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MEPN SciOfNsg1

MEPN Med/Surg

CN I Olfactory
CN I assessment eyes closed, ask patient to identify familiar odors; test ea. nostril separately
CN II Optic
CN II assessment Snellen Eye Chart
CN III Oculomotor
CN IV Trochlear
CN VI Abducens
CN III, IV, & VI assessment EOM (6 directions) and pupillary reflexes
CN V Trigeminal
CN V assessment eyes closed facial site idenfication/sharp/dull/jaw mvt./eye tearing
CN VII Facial
CN VII assessment symmetry, smile/frown, eyebrow mvt., mouth mvt (open/close)
CN VIII Acoustic
CN VIII assessment whisper, Weber (top), Rinne (bone vs. air conduction)
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
CN IX assessment swallow, sugar vs. salt identification
CN X Vagus
CN X assessment gag reflex, swallow, "ah" uvula mvt.
CN XI Spinal Accessory
CN XI assessment should shrug, rotate head
CN XII Hypoglossal
CN XII assessment tongue out/against sides of mouth (resistance)
Maslow's hierarchy of needs Physiologic needs Safety and Security Belongingness and affection Esteem and self-respect Self-actualization
Nursing Process Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation
Autonomy self rule/free choice
Beneficence do good
Nonmaleficence do no harm
Confidentiality privacy barring mandatory reporting
Double Effect 1.Action is morally good/neutral 2.Good intention 3.Good not achieved through bad means 4.Balance of good over evil
Fidelity promise-keeping in all respects
Justice all cases treated alike
Distributive Justice equality, societal contribution, individual need/effort/merit, legal entitlement
Retributive Justice retribution, punishment distribution
Paternalism intentional autonomy limitation for harm prevention
Sanctity of Life life is highest good regardless of quality
Veracity truth obligation
NANDA-NIC-NOC Diagnosis-Intervention-Outcome
transplanted kidney placement anterior abdomen
How long can a kidney be artificially perfused before it is unable to be transplanted? 24 hours
decrease in the likelihood of rejection younger kidney or from a relative
Organ Transplantation Criteria 1.Endstage disease 2.Other tx failure 3.Progression 4.Not infected 5.Disease 6.Surgical Survival
Renal Diet >carbs, <phosphorus, <potassium, <protein, <fluids, <sodium
Treatment of choice for Barbiturate OD Hemodialysis
central line catheter solely used for dialysis Ash split: subclavian vein catheter
Must check for thrill, bruit, and hand circulation periodically throughout the day. AV fistulae
CAPD Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
CAPD process dialysate, cyclic, dwell: peritoneal membrane is the artificial kidney
Dialysis goals 1.Remove end products of metabolism 2.Maintain electrolytes 3.Correct acidosis 4.Replenish bicarb levels 5.Remove excess fluid
Increased BUN and creatinine ESRD: end-stage renal disease
ESRD end-stage renal disease
azotemia presence of increased amts of nitrogenous waste products, esp. urea, in the blood
nocturia increased noc urinary output
anemia s/s fatigue, weakness, cold tolerance, listless, <ADL ability, <willpower
ARF acute renal failure
ARF prognosis reversible if intervened early
CRF chronic renal failure
CRF prognosis progressive and irreversible
shrimp allergy also allergic to iodine; allergic to dye in contrast tests
Mild pain analgesics ASA, NSAIDs, Acetaminophen
Moderate pain analgesics A/ -codeine, -hydrocodone, -oxycodone, and -dihydrocodone, or tramadol
Severe pain analgesics Morphine, Hydromorphone, Methadone, Levorphanol, Fentanyl, Oxycodone
Acute Pain Physiological responses >BP, >PR, >RR, dilated pupils, perspiration
Chronic Pain Physiological adaptation normal VS and pupils, dry skin
Acute Pain Behaviors focuses on pain, reports pain, cries and moan, rubs painful part, >muscle tension, frowns and grimaces
Chronic Pain Behaviors quiet, no report of pain unless questioned, physical inactivity of immobility, turns attention to things other than pain, blank or normal facial expression
pain what patient reports it to be
pain assessment location, intensity, quality, onset, duration, variation
