA, mRNA
Nucleotides are defined as Nucleic Acid Monomers
Where does the Peptide Bond form The Carboxyl Group and the Amine Group of 2 amino acids and is formed by Dehydration Synthesis
Created by: scones and joe
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