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Patho Final

dysphagia Difficulty swallowing Presentation: Pain with swallowing Inability to swallow larger pieces of solid material Difficulty swallowing liquids Due to: Neurological deficit Infection, stroke, or brain damage Muscular disorder Muscular dystrophy
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Secreted by the posterior pituitary Controls reabsorption of water in kidney Regulates and balances the amount of water in blood
Stress incontinence More common in women Increased intra-abdominal pressure forced urine through sphincter Caused by: Coughing Laughing Sneezing Lifting Multiple pregnancies
Urge incontinence Sudden urgency to urinate Referred to as overactive bladder Bladder contracts causing urine to leak through sphincter
Functional incontinence Person is aware of the need to urinate but unable to get to the bathroom Usually due to physical or mental reasons Examples: Arthritis, Parkinson’s, MS Loss of urine could be small leakage or fully emptying bladder
Osteoblast Bone-producing or bone-building cells Generate new bone Forms Endosteum Secretes the matrix
Osteoclast Bone-reabsorbing cells Break down cells
Open fracture Also called compound fracture Open wound or break in the skin
Sprain Tear in a ligament Bone-to-bone
Strain Tear in a tendon Bone-to-muscle *worse*
Glucocorticoid Steroid hormone medication Excessive amount can cause Cushing’s Disease Reduce inflammation Increase blood sugar Decrease immune response Delayed healing
Glucose Simple sugar Energy source for living organisms Works jointly with insulin for energy production
Glucagon Peptide hormone Produced in pancreas Raises concentration of glucose and fatty acids in blood Main catabolic hormone of body Used to treat many conditions Effects are opposite of insulin
Paraplegia Paralysis of the lower part of the trunk and legs *lower limbs only*
Pain tolerance Ability to cope with pain Culturally related Example: Asian culture teaches pain should be private therefore most Asians exhibit a higher pain tolerance Varies among individuals
Pain threshold Amount of time to feel pain Level of stimulation required to elicit a pain response Usually does not vary among individuals
Referred pain Characteristic of visceral damage in abdominal organs Signs include: Localized pain to specific area Generalized pain Pain perceived a distant site from source
Hyponatremia Low levels of sodium in the blood Caused by excess water in relation to solute Causes: Diuretic use Diarrhea Heart failure Liver disease Renal disease SIADH
Elevated parathyroid hormone Also known as hyperparathyroidism Results in hypercalcemia Forceful cardiac contractions Osteoporosis Predisposition to kidney stones Causes: Tumor Secondary to renal failure Paraneoplastic syndrome (cancer)
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) Occurs in insulin dependent clients More commonly seen in type 1 diabetes Results from insufficient insulin in the blood and high blood glucose levels May be initiated by infection or stress May result from error in dosage, infection, change in di
Gout Results from deposits of uric acid and crystals in the joint Causes inflammation Due to: Inadequate renal excretion Chemotherapy Metabolic abnormality Genetic factors Formation of tophus Large, hard nodule of urate crystals
Osteoporosis People ages 50+ Decreased mobility or sedentary lifestyle Hormonal factor Excess corticosteroids or PTH Deficit in estrogen or testosterone Deficits in calcium, vitamin D or protein Smoking Small, light bone structure Asian or European desce
Anemia in renal failure Diseased and damaged kidneys do not make enough erythropoietin Leads to a decrease in RBC secreted from bone marrow causing anemia Blood loss from hemodialysis Low levels of nutrients in food such as iron
Salmonella poisoning Caused by an infection with a microbe Usually due to raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs or egg products
Senescence Condition of process of deterioration with age Loss of cells power of division and growth Leads to gradual deterioration of function characteristics
Presbyopia Farsightedness Gradual, age-related loss of eye function
Countrecoup Type of head injury Area of the brain contralateral to the site of damage is injured As brain bounces off of the skull May be secondary to acceleration or deceleration injuries
Coup Type of head injury Front of head is hurt Example: hitting head off of dashboard in car accident
Limbic system Consist of many nuclei and connecting fivers Responsible for emotional reactions or feelings
Endorphins Hormone produced by the pituitary gland (CNS) Physiological functions Activate the body's opiate receptors Cause analgesic effect
Hyponatremia Low levels of sodium in the blood Caused by excess water in relation to solute Causes: Diuretic use Diarrhea Heart failure Liver disease Renal disease SIADH
Elevated parathyroid hormone
Created by: nrakityan
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