uncontrolled pain in the elderly may lead to depression, decreased socialization, impaired ambulation, increased healthcare utilization
tolerance decreasing effect to continued use of the same dose of a drug
nonpharmacologic pain management distraction, relaxation, guided imagery, positive self talk, thought stopping, cutaneous stimulation
RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation
fixation frame connected to pins
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
amputation partial or total removal of extremity
cast care keep dry, do not cover with plastic, do not stick anything down it
casting material choices nonplaster (fiberglass), plaster
closed reduction numb and move bones into place
open reduction surgical incision to align bones c/s fixation; tetanus infection risk
hypovolemia loss of 1-2L of blood
possible result of multiple rib fractures flail chest; respiratory compromise
two types of pelvic fracture stable, unstable
common fracture of the wrist/hand that can cause nonunion and decreased function scaphoid
complications of fractures DVT, PE, Fat embolis syndrome
Fat embolis syndrome s/s neurological changes, confusion, pulmonary insufficiency, petechial rash to chest, axilla, and upper arms
compartment syndrome pressure in ltd space constricts structures within compartment; pain beyond expected response; 2days-1week post-injury
Autonomic Dysreflexia exaggerated response of SNS; aka Complex Regional Pain or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
trochanter rolls prevent external rotation of the hip
maintains hip abduction foam triangle
Buck's traction control muscle spasms and immobilize leg to proper alignment before surgery
mobility complications pneumonia, UTI, constipation, urinary stasis, atelectasis
6 P's of physical assessment pulselessness, pain, paresthesias, poikilothermia, paralysis, pallor
fracture disruption of bone continuity
stress-fracture overuse and constant stress leading to bone deterioration
avulsion piece broken away; pulled off by ligament or tendon
communited many pieces
impacted crushed together
angulation direction of displacement
contusion blunt trauma
hematoma large amt of bleeding in soft tissues
sprains ligament stretch/tear; bruising
strains tendons and muscle unit insult
Grade 1 sprain/strain stretch, no tear; ~2 weeks
Grade 2 sprain/strain partial tear with some instability; loose/lax; ~3-4 weeks
Grade 3 sprain/strain complete tear with complete opening of joint on stress; ~3-4 weeks
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome inflammation of sheath; pinches median nerve that innervates the thumb, pointer, and middle fingers
bursitis inflammation of the bursa of the joint
epicondylitis inflammation of the tendon at its origin; ex. tennis/golfer's elbow from rotation mvts of the forearm
Primary injury initial trauma
Secondary injury secondary unsatisfactory responses; ex. ischemia, hypoxia, febrile
normal ICP level 0-15
ICP intracranial pressure
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure
CPP = MAP - ICP norm 70-100 mmHg
CPP < 50 mmHg assoc with ischemia and neuronal death
Cushing's Triad HTN, Bradycardia, Change in respiratory pattern
decorticate hyperflexion posturing
decerebrate hyperextention posturing
Battle's Sign post-auricular ecchymosis
Raccoon eyes peri-aural fracture; bruising around eyes
Halo sign blood on paper pools in center with yellow ring around droplet; bleeding from ear
ABC's airway, breathing, circulation
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome; lungs stiff and less-compliant
site of wounds that bleed most heavily scalp
post concussion syndrome vague s/s; mild HA that lasts months
concussion sudden transient mechanical injury with disruption of neural activity
Glasgow Coma Scale brain injury severity severe 3-8 moderate 9-12 mild 13-15
open brain injury penetration; skull open to air
closed brain injury blunt trauma; acceleration/deceleration injury; contusions
epidural hematoma arterial hematoma between dura and inner surface of skull
