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Mental Health 2

Care of the Chemically Impaired

_______ ______ is a neurotoxic phenomenon associated with the use of MDA and MDMA. serotonin syndrome
Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include anxiety/panic, hyponatremia, and hyperthermia
The a ________ in MDA abd MDMA drugs elevates the heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. amphetamine
What are the most common substances abused by young people alchohol and tobacco
Experiences in which memories are lost within minutes. blackouts
_______ are most associated with acute or chronic use of alcohol and Rohypnol, an illicit benzodiazepine. blackouts
Substance abuse and dependence are diseases, but they are subject to social stigmas
What is the most commonly used defense mechanism for persons with substance abuse and dependence? denial
______ is a high risk for patients with substance abuse problems. suicide
______ abusers may experience extreme weight loss and malnutrition, myocardial infarction, and stroke. cocaine
_______ ______ users have a higher incidence of infections and sclerosing of veins. IV Drug
_____ users may have sinusitis and a perforated nasal septum. intranasal
Addiction is characterized by what three things? Loss of control of substance consumption; substance use despite associated problems;tendency to relapse.
The reason one person becomes addicted and another does not is related to what factors? Physical, developmental, psychosocial, and environmental.
_______ is 3-4 times more likely to occur in children of _______ parents than in children of ________ parents. alcoholism, alcoholic, nonalcoholic
The main neurotransmitter systems that are effects by alcohol and drug use are: Opiod, catecholamine (especially dopamine), and the GABA systems.
Opiod drugs act on ________ opiod receptors. opioid
Alcohola and other CNS depressants act on ______ receptors. GABA
Cocaine and amphetamines act on the _______ receptor system. dopamine
What psychodynamic factors contribute to an addictive personality? Lack of: tolerance for frustration and pain; success in life; affectionate and meaningful relationships;low self-esteem, lack of self-regard; risk taking propensity.
Persons who are poly users are more likely to report ____ _____ than are persons who abuse alcohol. an unstable childhood
A need for higher and higher doses to achieve the desired effect. tolerance
This occurs after a long period of continued use whe stopping or reducing use results in specific physical and psychological signs and symptoms. withdrawal
Transitory recurrences of perceptual disturbance caused by a person's earlier hallucinogenic drug use when he or she is in a drug-free state. flashbacks
Visual distortions, time expansion, loss of ego boundaries, and intense emotions are examples of flashbacks
When drugs are taken together and the effect of either or both of the drugs is intensified or prolonged. synergistic effects
Taking two CNS depressants (i.e. alchohol and benzodiazapines; alcohol and an opiate; alcohol and a barbituate) together will result in far greater _____ _____ than the simple sum of the effects of each drug. CNS depression
Combining drugs to weaken or inhibit the effect of one of the drugs is called antagonistic effect
______ is when heroin is mixed with cocaine. speedball
A cluster of behaviors originally identified through research involving the families of alcoholic clients. codependence
People who are ______ often exhibit overesponsible behavior - doing for others what others could just as well do for themselves. codependent
What are the two questions that are asked to detect problems with drugs or alcohol? In the last year, have you ever drunk or used drugs more than you meant to? Have you felt you wanted or needed to cut down on your drinking or drug uses in the last year?
______ is a high risk for patients with substance abuse problems. suicide
______ abusers may experience extreme weight loss and malnutrition, myocardial infarction, and stroke. cocaine
_______ ______ users have a higher incidence of infections and sclerosing of veins. IV Drug
_____ users may have sinusitis and a perforated nasal septum. intranasal
Addiction is characterized by what three things? Loss of control of substance consumption; substance use despite associated problems;tendency to relapse.
The reason one person becomes addicted and another does not is related to what factors? Physical, developmental, psychosocial, and environmental.
_______ is 3-4 times more likely to occur in children of _______ parents than in children of ________ parents. alcoholism, alcoholic, nonalcoholic
The main neurotransmitter systems that are effects by alcohol and drug use are: Opiod, catecholamine (especially dopamine), and the GABA systems.
Opiod drugs act on ________ opiod receptors. opioid
Alcohola and other CNS depressants act on ______ receptors. GABA
Cocaine and amphetamines act on the _______ receptor system. dopamine
What psychodynamic factors contribute to an addictive personality? Lack of: tolerance for frustration and pain; success in life; affectionate and meaningful relationships;low self-esteem, lack of self-regard; risk taking propensity.
