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NUR 114 Test #4

What is zidovudine
Antiretroviral medication given to a patient with HIV /AIDS reduces the replication off the virus
What are the side effects of SULFAMETHOXAZOLE/TRIMETHOPRIM (BACTRIM) Hypersensitivity and vomiting
What is the action of Truvada Truvada is a combination of tenofovir and emtricabine it works by blocking pathways that HIV uses to set up infection
Who takes pre exposure prophylaxis (PREP) PRe exposure Prophylaxis is a treatment for individuals who are at high risk for contracting HIV/AIDS it is taken once a day
What cells are effected by HIV Helper T cells and CD4
When is Post exposure prophylaxis used Post exposure prophylaxis is used for patients that have come in contact with a needle stick or sharp object infected with HIV/AIDS.
When should a Post Exposure prophylaxis be started? Post exposure prophylaxis should be started within 72 hours
How long is post exposure prophylaxis taken Post exposure prophylaxis is taken for 28 days
What kind of precautions are the aids patient on Standard precautions
Is there a cure for AIDS There is no cure for AIDS, antiretroviral medications can slow the progression of AIDS
Neucleoside and nucleotide reverse -transcriptase inhibitors (Antiretroviral) Zidovudine, AZT, and Azidothymide
What are side effects of AZT, Azidothymide, and Zidovudine? Side effects are anemia and neutropenia
What is the action of AZT, Zidovudine, and Azithymide Interferes with the replication if the virus
How is HIV AIDS transmitted HIV/AIDS is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid
How are Kaposi Sarcomas diagnosed Kaposi sarcomas are diagnosed with a punch biopsy
What is Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium effects the GI tract leads to prolonged diarrhea in the patient with AIDS
How is Cryptosporidium treated The patient with cryptosporidium is treated with fluid replacement
What does Didanosine do? Inhibits the replication of the virus
What are side effects of Didanosine? Side effects of Didanosine are neutropenia, pancreatitis, peripheral edema, and dry mouth
Abcavir Is a combination drug with dolutegravir and lamivudine (trumeq). It is taken once a day. For patient who cannot adhere to complex treatment regimens.
What are side effects of Abcavir ? Toxicity-hypersensitivity —-manifests as flulike symptoms. Anemia and neutropenia
What are Azithromycin ( Zithromax) side effects Side effects of Azithromycin (Zithromax) are fatigue, headache, dizziness and headache
What patient education is there for Azithromycin (Zithromax) The drug can cause photosensitivity. Limit exposure in the sun. Wear hat, long sleeves, sunglasses
What are risk factors for HIV /AIDS Having sex without a condom, having multiple partners, sharing needles, hemophilia, blood transfusions, healthcare workers, poverty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hemophilia, and older age.
What are clinical manifestations of HIV Asymptomatic or have severe immunodeficiency. -flulike symptoms, mononucleosis, fever, headache, rash, abdominal cramping, sore throat, arthlagias, lymphadenopathy, myalgias, nausea/vomiting
What is an opportunistic infections Most common manifestations of AIDS and often occur simultaneously
How do you know the patient is at risk for an opportunistic infection Opportunistic infection risk is predicted by the t4 and CD4 cell count
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) The most common opportunistic infection in Affecting patients with AIDS and is a common cause of death in a patient with AIDS
Candidiasis Canididia albicans infections is a common opportunistic fungal infection in a patient with AIDS. It usually manifests as oral thrush or esophagitis
Kaposi Sarcoma Often a presenting symptom of AIDS Karposi Sarcoma remains the most common cancer associated with the disease. KS may progress slowly or rapidly and it is an indicator of late state HIV disease. The average survival time after diagnosis of KS is 18 months
CD4 cell count less than 200 The patient is susceptible to opportunistic infections —may be treated with Azithromycin
What are women with AIDS at increased risk for Women with HIV/AIDS are at risk for cervical cancer, they must have Pap smear every 6 months to check for cancer cells
Type 1 (IgE mediated) hypersensitivity Common hypersensitivity reactions allergic asthma, hay fever, and hives. They are triggered when allergen interacts with free IgE. Allergens can be ingested in foods, injected, inhaled absorbed.
Type I :Localized or Systemic reaction Clinical manifestations : hypotension, wheezing, GI or uterine spasm, stridor, uticaria. Examples are—- Extrinsic asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and food allergies
TYpe II: tissue -specific reactions Clinical manifestations: are variable they may include dyspnea or fever Examples: transfusion reaction, ABO incompatibility and hemolytic disease of the newborn
Type III: immune -complex-mediated reactions Clinical manifestations: uticaria, fever, and joint pain. Examples: acute glomerular nephritis and serum sickness
Created by: ChelseaElaine
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