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Fund-1 U7

Vital Signs

Afebrile without fever
Crisis sudden drop from pyrexia to normal body temperature: w/i 24hrs
Febrile Pertaining to a fever; feverish
Intermittent Fever temperature that alternates between fever and normal or subnormal temps
Lysis Gradual return from pyrexia to normal body temperature; occurs over several days
Relapsing Fever A temperature that alternates between fever and normal or subnormal body temperature
Remittent fever Temperature returns to normal at least a day, then fever occurs again
Auscultation The act of externally listening to sounds within the body by using a stethoscope
Bounding Difficult to obliterate with pressure; full
Obliterate Obstruct or block off
Palpitation A rapid or throbbing heartbeat that can be sensed by the person
Thready The pulse is irregular with a weak force; volume is small and artery is readily obliterated
Anoxia Deficiency of oxygen supply to the tissues
Apnea Cessation of breathing
Cyanosis Bluish color of skin due to lack of oxygen
Dyspnea Labored or difficulty breathing
Eupnea Normal respiration
Auscultatory Gap Disappearance of sound when obtaining a blood pressure; 1-2 K sound
Diastole Period of time b/w contraction of Atria or the Ventricles during which blood enter or relaxed chambers
Pulse Pressure Difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure
Systole Contraction of the heart, driving into the aorta and pulmonary arteries, indicated by the 1st heart sound heard on auscultation
Core Temperature Temp of deep tissue
Hypothalamus Controls body temperature
Basal metabolic rate Heat produced by the body at absolute rest
Radiation transfer from one object to another ( w/out direct contact)
Conduction transfer from one object to another ( w/ direct contact)
Convention Transfer of heat away from air movement
Evaporation Transfer of heat energy when a liquid is changed to a gas
Temporal lateral to eye
Carotid lateral neck
Apical 5th intercostal space at midclavicular line
Brachial near AC
Radial thumb side
Ulnar inside wrist
Femoral groin
Popliteal behind knee
Posterior tibial inner ankle
Dorsalis pedis top of foot
1st sound clear rhythmical tapping (systolic)
2nd sound murmur/ swishing as cuff deflates
3rd sound crisper/ more intense tapping
4th sound muffled/ low pitches (diastolic infants/ children)
5th sound absence of sound (diastolic)
Created by: bvjklolita2015
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