Persons who are poly users are more likely to report ____ _____ than are persons who abuse alcohol. an unstable childhood
A need for higher and higher doses to achieve the desired effect. tolerance
This occurs after a long period of continued use whe stopping or reducing use results in specific physical and psychological signs and symptoms. withdrawal
Transitory recurrences of perceptual disturbance caused by a person's earlier hallucinogenic drug use when he or she is in a drug-free state. flashbacks
Visual distortions, time expansion, loss of ego boundaries, and intense emotions are examples of flashbacks
When drugs are taken together and the effect of either or both of the drugs is intensified or prolonged. synergistic effects
Taking two CNS depressants (i.e. alchohol and benzodiazapines; alcohol and an opiate; alcohol and a barbituate) together will result in far greater _____ _____ than the simple sum of the effects of each drug. CNS depression
Combining drugs to weaken or inhibit the effect of one of the drugs is called antagonistic effect
______ is when heroin is mixed with cocaine. speedball
A cluster of behaviors originally identified through research involving the families of alcoholic clients. codependence
People who are ______ often exhibit overesponsible behavior - doing for others what others could just as well do for themselves. codependent
What are the two questions that are asked to detect problems with drugs or alcohol? In the last year, have you ever drunk or used drugs more than you meant to? Have you felt you wanted or needed to cut down on your drinking or drug uses in the last year?
What are the neurological signs of acute alcohol intoxicationa and withdrawal? Pupil size, equality, and reaction to light.
What are the psychological characteristics associated with substance abuse? Denial, depression, and various psychiatric disorders.
CNS depressant drugs include: alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates
What should be done for the patient who overdoses on CNS depressants is they are awake? Keep awake; induce vomiting; give activated charcoal; VS Q15 minutes.
What should be done for the patient who overdoses on CNs depressants if they are in a coma? Clear the airway; insert endotracheal tube; give IV fluids; gastric lavage with activated charcoal; check VS frequently for shock and cardiac arrest; initiate seizure precautions; administer flumazenil (Romazicon).
What should be done for the patient experiencing withdrawal from CNS depressants? Perform carefully titrated detoxification with similar drug. Abrupt withdrawal can lead to death.
The early signs of alcohol withdrawal develop within ________ after cessationor reduction of alcohol intake. a few hours
Alcohol withdrawal sights peak after ______ and then rapidly and dramatically disappear. 24-48 hours
Misinterpretation of objects in the environment, usually of a threatening nature. illusions
This is considered a medical emergency and can result in death even if treated. alcohol withdrawal delirium
In wlcohol withdrawal delirium, death is usually due to: sepsis, myocardial infarction, fat embolism, peripheral vascualr collapse, electrolyte imbalance, aspiratiion pneumonia, or suicide.
In addition to anxiety, insomnia, anorexia, and delirium, features include: tachycardia, diaphoresis, elevated BP,disorientation, clouding of consciousness, visual or tactile hallucinations, loc's ranging from hyperexcitability to lethargy, paranoid delusions, agitated behaviors, and fever.
What treatment would a patient who is experiencing withdrawal of a cocaine or crack (CNS stimulant) receive? Antidepressants, dopamine agonist, and bromocriptine.
What treatment would a patient who is experiencing withdrawal of amphetamines (CNS stimulant) receive? Antidepressants, dopamine agonist, and bromocriptine. (same as cocaine or crack)
Common signs of stimulant abuse include: dilation of the pupils,dryness of the oronasal cavity, and excessive motor activity.
When a person who has ingested a stimulant experiences chest pain, has an irregular pulse, or has a history of hear trouble, the person should be taken to an emergency department immediately
_______exerts two main effects on the body, anesthetic and stimulant. cocaine
Cocaine produces and imbalance of what neurotransmitters? norepinephrine and serotonin
Physical withdrawal symptoms of _______ are depression, paranoia, lethargy, anxiety, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, sweating and chills. cocaine
_______ can act as a stimulant, depressant, or tranquilizer. nicotine
What are successful treatments for individuals during smoking cessation? Wellbutrin (Zyban) and nicotine replacement
What are the opiate drug classes? opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, fentanyl, methadone, and meperidine.
What treatments will the patient experiencing opiate withdrawal receive? Methadone tapering, Clonidine-naltrexone detoxification, Buprenorphine substitution.
What treatment will the patient who has overdosed on an opiate receive? Narcotic antagonist such as Narcan to quickly reverse CNS depression.
____ is the active ingredient found in the resin secreted from the flowering tops and leaves of the cannabis plant. THC
______ has mixed depressive and hallucinogenic properties. THC
These three drugs are hallucinogens. LSD, mescalline (peyote), and psilocybin (magic mushroom).
The signs and symptoms of ________ intoxication range from acute anxiety to tacute psychosis. PCP
Chronic use of PCP can result in long-term effects such as: dulled thinking, lethargy, loss of impulse control, poor memory, and depression.
Drugs like this one produce subjective effects resembling those of stimulants and hallucinogens. Ecstasy, MDMA, MDA, or MDE
Adverse effectes of MDMA (ecstasy) are: hypothermia, heart failure, and kidney failure
The drugs most frequently used to facilitate a sexual assault are flunitrazepam
This date rape drug is a fast acting benzodiazepine flunitrazepam
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