epidural hematoma s/s brief LOC, lucid, then deterioration, bleeding
subdural hematoma venous hematoma between dura and arachnoid layer
acute < 2 days
subacute 2 days to 2 weeks
chronic > 2 weeks
most common type of seizure tonic-clonic
tonic phase muscle contractions
clonic phase jerky movements
Prodromal Phase activity before seizure; tick/twitch
Aural Phase warning sign/feeling of impending doom
Ictal Phase actual seizure activity
Postictal Phase relaxing post-seizure
Type of meningitis with highest mortality rate bacterial
Hallmark of meningitis Nuchal rigidity
lab diagnostic of meningitis lumbar puncture (CSF analysis)
CVA cerebral vascular accident
CVA Primary Prevention Procedure carotid endarterectomy
CVA Secondary Prevention statin, anti-HTN meds, anti-coag. therapy, anti-platelet therapy
anti-coag therapy warfarin
anti-platelet therapy ASA, plavix, Persantine, Ticlid
tPA transplasminogen activator
tPA result produces localized fibrinolysis
window for tPA administration from onset of ischemic stroke s/s 3 hours
tPA inclusion critera 18+, <3h s/s, no recent sx/MI/GI bleed, rule out/no prior hemorrhagic stroke, no acute trauma/injury
loss of vision in one eye hemianopia
inability to carry out learned, sequential movements apraxia
unable to recognize familiar objects agnosia
neglect affected side of CVA neglect syndrome
receptive aphasia understand deficit
expressive aphasia understands, but unable to express
R-sided CVA L hemiplegia, impatient, impulsive, poor judgment, emotional instability
L-sided CVA R hemiplegia, aphasias, cautious, slow, careful, memory loss
Stroke Test: FAST facial droop, arm drift, speech, time of onset
Smile Stroke Test 1. Smile 2. Raise both arms 3. Repeat a sentence
90-day stroke risk following TIA 3-17.3% (greatest <30 days)
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
Male stroke risk thrombotic, better chance of survival
Female stroke risk hemorrhagic, higher mortality rate
Nonmodifiable Disease Risks age, gender, race, family history
Modifiable Disease Risks obesity, smoking, ETOH use, inactivity, diet, lifestyle
2-3 times higher risk of stroke than Caucasians African Americans
CNS Central Nervous System: brain and spinal cord
3 major regions of the brain cerebrum, brainstem, cerebellum
serves as center for conducting messages to and from the brain and as a reflex center spinal cord
spinal nerves 31 pairs
cranial nerves 12 pairs
ANS autonomic nervous system
ANS branches Sympathetic, Parasympathetic
Identifies intracerebral hemorrhage, tumors, cysts, aneurysms, edema, ischemia, atrophy and tissue necrosis, shift in intracranial contents CT scan
CT scan with and without contrast, noninvasive, painless
provides information about blood vessels of the brain and identify vascular lesions MRI/MRA
MRI/MRA screen for metal implants, ability to lie still, and claustrophobia
Positron Emission Tomography assess normal brain function and cerebral blood flow and volume; differentiate types of dementia, stage brain tumors
uses radionuclide and requires no coffee/ETOH/smoking 24h prior to test PET scan
used to evaluate aneurysms, AV malformations, blood vessel patency and stenosis, thrombosis, vasospasm, space occupying lesions by way of contrast Cerebral Angiogram
evaluates the velocity of blood flow through the carotid arteries and identifies occlusive disease Carotid Duplex Study
EEG Electroencephalogram
measures the electrical activity of the brain, diagnoses brain disease and brain death EEG
measure CSF pressure and obtain sample lumbar puncture
Stage 1 Alzheimer's 2-4 yrs; subtle deterioration in memory, restless, forgetful, subtle personality changes
Stage 2 Alzheimer's 2-12 yrs; confusion, wandering, personality changes: agitation, hallucination; language deficits, motor apraxia
Stage 3 Alzheimer's 2-4 yrs; inability to communicate, incontinence, may require total care
aphasia in which meaningless or inappropriate word or syllable substituted for the correct spoken word or word combinations paraphasia
involuntary repetition of words spoken by others echolalia
