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Wound Care

Define the term wound. Damaged skin or soft tissue.
Name three phases of wound repair. Inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.
Identify five signs and symptoms classically associated with the inflammatory response. Swelling, redness, warmth, pain, and decreased function.
Discuss the purpose of phagocytosis, including the two types of cells involved. Phagocytosis, a process that removes pathogens, coagulated blood, and cellular debris, is performed by white blood cells known as neutrophils and monocytes.
Name three ways in which the integrity of a wound is restored. Resolution, regeneration, or scar formation.
Explain first, second, and third intention healing. First- also called primary intention, the wound edges are directly next to each other. Second, wound edges are widely separated, more time consuming. Third, - wound edges are intentionally left widely separated and later brought together by a closure.
Name two types of wounds. Pressure ulcers and surgical wounds.
State at least three purposes for using a dressing. Keeping wounds clean, absorbing drainage, and controlling bleeding. types of dressings include: gauze, transparent, hydrocolloid, hydrogel, and alginate dressings.
Explain the rationale for keeping wounds moist. A moist wound heals more quickly because new cells grow more rapidly in a wet environment.
Describe two types of drains, including the purpose of each. Open and closed. Open drains are flat, flexible tubes that provide a pathway for drainage toward the dressing. Closed drains are tubes that terminate in a receptacle. They pull fluid by creating a vaccum or negative pressure.
Name the two major methods for securing surgical wounds together until they heal. Sutures or staples hold the edges of an incision together.
Explain three reasons for using a bandage or a binder. A bandage or a binder helps to hold a dressing in place, especially when tape cannot be used or the dressing is extremely large; reduces pain by supporting the wound; or limits movement to promote healing.
Discuss the purpose for using one type of binder. A T-binder is used to secure a dressing to the anus, perineum, or groin.
Give examples of four methods used to remove nonliving tissue from a wound. Sharp debridement, enzymatic debridement, autolytic debridement, and mechanical debridement.
List three commonly irrigated structures. Eye, ear, or vagina.
State two uses for applying heat and cold. Heat is applied to promote circulation and speed healing; cold is used to prevent swelling and control bleeding.
Identify at least four methods for applying heat and cold. Ice bags, compresses, soaks, and therapeutic baths.
List at least five risk factors for developing pressure ulcers. Inactivity, immobility, malnutrition, dehydration, and incontinence.
Discuss three techniques for preventing pressure ulcers. Changing client's positions every 1 to 2 hours, keeping the skin clean and dry, and preventing friction and shearing force on the skin.
Created by: Jessica Venyke
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