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Chp 25

Disorders of Coronary & Peripheral Blood Vessels

Acute coronary syndrome any group of clinical symptoms compatible with acute myocardial ischemia
Aneurysm stretching and bulging of an arterial wall, usually caused by weakening of the vessel
Angina pectoris chest pain of cardiac origin
Angiogenesis regeneration of blood vessels
Ankle-brachial index measurement used to detect peripheral artery disease (PAD)
Arteriosclerosis loss of elasticity or hardening of the arteries
Atherectomy surgical removal of fatty plaque from arteries by inserting a cardiac catheter with a cutting tool at the tip or performing laser angioplasty
Atheroma fatty mass within the arterial wall
Atherosclerosis condition in which the lumen of the artery fills with fatty deposits, chiefly composed of cholesterol
Bruit purring or blowing sound caused by blood flowing over the rough surface of one or both carotid arteries
Cardiac rehabilitation program following a cardiac event that combines exercise and educational activities to speed recovery and reduce or prevent recurring episodes
Cholesterol fatty (lipid) substance
Collateral Circulation circulation formed by smaller blood vessels branching off from or near larger occluded vessels
Coronary artery disease arteriosclerotic and atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries supplying the myocardium
Coronary Occlusion obstruction of a coronary artery that reduces or totally interrupts blood supply to the distal muscle area
Coronary stent small, metal coil with mesh-like openings placed within the coronary artery during PTCA that prevents the coronary artery from collapsing
Coronary thrombosis blood clot within a coronary artery
Critical limb ischemia complication of peripheral artery disease characterized by open sores or infections that do not resolve, become gangrenous, and threaten the viability of the limb, making amputation necessary
Electron beam computed tomography radiologic test that produces x-rays of the coronary arteries using an electron beam
Embolus moving mass of particles, either solid or gas, within the bloodstream
Enhanced external counterpulsation noninvasive and nonsurgical therapy that helps relieve angina using a pressure suit that moves blood toward the heart
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) lipoprotein that has a higher ratio of protein than cholesterol -good cholesterol
Homocysteine amino acid created during the metabolism of protein -elevated levels are believed to impair memory & contribute to above-normal cholesterol levels
Hyperlipidemia high levels of fat in the blood
Infarct area of tissue that dies from inadequate oxygenation
Intermittent claudication leg pain with exercise
Ischemia impaired oxygenation of cells and tissues
Isoenzyme one of several forms of an enzyme that can be identified separately
Laser angioplasty use of short pulses of light to vaporize arterial plaque
Lipid profile group of tests that measure various blood fats -typically consists of measuring serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) protein in blood that has a higher ratio of cholesterol than protein -bad cholesterol
Myocardial infarction interruption in blood supply to cardiac muscle -heart attack
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty procedure in which a ballon-tipped catheter is inserted into a diseased coronary artery, then inflated to compress atherosclerosis plaque
Peripheral vascular disease disorders that affect blood vessels distant from the large central blood vessels supplying the myocardium or that circulate blood directly in and out of the heart
Phlebothrombosis clot formation with minimal or no venous inflammation
Phytoestrogens plant sources of estrogen
Plaque fatty deposits composed chiefly of cholesterol
Subendocardial infarction death of tissue that does not extend through the full thickness of the myocardial wall
Thrombolytic agent drugs that dissolve blood clots
Thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein accompanied by clot or thrombus formation
Thrombosis formation of a blood clot
Thrombus stationary blood clot
Topical hyperbaric oxygen therapy used to treat chronic, non-healing skin lesions by delivering oxygen above atmospheric pressure directly to the wound
Transmural infarction death of tissue that extends through the full thickness of the myocardial wall
Transmyocardial revascularization laser procedure that improves oxygenation of myocardial tissue by creating channels into which oxygenated blood seeps and is absorbed by the ischemic myocardium
Varicose veins dilated, tortuous veins
Vein ligation surgical treatment for severe varicose veins in which the affected veins are tied off above and below the area of incompetent valves, but the dysfunctional vein remains
Vein stripping surgical treatment for severe varicose veins in which the affected veins are severed and removed
Venous insufficiency peripheral vascular disorder in which the flow of venous blood is impaired through deep or superficial veins, or both
Created by: ahoyyitbeaddi
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