evening/bedtime agitation to point of verbal outbursts, wandering, or acts of violence sundowning
sundowning interventions calm, quiet environment, music, sitter, limit naps during the day, maximize daylight exposure, provide for patient safety
A deficiency of dopamine in the central nervous system's motor control pathways Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Manifestations TRAP: tremor, rigidity, (brady)akinesia, postural instability
impairments of speech due to diseases that affect facial muscles; hard to understand speech without aphasia dysarthria
small amount of tissue destroyed with a needle thalamotomy
affected area located and tissue destroyed pallidotomy
4D's of hospital patients/POW's Debility, Dependency, Dread, Depersonalization
agitation, excitability, irritability, distractable hyperactive behavior
lethargy, somnolence, apathy, decreased activity hypoactive behavior
Cardinal sign of UTI in elderly confusion
Cardiac Conduction Pathway SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Bundle Branches (Right/Left), Purkinje Fibers
the amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat stroke volume
the percent of end-diastolic volume ejected with each heartbeat ejection fraction
amount of blood pumped by the ventricle in liters per minute cardiac output; CO = HR x SV
degree of stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers at the end of diastole Preload
ability of the cardiac muscle to shorten in response to an electrical impulse Contractility
the resistance to ejection of blood from the ventricle Afterload
hunchback posture that alters chest landmarks for palpation and auscultation Kyphosis
normal BP values <120/80 mmHg
Prehypertension 120-139/80-89 mmHg
Stage 1 HTN 140-159/90-99
Stage 2 HTN >160/100
stages of atherosclerosis fatty streak, fibrous plaque, complicated lesion
Healthy Lipid Level <200
HDL goal >35
LDL goal <100
pain or discomfort angina
predictable pain that subsides when precipitating factors resolved Stable Angina
unpredictable artery spasm; chest pain usually precipitating at night Prinzmetal's Angina
unrecognized angina pectoris Silent ischemia
inflammation of the pericardium pericarditis
Major Cations Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++
Major Anions Cl-, PO4-, HCO3-
Na+ 135-134 mg/L
Major ECF cation; primary determinant of ECF volume/concentration; controls flow of water Na+
anorexia, N/V, fatigue, dyspnea, orthostatic hypotension, flushed skin, decreased skin turgor due to loss of sodium or gain of water Hyponatremia
thirst, dry red swollen tongue, increased temperature due to loss of water or increase in sodium intake Hypernatremia
K+ 3.5-4.5 mEq/L
Major ICF cation; controls cellular osmotic pressure K+
decreased muscle activity, decreased membrane action potential, decreased bowel motility, confusion, irritability, lethargy, weakness, cramping, tetany, dysrhythmias, decreased ST segment, T wave Hypokalemia
ventricular dysrhythmias, depressed ST, peaked T wave, cardiac arrest, N/V, diarrhea Hyperkalemia
Mg++ 1.5-2.5 mEq/L
2nd most abundant ICF cation; transmission/conduction of nerve impulses, contraction of muscles, enzymatic reactions (esp. with ATP) Mg++
neuromuscular weakness, tingling, cramps, Chvostek/Trousseau sign, decreased potassium, calcium, and phosphate Hypomagnesium
tetany with BP (hand contraction on BP cuff inflation) Chvostek/Trousseau sign
peripheral vasodilation, facial flushing, hypotension, N/V, muscle weakness, drowsiness, respiratory depression, cardiac arrest Hypermagnesium
water moves from low solute to high solute osmosis
number of particles per liter osmolarity
solute moves from high solute to low solute diffusion
water moves from high hydrostatic to low filtration
move against a concentration gradient active transport
controls concentration (osmolality) of body fluids ADH: Antidiuretic Hormone
insensible, unmeasurable fluid loss ventilation, diaphoresis, stool
urine output <400 ml/day oliguria
Created by: jjannett
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